LB Damien Wilson Arrested on Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge

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Keep going, you have an audience, probably bigger than you think.

I don't have an axe to grind and in the interest of full disclosure I can say that I hated Wades soft approach to discipline/accountability and was supportive of Garrett when he became HC

But at some point one has to actually look at the evidence and conclude that Garrett is just as bad as Wade at discipline and worse in terms of results despite years and years of latitude for so called "team building"

There is nothing wrong with actually pointing the finger at those responsible for the continued mediocrity of this team
Yes, most felony arrests are completely bogus and "work out for the best." And Commisioner Goodell usually laughs them off. I feel better.
I'm not saying he's not in hot water. But his potential absence from the team is of marginal impact to the team. Your sarcastic snide remarks are par for the course on this forum. Chill and stop over reacting.
Just goes to the entitlement mentality. I'm sure there were other places to park but he felt above everyone else there so he could just take whatever spot he wanted even if others were already using it to tailgate. I hope the part about the gun is not true. That's really the only part that bothers me except him being an entitled jerk. Even if he bumped a lady with the car, I'm sure it was not intentional and that really wouldn't be a big deal in the long run. The part about the gun is a problem unless its legal and he was being threatened. Why would anyone want to park and leave their car next to a group of people you just got into a heated argument with? He should have just moved on, found another spot, and enjoyed the event.
To demonstrate how dumb and pointless this probably is, it supposedly was over a parking dispute and Wilson grabbing a semi-automatic rifle from his vehicle.
Well,that screams volumes of his mental makeup right there,,, as everybody in the hood knows that Flame throwers are the go to gat for settling parking/traffic disputes!,,,, what a Maroon, Sheese.
Well,that screams volumes of his mental makeup right there,,, as everybody in the hood knows that Flame throwers are the go to gat for settling parking/traffic disputes!,,,, what a Maroon, Sheese.
Maybe the vehicle is the deadly weapon ?
Well,that screams volumes of his mental makeup right there,,, as everybody in the hood knows that Flame throwers are the go to gat for settling parking/traffic disputes!,,,, what a Maroon, Sheese.


I remember when we went for bivouac and weapons training. We left Ft Bliss El Paso and went to McGregor Missle range in New Mexico. They had some old signs up for different training areas as we would march by them.

One was an old Flame Thrower training course area. I I bet that held some good stories lol.
Just goes to the entitlement mentality. I'm sure there were other places to park but he felt above everyone else there so he could just take whatever spot he wanted even if others were already using it to tailgate. I hope the part about the gun is not true. That's really the only part that bothers me except him being an entitled jerk. Even if he bumped a lady with the car, I'm sure it was not intentional and that really wouldn't be a big deal in the long run. The part about the gun is a problem unless its legal and he was being threatened. Why would anyone want to park and leave their car next to a group of people you just got into a heated argument with? He should have just moved on, found another spot, and enjoyed the event.

Honestly, there's nothing about what we've heard so far that's in any way defensible. A verbal altercation over a parking space, ok. I get that. But at the point you find yourself as an NFL player backing in to a contested spot with a person in the way or in close proximity to your truck, what the hell is it you think you're going to accomplish.

As for drawing a weapon afterward, I mean, come on. That's unforgivably stupid.

I always, always say in these situations that it's smart to wait for the story to come out, and it almost always is. We always have nervous nellies throwing themselves over cliffs with insufficient data around here. It's embarrassing, or it ought to be, and I don't want to be one of them. But if these early reports are true, this one looks like the sort of thing you cut a player over, honestly. Which sucks, because this guy was penciled in as a starter.
In fairness, if you get arrested in the wrong place, you're in the wrong place.

Rosa Parks?

I mean I get your general drift....these guys need to quit putting themselves in situations to get arrested...however the other part of me thought of Rosa Park being arrested because she was in the front instead of the back and how even when someone can be legally arrested at one time, does not always make it right.
Rosa Parks?

I mean I get your general drift....these guys need to quit putting themselves in situations to get arrested...however the other part of me thought of Rosa Park being arrested because she was in the front instead of the back and how even when someone can be legally arrested at one time, does not always make it right.

No real argument from me...especially about Rosa. That was a long, long time ago and much different times. Not that treating any person of color badly is okay. I just have to scratch my head
wondering after what happened to him last season if it makes sense to put yourself in a situation like that. Why not just drive home and not take the risk of losing your career. Now he has to
go to the back of the cue for a job at Walmart. Sad indeed!
Wilson, you are a coward of have to be the toughest in the pack of dogs. Not, packing the biggest piece.

You aren't a good team member, thinking you TOO are above law of human nature and team building. You just failed an easy class in Jason Garrett/Rod Marinelli 101.

See you sucker...this fan just doesn't want you. Let the door hit you in the butt as you run away.
A classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong

It is not even about a spot being stolen. If the reports are correct, he actually asked to take a spot from tailgaters and argument ensues and he still tries to take the spot and hits a person, then gets a weapon when things get heated. If any of it is true, it was a completely moronic and unreasonable reaction that you cannot excuse.
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