LB Damien Wilson Arrested on Aggravated Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge

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If you look at actual statistics such as the Cowboys are below average in number of arrests compared to most other teams since 2000

I assume since the "blind Jerry and Jason apologists" need to wake up and admit this issue, the "blind Kraft and Belichick" apologists need to as well since they have more arrests. As well as the Carroll apologists, the Tomlin apologists, the McCarthy apologists...


Well stated. Good day sir.
C'mon man!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Children with tons of $$$$$ Need Babysitters!!!!!!

It's Jerry's fault...:p
You gotta just shake your head at the stupidity of some of these players.
That and the amount of speed some fly into a thread to bash this or that coach or owner it is a wonder they don't have to call the ambulance for whiplash.
The idea that you can fill a 53 man NFL (you know, a very physical, tough, and even violent sport) roster with perfect little angels is asinine. You can't expect Jerry and Jason to hold their hands (hell, they actually have with players who had the talent to warrant it) every day. From a talent perspective, Wilson was looking like he had great value, especially considering the team's minimal investment in him. It sucks every time a player is suspended but there is way too much misplaced blame at JJ and JG every time one of these guys screws up. To my knowledge he had no history of prior issues when he came here. There are 3 signings you can say were hypocritical when it comes to the RKG mantra: R. McClain, Gregory, and Hardy. The front office knew they all had issues but signed them anyway. But they've also had plenty of success stories with troubled players, so I'm fine with the risks for the most part. Every other team has these issues, this is the Cowboys so A) they seem more frequent to us Cowboys fans and B) get more media buzz because again, this is the Cowboys.

Bill Bellichick says hi
Pease just stop making excuses
Other teams are able to discipline their players and hold them accountable

Are they playing under different rules?
I don't think so

The culprits are jerry and Jason
Blind jerry and Garrett apologists need to wake up and admit this
Name one excuse I gave. No excuses necessary. Every team has off the field incidents. Every team has its share of knuckleheads. The Cowboys are just more high profile.
Name one excuse I gave. No excuses necessary. Every team has off the field incidents. Every team has its share of knuckleheads. The Cowboys are just more high profile.

He is not looking for an excuse YOU gave...he came in with a case of whiplash looking for any EXCUSE for HIM to bash on Jason and or the FO.
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