Lions Own Poachers

Hahaha...I saw this article earlier today and got a good chuckle, nice thread OP. Too bad the lions didn’t get that cunny who killed the black giraffe.

I used to hunt, not so much anymore and although I don’t have a problem with some types of hunting...the big game “trophy” hunting and poaching really pisses me off.
Hahaha...I saw this article earlier today and got a good chuckle, nice thread OP. Too bad the lions didn’t get that cunny who killed the black giraffe.

I used to hunt, not so much anymore and although I don’t have a problem with some types of hunting...the big game “trophy” hunting and poaching really pisses me off.

I don't mind hunting, but the trophy hunting and poaching pos me too. Use what you hunt. I'm glad that the lions took a stand against the poachers.

Seriously, those front hooves can shred flesh& blood to ribbons and those antler tines can poke yer' gizzard ,,,dude should've went for his belt knife and gave himself a fighting chance & that buck something to back off from,,, you would just about have to put a death grip on it's antlers in trying to keeps it head down& feet on the ground,,,, ever since I had 8 Mexican drug mules cut across my back trail 20 yards away while archery deer hunting, I've carried a pistol in my back pocketo_O
Poachers are the most disgusting humans amongst us....
Worse than pedophiles,,,eh?
I swear, you people with a mouthy over inflated sense of your self righteous indignation are astoundingly hilarious in many aspects of ponderable areas of thought,,,, I'm one of the most staunchly fierce defenders of wildlife & their habit yer likely to ever cut trail of,,,but some of these posts are beyond preposterous o_O
Worse than pedophiles,,,eh?
I swear, you people with a mouthy over inflated sense of your self righteous indignation are astoundingly hilarious in many aspects of ponderable areas of thought,,,, I'm one of the most staunchly fierce defenders of wildlife & their habit yer likely to ever cut trail of,,,but some of these posts are beyond preposterous o_O

He said among the most disgusting.
I agree. We need to protect those majestic animals. My favourite vacation spot is the Canadian Rockies because they have so many beautiful majestic animals....the world would suck if we didn't have animals...

I agree. It'd be far too lonely. Especially with how awesome a lot of these animals are. A world without lions would SUCK for example.
What's funny ! is if anybody posting in this thread were forced to harvest a rabbit or hook a mess of fish without a valid license in order to eat that day is they, themselves immediately catapulted into that most evil & detestable poacher category,,,pathetic is an aptly appropriate word that comes to my mindo_O
I agree 100%. I am also not a fan of zoos anymore. Like most people I've been to zoos. What do you think of zoos?

On one hand, I don't like the idea of animals in a cage. On the other hand, they DO provide a service for animals in terms of allowing people to see animals up front and personal. Additionally, they do help keep the species around as best as they can. So, in that sense, I don't hate them, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of them.
On one hand, I don't like the idea of animals in a cage. On the other hand, they DO provide a service for animals in terms of allowing people to see animals up front and personal. Additionally, they do help keep the species around as best as they can. So, in that sense, I don't hate them, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of them.

I do think zoos do a good job of educating people about endangered species and species at they are not all bad.
What's funny ! is if anybody posting in this thread were forced to harvest a rabbit or hook a mess of fish without a valid license in order to eat that day is they, themselves immediately catapulted into that most evil & detestable poacher category,,,pathetic is an aptly appropriate word that comes to my mindo_O

I don't think anyone really cares about deer, rabbit, small game, fish, etc liscenced or not. It is the poachers cutting off a rhino horn leaving it to die or those who kill gorillas, elephants and lions to sell meat on the black market that are despicable. Those are unsustainable populations that will go extinct real soon. Some already have in the last few decades.....Northern White Rhino being one.

Again, I do not care if you go poach deer or whatever because they are in abundance. So, have at it and send me some venison!
On one hand, I don't like the idea of animals in a cage. On the other hand, they DO provide a service for animals in terms of allowing people to see animals up front and personal. Additionally, they do help keep the species around as best as they can. So, in that sense, I don't hate them, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of them.

Zoos are very important now for some species survival and conservation. Not so much in the past though, they did a 180 in most cases.

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