Lions Own Poachers

Silver Surfer

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Let me say this first, I loathe poachers. Not only are they killing, they're stealing from the public and/or landowners as well. I know of one instance where a prick went into Yellowstone and poached elk while filming it for a major sporting goods manufacturer. The elk had never been hunted before and had no idea what was happening or what to do. Obviously, the sponsor was not aware where the poaching took place, but a ranger saw the film and recognized the bull. The guy got off easy. As far as I'm concerned, not only should he have been fined into oblivion; he should have done hard time.

That being said, with respect to these endangered species, why isn't anybody calling out, ostracizing or punishing the people who are creating the demand for poaching? Why aren't we condemning the people who consume the items driving the poachers to kill? If there were no demand for those items, isn't fair to assume that the poaching would decrease substantially?

I don't pretend to know the economic situations of the people doing the poaching, but I can certainly understand the motivation if the person is poor. Its easy for us, sitting in the comfort of our own home and typing on our computer to talk about the majesty of wildlife and the travesty of poaching. What if you or your kids were starving? Would you poach to feed them? Its not much, if any, different than the motivation to immigrate from Central America or Mexico to the U.S. and we're seeing that happen by the millions.
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Let me say this first, I loathe poachers. Not only are they killing, they're stealing from the public and/or landowners as well. I know of one instance where a prick went into Yellowstone and poached elk while filming it for a major sporting goods manufacturer. The elk had never been hunted before and had no idea what was happening or what to do. Obviously, the sponsor was not aware where the poaching took place, but a ranger saw the film and recognized the bull. The guy got off easy. As far as I'm concerned, not only should he have been fined into oblivion; he should have done hard time.

That being said, with respect to these endangered species, why isn't anybody calling out, ostracizing or punishing the people who are creating the demand for poaching? Why aren't we condemning the people who consume the items driving the poachers to kill? If there were no demand for those items, isn't fair to assume that the poaching would decrease substantially?

I don't pretend to know the economic situations of the people doing the poaching, but I can certainly understand the motivation if the person is poor. Its easy for us, sitting in the comfort of our own home and typing on our computer to talk about the majesty of wildlife and the travesty of poaching. What if you or your kids were starving? Would you poach to feed them? Its not much, if any, different than the motivation to immigrate from Central America or Mexico to the U.S. and we're seeing that happen by the millions.

I agree with you there too. Those that demand the services of these poachers are at fault too.

Denim Chicken

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Denim Chicken

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Why do you post this? What's the story, Denim?

I wish I was holding his head like that magnificent antler he hacked off.

He probably didn't even eat the meat. Paid 10K to kill an ibex or whatever gorgeous animal that is, and went home to high-five his buds.

Dayum, to be able to have "a 5 minute conversation" face-to-face with this guy.

That is Donald Trump Jr holding an elephant tail


Kellen Moore baby
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I want to use this thread to say, if you go to circuses that have animals performing, you are supporting the most inhumane people in existence. Same with trophy exotic game hunters.

I eat meat, love to hunt, have a slew of friends that are hunters... even coyote "pred" hunters I call friends, and see their pov...

the circus with animals is a no-go. From their housing of large cats and bears, to the hooks they use to claw at the trunk and back of ears of elephants to train them. They are disgusting. I get great joy from elephants that fight back and turn their conductors into a bag of smashed bones. Sadly, that usually results in the death of the majestic fauna.

Also, if you eat at Jimmy Johns, you are supporting a filthy person who was too fat and slovenly to go to war, so he has waged war on endangered species.

I am not some PETA-thumper, but when they wage war on said folks, I wish it was with 11th ACR leading the way. They'd dispatch him accordingly.


Kellen Moore baby
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That is Donald Trump Jr holding an elephant tail
Ok, this is a no-go discourse wise. I hope your post stays up. I wont comment more so as not to get it deleted.

Still, Jr or not, we should be able to say that that is nasty. An elephant's tail with that ish eating grin.

There's less than 50K elephants, total world-wide, in the wild.

Denim Chicken

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Ok, this is a no-go discourse wise. I hope your post stays up. I wont comment more so as not to get it deleted.

Still, Jr or not, we should be able to say that that is nasty. An elephant's tail with that ish eating grin.

There's less than 50K elephants, total world-wide, in the wild.

His Dad relaxed the restrictions on the import on elephant trophies which encourages hunting. I posted the article. It's sad, these are beautiful animals.



Kellen Moore baby
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Can we please stray away from the politics? I don't want this thread getting shut down.
So far, so good. No politics, just discussing WILD CAT/MEGA FAUNA/ENDANGERED SPECIES hunters being called out by those who care about this sort of thing.

I do agree, Furry, let's not devolve this into politics. I haven't seen it on this page, at least.

Denim, you're doing a great job man.


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So far, so good. No politics, just discussing hunters being called out by those who care about this sort of thing.

I do agree, Furry, let's not devolve this into politics. I haven't seen it on this page, at least.

Denim, you're doing a great job man.

Fair enough, just making sure we don't get this get shut down lol.


Kellen Moore baby
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I love hearing stories of poachers having the back of their heads caved out by .308 200gr rifles.

Wish I could volunteer for it, I'd do it for free. Alas, African continent relative to NA geography and how it would take me away from my son makes it a no-go. Maybe when he turns 18.

I have buddies that do or have done work for Blackwater, Academi, ICTS, Aegis, Northrop, and other contractors all over the globe, that would be rad if they had an endangered animal conservatory branch.


Well-Known Member
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I love hearing stories of poachers having the back of their heads caved out by .308 200gr rifles.

Wish I could volunteer for it, I'd do it for free. Alas, African continent relative to NA geography and how it would take me away from my son makes it a no-go. Maybe when he turns 18.

I have buddies that do or have done work for Blackwater, Academi, ICTS, Aegis, Northrop, and other contractors all over the globe, that would be rad if they had an endangered animal conservatory branch.

I'd tag along.


Safety third
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I despise poachers as much as anyone. I also have little respect for trophy hunters. I'm a life long hunter and meat eater and if I'm not going to eat it I'm not going to kill it. I have no desire to have any mounts on my walls.

This is not intended in any way to touch on the political aspect of this picture. Not sure why you even posted it as it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, poaching.

Having said all that, here is a good article on the truth about this picture and on big game safari hunting in general.

Denim Chicken

Well-Known Member
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I despise poachers as much as anyone. I also have little respect for trophy hunters. I'm a life long hunter and meat eater and if I'm not going to eat it I'm not going to kill it. I have no desire to have any mounts on my walls.

This is not intended in any way to touch on the political aspect of this picture. Not sure why you even posted it as it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, poaching.

Having said all that, here is a good article on the truth about this picture and on big game safari hunting in general.

Regardless of the legality of the hunt, I believe it speaks to the nature of an individual who gets their kicks from "hunting" and killing one of these majestic beasts. Additionally, his father has emboldened poachers by relaxing restrictions on the import of elephant trophies. I'm not anti-hunting in general, but trophy hunting just screams of entitled, rich arseholes with zero self awareness and even less virtue.


Kellen Moore baby
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Bravo! That’s one for the kitty’s!
It made me smile, Aria.

Thanks, Denim.

Hunters that want to hunt something "exotic" -- I offer myself. A human. Doesn't get more "exotic" than that. Think The Most Dangerous Game. Except the artillery I have in my safe, and how much more trained and able I am at stocking you, than you me.

******* pigs. Killing off the very last of our majestic beasts.

******* pigs.

