Adult Language Lions WR Amon-Ra St. Brown and Cowboys CB Jourdan Lewis trading barbs; Cowboys host Lions Week 6


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but everyone seemed to (and still seem to) ignore the fact that if the correct number had been announced, the Cowboys would have guarded that player.
See but we don't know that so it can't be fact. We were kept from knowing if the Cowboys would have fallen for the 58, 68, and oh by the way 70 okidoke which was the entire point of their scheme to test the defense with. So no one can ignore something that was never given the chance to be in the first place. At least now I'm seeing where people are admitting that the refs messed it up because they were ref-lovin' deniers the night of the game, lol.


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See but we don't know that so it can't be fact. We were kept from knowing if the Cowboys would have fallen for the 58, 68, and oh by the way 70 okidoke which was the entire point of their scheme to test the defense with. So no one can ignore something that was never given the chance to be in the first place. At least now I'm seeing where people are admitting that the refs messed it up because they were ref-lovin' deniers the night of the game, lol.
I said in one of my earlier posts it would have been interesting to see how it played out had the right number been announced to the defense.

The Cowboys would have guarded the right player had the right player number been announced, but that does not mean they would have stopped the conversion.

In any case, the Lions should have taken the extra point when they were backed up after the flag was thrown.


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If you are saying the defense was told to guard the wrong guy, then you are clearly blaming the Official who announced it.
That's because he was guilty. Most people who can examine the evidence out there with an open mind know what the Lions' plans were and that the ref screwed it up, especially given he avoided a question about the scenario after the game (remember that point you keep avoiding?). I know a lot of folks don't ever want to admit the refs help us with their mistakes so they can claim conspiracy against us later as a failsafe for losing but you are doing a poor job convincing us you're not one of those people.


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I said in one of my earlier posts it would have been interesting to see how it played out had the right number been announced to the defense.

The Cowboys would have guarded the right player had the right player number been announced, but that does not mean they would have stopped the conversion.

In any case, the Lions should have taken the extra point when they were backed up after the flag was thrown.
They stopped them twice after their attempt to cheat.

I guess the only chance they had was if the refs helped them trick the Cowboys


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That's because he was guilty. Most people who can examine the evidence out there with an open mind know what the Lions' plans were and that the ref screwed it up, especially given he avoided a question about the scenario after the game (remember that point you keep avoiding?). I know a lot of folks don't ever want to admit the refs help us with their mistakes so they can claim conspiracy against us later as a failsafe for losing but you are doing a poor job convincing us you're not one of those people.
Not even close. Every knows there plan was to confuse, distract and an attempt to cheat.

The rule of announcing it to the entire world is to make sure it absolutely does confuse the defense.


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I don't care what anyone says, Dallas was gift wrapped that game by the refs. Words were said out there to the refs that nobody will know. It turned out for the better anyways because playing GB exposed that it wasn't all SFs defense to blame for Daks poor play. I hope Detroit comes into Dallas and gives them the beat down they deserve.
No one cares what you have to say either.

Apparently nobody knows what hat was said accept you correct?

The entire world does know that 70 was reported to the defense and over the loud speaker.


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Not even close. Every knows there plan was to confuse, distract and an attempt to cheat.

The rule of announcing it to the entire world is to make sure it absolutely does confuse the defense.
An "attempt to cheat" that the refs were cool with before the game. Riiiiiiight. If it was cheating it wouldn't have been blessed pre-game. Forgetting the blessing is the mistake the refs made. But your ref-lovin' ways will never let you see it. Lol.


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An "attempt to cheat" that the refs were cool with before the game. Riiiiiiight. If it was cheating it wouldn't have been blessed pre-game. Forgetting the blessing is the mistake the refs made. But your ref-lovin' ways will never let you see it. Lol.
Dumb Dan wanted a meeting ro explain his plan. That does not mean the Officials have to agree to it does it? Apparently Dumb Dan thought the meeting was his get out of jail free card.

So if I go teal the police I am going to rob a bank. Then 3.5 hours later when I rob a bank, should I be surprise when I get arrested?


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Here's one I pulled for you. The KC-Green Bay game last year where everyone in the world knew that there was PI at the end of the game against Green Bay that should have given KC the ball deep in GB territory. Here, the very same official was the crew chief and answers direct questions with, "Nah, that other official there didn't see nuthin', " lol. But even though he deflected to the official whose call it was in each case, he didn't avoid the questions that were thrown at him.

Now compare that to what he answered when he was asked what Decker said to him and totally avoids the question entirely. Do you see the difference?

i mean thats seems like a pretty clrear explenation, literally said 70 reported the other did not, so your argument is the ref is lying? I think i said the most likley scenario is the refs told the lions before the game how they need to report this play and they decided to do it wrong trying to trick the Cowboys...they wanted to report 2 guys and say "70 doesnt have to report so it just 68 and im sure the refs said NO the first guy reporting is it"


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The refs made a mistake. They announced the wrong player as being eligible. The Lions had a chance to adjust to that, but they didn't. They decided to run the play anyway and drew the penalty. There was no other choice for the refs to do, but to enforce this penalty based on the circumstances. Had the refs announced the other lineman player as eligible, Dallas would have had to adjust their defense to match that scenario. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. We won't know. We do know, the Dallas defense covered who was announced as eligible. We also know the Lions didn't do anything to adjust to the refs announcing the wrong player being announced as eligible. That inability to adapt cost the Lions on that play. They then couldn't convert their next couple of opportunities. They also couldn't hold a sizable lead in the playoffs.


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i mean thats seems like a pretty clrear explenation, literally said 70 reported the other did not, so your argument is the ref is lying? I think i said the most likley scenario is the refs told the lions before the game how they need to report this play and they decided to do it wrong trying to trick the Cowboys...they wanted to report 2 guys and say "70 doesnt have to report so it just 68 and im sure the refs said NO the first guy reporting is it"
He answered a question he wasn't asked while changing the subject. Are you denying that?


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Dumb Dan wanted a meeting ro explain his plan. That does not mean the Officials have to agree to it does it? Apparently Dumb Dan thought the meeting was his get out of jail free card.

So if I go teal the police I am going to rob a bank. Then 3.5 hours later when I rob a bank, should I be surprise when I get arrested?
Dan says he cleared it with them before the game. According to the analysts who reviewed the scenarios and have played in the NFL, this is a regular practice with refs. If the officials said he could not do it, he would not have attempted it and would not have been mad if it was his team that messed it up. But the officials did. This is not hard to see if one is not trying to avoid seeing it. But here you are.


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He answered a question he wasn't asked while changing the subject. Are you denying that?
the question posted was about why an illegal touch was called, from what was posted i think he answered it very direct, 70 reported and 68 did not.. how was that changing the subject? 68 was called for an illegal touch because he didnt report and 70 did. Unless there is more to it not posted thats pretty clear.


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i mean thats seems like a pretty clrear explenation, literally said 70 reported the other did not, so your argument is the ref is lying? I think i said the most likley scenario is the refs told the lions before the game how they need to report this play and they decided to do it wrong trying to trick the Cowboys...they wanted to report 2 guys and say "70 doesnt have to report so it just 68 and im sure the refs said NO the first guy reporting is it"
The official answers and explains it very clearly.

Again what they tried to do was confuse everyone(including the Official) on a Tackle eligible play that has to be announced to the defense and over a loud speaker.

How dumb can Dan Cambell be to think this would work?

He sent 2 lineman 58 and 68 to the Official attempt 1 of Confusion. 68 was giving hand signs, not acknowledge by the Official. Then attempt #2 of confusion 70 runs on the field, not to the huddle, to the Official giving him the same hand signs and he was clearly acknowledge with a hand point from the Official.

Dumb Dam thought, if he then lined up 70 intentionally covered by a TE or another a tackle making him ineligible, that it would be prove that he clearly wanted 68 to be eligible and not 70.

Dan was hoping the Official would announce 70, then think it was their mistake, and allow 68 to win the game without being announced and then not being flagged by the official.

What other explanation can you have? There is no way to trick the defense on this play, when the Official has to tell the Defense who has reported eligible and announce it over the loud speaker.

Dan Cambell is an idiot. End of story.


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Dan says he cleared it with them before the game. According to the analysts who reviewed the scenarios and have played in the NFL, this is a regular practice with refs. If the officials said he could not do it, he would not have attempted it and would not have been mad if it was his team that messed it up. But the officials did. This is not hard to see if one is not trying to avoid seeing it. But here you are.
Dumb Dan can say whatever he wants to say. Dumb Dan also thought he could report 2 Tackels as eligible. Dumb Dan did not fully understand the rules.

Dumb Dan can not explain the following:

1. Why did you send 3 OLineman to the Official?

2 Why did you have 2 players attempt to report to the Official?

3. Why did they not report the exact same way they did successfully several previous times earlier in the game?

4. Why did you think it would confuse the Defense, when the eligible player has to be told to the Defense and announced over a loud speaker?

Dan is an idiot.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Life must be very confusing for Brown. Not knowing whether he's descended from an Egyptian pharaoh or a non-existent Catholic saint - or both.
:laugh: St. Brown is one of my favorite fantasy football players but I never stopped and considered the particulars of his name. Well done. :thumbup:


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The "trick" was to send the same player out there several times during the game to report as eligible and they were hoping when the referee announced the correct number of the eligible player the defense would be distracted and would assume it was the same player as before.

As I have said many times, both today and back when it happened, in their attempt to confuse the defense they confused the referees so Detroit is not without blame.

It is very likely that when Detroit sent multiple players over to the referee that it played a key role in the confusion of the referee.

I think Detroit put too much weight into the before-the-game conversation thinking they could be sloppy with the in-game notification process because they assumed the referees would act on the pre-game-provided information.

I doubt referees think like that during games though because they are so focused on the plays as they happen and likely view the pre-game discussions as nothing more than pre-game rule clarifications.
I still don't understand how it can be confusethe defense. They are told and it is announced.

Confusion would not be the correct word. It would be 100% incompetence. If the defense was told to cover 68, who was not covered and they guarded 70 who was covered.

It seems like they were trying to confuse the Official.