Ok, I'm done with JG. I gave it all I had for him, but the love affair is over. I keep waiting for the light to go on with JG, but after the Chicago game, I finally realized what the problem was. He's missing a lightbulb! Upon further review, and this right after listening to JJ today, I concluded JJ is in permanent blackout mode along with his son. As for Romo, he at least plays with a lightbulb. Unfortunately, it goes off and on a lot. I guess it could be worse. Kiffin doesn't even have a receptacle for one.
Well, what does this mean down the road? Well, I'm no swami, but I heard it takes at least 4 to screw in a lightbulb. My candidates to do that are, Marinelli, Bailey, Murray, and . . . and . . . and . . . I give up. We're doomed.
Yes, I know we're 7-6, and still in the playoff hunt, so why am I throwing in the towel. Those 7 gaudy, impressive wins were against the Rams, Commanders, Giants(2), Vikings(last second win), Eagles, and Raiders. The six losses were to a majority of winning teams, like Denver, Kansas City, New Orleans, Chicago(qb'd by Joe Montana Jr), San Diego, and who could forget the mighty Lions of Detroit.
Therefore, I'm inspired to say, and with greater confidence I might add, that the Dallas Cowboys are coached by a circus of clowns. I really thought JG would learn from his mistakes. My bad. And as down on Romo as I've been, even I know he's being led to the slaughter by incompetency left, right, front and center. Guess who's leading the charge? Right. General George Custer, aka, General Jerry Jones . . . annnd Son.
This tent needs to fold now. We haven't won against a winning team, and since the playoffs generally include teams that are winning, and with highly paid players who actually get out on the field and play no matter what, imho it would be better to have lost, than not to have lost at all.