Looking back: Was it a mistake not to go back to Romo

I wonder how things would have played out in 2016 if Romo got his job back once he became healthy.

Perhaps he could have taken the team all the way to the Superbowl like he almost did in 2014.

Perhaps Romo could have played one more season and Dak would only have 2018 and 2019 as being a starter for this team. His value would most likely be worth less because 2017 was a down year for Dak.

Perhaps he could've got re-injured and Dak would've stepped back in only further proving Romo's durability issues.

But to this day I still think Garrett and Jones did Romo dirty by not giving him his starting job back.

Jason Garrett.....*shivers*
Not a big Dak fan but it absolutely was the correct decision to stick with Dak
Not to mention the bad habits that develop out of necesity, the ones that never seam to go away
I get it ....... seam route, go away, lol.

I no it mite seam necesary to get you're point across butt it stihl is a bad habbitt.
It's crazy to think about Demarco Murray's 2014 season
that was the best season by a dallas RB ever ! I know many wont agree, but I enjoyed it, and breaking jim brown and oj's records
was something even emmitt did not do, and feed me boy will never do.
And after that season the jones boys low balled him lol he went to philly, and that to me led to romo getting hurt and essential
broke up a SB contending team.
Those Jones boys sure are smart!:lmao:
Romo was at the peak of his overall ability. His understanding of the defenses he was facing, decision making, building on what was his best overall season in 2014. It was best case scenario for everyone involved. Romo, Prescott, the team and the fans.

In that moment the experienced vet gave the team the best chance to win. No rookie had ever lead a team to a SB. The offense as a whole was playing at a very high level. More experience and more options at and from the QB position only makes the offense even better. The Cowboys had no chance to win the SB with the rookie. They at least had a chance with the experienced vet. Worst case, Romo is injured and the rook takes over.

Holding a clipboard and watching the vet run the offense at its full potential could have paid off for Dak and the team in the long run. Dak did appear to be the future but Romo was the present and in that time and place it was criminally foolish to not put the best option on the field.

and yet people like Jimmy Johnson disagreed. Romo was at the end, he played 1 series in the 3rd pre season game and once again injured his back. Prime? BS. Dallas made their choice to go with the future of the team a guy who had lead his team to a 13-3 record on the season. No way were they going to pull him. I loved having Romo and wished things would have worked out differently but no way do I pull my season starter who lead this team and then pull him.
So in other words, "we wuz robbed." Like I said, I get it.

The going to the ground rule took precedence over all other catch rules unless a player can execute a lunge. All the parties defending the call mentioned the reach for that very reason. Dez just didn't (see below). There are case plays in the rulebook that explained the rule and were there for all teams to agree to before the season started. But again, because you don't know the rule you just deny, deny, deny as if that makes the black and white rules invalid. It doesn't. Are you going to tell me that Dez took 3 steps next? That's usually the progression of catch theorist logic.


"This is a good illustration of a football move where he gathers himself and now he's gonna lunge. It's clear, it's obvious. He's reaching that ball, extending it, versus just going to the ground with his momentum."​
Yes, robbed. The head of officiating took the game out of the hands of the players. Literally.

Where in the rules does it say that the "going to the ground rule took precedence over all other catch rules unless a player executed a lunge"? Where is a "going to ground rule" defined? What are "other catch rules"? Where does it say what is a "football move"? Going to the ground has no relevance to whether a player catches the ball or not unless the motion to the ground or the ground is the sole reason for why the player doesn't maintain possession through the catch. That is what the rule should have been. Dez caught it, established possession in every way that has been applicable in the previous decades of football--he wouldn't have been able to pull it to his body and reach for the goal line if he didn't--and the only reason he didn't maintain possession through the "act of going to the ground" (whatever that is) is because he was trying to reach for the goal line.

And your link doesn't work.
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and yet people like Jimmy Johnson disagreed. Romo was at the end, he played 1 series in the 3rd pre season game and once again injured his back. Prime? BS. Dallas made their choice to go with the future of the team a guy who had lead his team to a 13-3 record on the season. No way were they going to pull him. I loved having Romo and wished things would have worked out differently but no way do I pull my season starter who lead this team and then pull him.
The results speak for themselves. In his first playoff game Dak failed to take advantage of a defense, secondary in particular, that had no business being on the field in a playoff game. The same defense that was run out of the building the next week by Matt Ryan. I don't say that to fault Dak. It was to be expected from a rookie QB playing over his head in his first playoff run.
that was the best season by a dallas RB ever ! I know many wont agree, but I enjoyed it, and breaking jim brown and oj's records
was something even emmitt did not do, and feed me boy will never do.
And after that season the jones boys low balled him lol he went to philly, and that to me led to romo getting hurt and essential
broke up a SB contending team.
Those Jones boys sure are smart!:lmao:

I like to pile on the Jones’ too, but Romo probably would have gotten hurt anyway.
I don't think it had anything to do with money. I think Jerry and Garrett were just superstitious about "playing the hot hand".
u dont know the jones boys then lol, all they think about is how to make more money.
Football is secondary to them.
They knew dak was cheap and tony was expensive, Dak was young , tony was old.
But they made the decision too soon, I think it was when dak was 9-1? or was it 11-1 so at that point
Dak looked great, but it was too early to say ok your the new franchise qb and tony is bkup to you.

There was no reason to do that other than money.
They could have after they lost to GB, then said ok we will keep tony, and have competition for qb in TC next season,
and either tony will start or dak will.
Had they done that tony would have stayed, and they would have had a great qb duo.
But then the money issue comes in and they wanted to not pay tony any more than they had too, and roll with their new cheap toy dak.

Then when it came time to pay dak , lol the first thing jones boys do is low ball dak,(25 mil a year lol) and that led to the current dilema.
Jones boys worship $ They think about it 24-7 lol.
Maybe, if TR could've stayed healthy, I think we go to the super bowl, but at the time taking Dak out while hot, could've killed the chemistry of the team.
Man I tell ya what...I'm as big of a Romo fan as you'll find....and can;t really fathom anyone tearing him up....but we gotta let this go...SHEESH!
I wonder how things would have played out in 2016 if Romo got his job back once he became healthy.

Perhaps he could have taken the team all the way to the Superbowl like he almost did in 2014.

Perhaps Romo could have played one more season and Dak would only have 2018 and 2019 as being a starter for this team. His value would most likely be worth less because 2017 was a down year for Dak.

Perhaps he could've got re-injured and Dak would've stepped back in only further proving Romo's durability issues.

But to this day I still think Garrett and Jones did Romo dirty by not giving him his starting job back.

Jason Garrett.....*shivers*

It's hard to know. In the end, the defense let the offense down once again in the playoffs. Would Romo have been able to overcome that, maybe playing better earlier in the game than Dak did? Would Romo have even been able to hold up physically?

I think it was a no-win situation. You take the hot hand out and lose and you're wrong. You don't put back in your veteran and you're wrong.

What-ifs can't tell us if it would have worked out any differently.
one thing recent history has borne out is that staying with dak turned out to be the best thing for romo. the 17 million a year, #1 broadcaster is having the best time of his life. couldn't be happier for him.
u dont know the jones boys then lol, all they think about is how to make more money.
Football is secondary to them.
They knew dak was cheap and tony was expensive, Dak was young , tony was old.
But they made the decision too soon, I think it was when dak was 9-1? or was it 11-1 so at that point
Dak looked great, but it was too early to say ok your the new franchise qb and tony is bkup to you.

There was no reason to do that other than money.
They could have after they lost to GB, then said ok we will keep tony, and have competition for qb in TC next season,
and either tony will start or dak will.
Had they done that tony would have stayed, and they would have had a great qb duo.
But then the money issue comes in and they wanted to not pay tony any more than they had too, and roll with their new cheap toy dak.

Then when it came time to pay dak , lol the first thing jones boys do is low ball dak,(25 mil a year lol) and that led to the current dilema.
Jones boys worship $ They think about it 24-7 lol.

Where is the 25 mil a year coming from?
I like to pile on the Jones’ too, but Romo probably would have gotten hurt anyway.
Well not really, by dumping murray it changed their offense and led to more passing.
Also led to longer 3rd down passes.
But also it changed the course of events and sent them down the road to where tony gets hurt in game 2 or 3.
Had they signed murray it would have been a different road, which would be a different set of events.
The results speak for themselves. In his first playoff game Dak failed to take advantage of a defense, secondary in particular, that had no business being on the field in a playoff game. The same defense that was run out of the building the next week by Matt Ryan. I don't say that to fault Dak. It was to be expected from a rookie QB playing over his head in his first playoff run.

Romo did not jack in post season, you act as if he was a SB QB yet facts do not back it up. You have a young QB who leads his team to 13-3 and then say go sit down? BS no way would I do that to him or any other QB. Had he only came in a few games to start the season then of course I put Romo back out there but in this case no I ride with the guy who got me there. As for results, GB did not make post season by accident, Atlanta did beat up on GB and Matt Ryan had an MVP season that year
It's hard to know. In the end, the defense let the offense down once again in the playoffs. Would Romo have been able to overcome that, maybe playing better earlier in the game than Dak did? Would Romo have even been able to hold up physically?

I think it was a no-win situation. You take the hot hand out and lose and you're wrong. You don't put back in your veteran and you're wrong.

What-ifs can't tell us if it would have worked out any differently.

Yep. Was Romo able to prevent penalties? Was he able to prevent dropped passes? Was he able to prevent missed blocks? Was he able to prevent blown calls? Was he able to prevent the defense from getting torched for 3 straight touchdowns?

If the answer to those questions are YES, then why couldn't he do those things from 2006-2014?
murray had already been offered a deal during the off season which he quickly turned down. at that point the front office knew there would be no way to resign him. when he started having his best season ever, they made the decision to work him into the ground and get out of him what they could. another reason they let him go was the upcoming deal to be worked out with dez which they knew would be a battle. philly screwed the pooch by signing murray.
The Dez catch.

NFC championship game would have been in Seattle. Which Dallas won there early in the season. Would have crushed them too if not for a 7 point block and 2 bone headed turnovers.

Definitely could have beat Seattle to go onto the superbowl.
"Could have" is not the same as "almost". If's don't really count.
Where is the 25 mil a year coming from?
dont have a link but it was the first offer jones made to dak , and all it did was rile france and dak.
Stephen likes to make these lowball offers, thinking it is good strategy, but it isnt.
The biggest mistake involving Romo was Romo himself signing a 2nd contract with Garrett still at head coach. Nobody committed to winning should want to stay on a Garrett team if they have a choice.

The best thing to happen to Ware was getting away from Garrett and playing for something approximating a professional football organization.

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