RELEASED Lucky Whitehead Cut **merged**

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You are trying say it is only one thing.

Show me where I've said that. I haven't.

What I have said is that the cut ultimately resulted from information proven to be false. And that's the truth of it. Anything else is attempted spin to help the team look less stupid.

As I stated, I can think of scenarios where they included the warrant and they do not look stupid.

Have at it, I welcome the discussion.

I'm not going to make up stories about what really happened or how the decision was even made beyond to say there is a reason why they term it a straw that broke the camel's back.

The "fake straw"? The one based on something the guy didn't actually do?

Again, by all means, make the case.
This is sad, really, but it's comical at this point. If it's not the players causing headlines it's Jerry or the organization as a whole. This isn't the media over reacting, it was the Cowboys brass. They epically messed up and jumped the gun.

Really, all I want to know is where does Mara fit into all of this ;)
No, what's "expected" is the same lame crap we've experienced for years. This team screws up and the same people try to spin it like they didn't, as if they were on the team payroll.

I don't need you to be "happy for me" in the least. After your sad spin attempt earlier, you've rendered any opinion you might have on the subject moot and irrelevant anyway. So it doesn't matter what's you think about it. You made some sorry claim in an attempt to sweep an obvious screwup under the rug, and failed miserably.

The 'same crap we've experienced for years while the team keeps getting better as measured by winning more of their games,' you mean. I don't need to spin. I have the luxury of being right in this case.

Which is probably why people seem to be agreeing with me and mostly ignoring you.

In any event, knock yourself out with your interesting "Lucky doesn't belong on the team but shouldn't have been cut" position here. I can tell we've reached the end of the fruitful part of the conversation on this topic.
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