RELEASED Lucky Whitehead Cut **merged**

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Honestly there's about 8-10 guys on the team that I barely know about and barely care about.
Other peeps might have their pets. It's seems like the outrage usually starts when they get cut. Like that running back Darius Jackson. People gonna get mad when Frazier gets cut too ( one day) or if nacho gets cut ect...
Honestly there's about 8-10 guys on the team that I barely know about and barely care about.
Other peeps might have their pets. It's seems like the outrage usually starts when they get cut. Like that running back Darius Jackson. People gonna get mad when Frazier gets cut too ( one day) or if nacho gets cut ect...

We will rue the day.

Wait, whats his name again...
:lmao2: I've been swimming thru this regurgitation for the past 20 minutes,as I saw where someone pulled a quote from @Risen Star calling him a TROLL,, and I've been searching frantically in vain trying to find Risen's original post to slap a big happy "like" on what is obviously another great contributing post this forum has been gracefully blessed with by risen,,,and to be honest swimming thru all this regurgitation is pretty disgusting and rather tiringo_O

Honestly I have no idea what happened, nor do I really care. We are too desperate for news in the offseason.

Its Lucky freakin Whitehead.
There is no doubt that cutting Lucky Whitehead was a terrible blunder and a very poor PR move. There are several reasons.

First of all, it makes the franchise seem extremely unjust. The team looks as though they punished an innocent man.

Furthermore, it makes the executives seem clownish. They don't acy quickly enough on these incidents and then when they finally do, it was too quick.

Also, what message does this send to a team, especially when the Head Coach emphasized a close knit team that played hard for each other. How hard did the franchise play for Lucky?

There ia also the obvious hypocracy. "We have faith in Zeke. We know the kind of person Zeke is."

Really? And you don't know the kind of man Lucky is, a guy that was around a season longer? Suppose if was Zeke with an issue of mistaken identity? Would they have cut him the next day. Well, they didn't, did they? That is what they call a double standard and you better beleive all the backup, special team, and situational players are looking at it that way. This could be a divisive issue.

They trust Zeke but wouldn't give Lucky an opportunity to prove he wasn't stupid enough to lie at a time when the media is looking for anything they can sensationalize about the Cowboys.

It doesn't mattet that Lucky was "probably" going to be cut. A probable yes implies a possible no. But that doesn't matter either.

The real issue is a team claiming equality of opportunity despite the method of acquisition. Competition decides who the best man is but Lucky Whitehead won't get his opportunity because he was treated differently than any other player. He won't get suspended and then get the suspension lifted becauae they realize his innocense. Lucky has nothing to be suspended from.

This could have been his only real chance at his dream, to play for a good team and get a championship. And how didficult will it be for his teammates to go all the way and realize that Lucky just may have deserved to be there next to them if it were not for an obvious lack of fairness and terrible judgement by the team exaecutives.

.......unless there is a lot of stuff they are not telling is, a definite but minor possibility.
Cutting Whitehead doesn't mean no one doesn't care about competition. Dallas can still bring someone in as competition. From what we saw from Whitehead the last 2 seasons, he wouldn't have provided much competition this year.
He was stupid on the field at times especially on special teams, just wish the cut had been way before, or later. But I agree he needed to go. Just hoping for some healthy competition with Switzer.
I love it even more now that he was innocent! This is how you send a message...they will release you even if you didn't do anything wrong. Change the culture, make it uncomfortable...if Lucky is the scapegoat then so be it. There are guys on that 53 man roster who probably feel even worse about their off-the-field actions now because they know they're partly to blame for him being gone.
Perfect analysis of the primary goals and desired outcome of Garrett's master planned "OPERATION CODE NAMED: TIGHTEN-UP"

funny, I don't recall seeing you in the war room when we were drawing this attention demanding operation up,,,,hummm?,,strange ,,,
I'd disagree with that characterization. One, Lucky wasn't a bad seed. Two, he was most definitely already on his way out. They didn't spend a fourth on his replacement for nothing.

The story yesterday was just the nail in the coffin. The net result was the same as it was going to be anyway. And it was still a distraction right at the start of camp. Like Dez said, no player comes before the good of the team.

I don't know, man. It seems kind of clown showish for that to be a nail in the coffin when it's actually a legit case of mistaken identity.

I don't really care that Lucky isn't a part of the team anymore since I agree he was unlikely to make the team, but for the staff to make it seem like they are saying, "enough is enough" by cutting this guy? Come on.
Lucky whitehead wasn't even a decent player and you could argue he would've been cut anyway during camp because of it.

Who cares what the media thinks? Slammed if you, slammed if you don't. Zeke wasn't cut because he's great. Common practice in the NFL unless it involves the cowboys then Colin cowherd, Stephen a smith and all the other guys who like to use the team for clicks, views and ratings have a reason for a story.

I am sure players understand this who are on the outside looking in. As far as the players inside on this team go, they'll be fine.

Let's get back to football FFS
There is no doubt that cutting Lucky Whitehead was a terrible blunder and a very poor PR move. There are several reasons.

First of all, it makes the franchise seem extremely unjust. The team looks as though they punished an innocent man.

Furthermore, it makes the executives seem clownish. They don't acy quickly enough on these incidents and then when they finally do, it was too quick.

Also, what message does this send to a team, especially when the Head Coach emphasized a close knit team that played hard for each other. How hard did the franchise play for Lucky?

There ia also the obvious hypocracy. "We have faith in Zeke. We know the kind of person Zeke is."

Really? And you don't know the kind of man Lucky is, a guy that was around a season longer? Suppose if was Zeke with an issue of mistaken identity? Would they have cut him the next day. Well, they didn't, did they? That is what they call a double standard and you better beleive all the backup, special team, and situational players are looking at it that way. This could be a divisive issue.

They trust Zeke but wouldn't give Lucky an opportunity to prove he wasn't stupid enough to lie at a time when the media is looking for anything they can sensationalize about the Cowboys.

It doesn't mattet that Lucky was "probably" going to be cut. A probable yes implies a possible no. But that doesn't matter either.

The real issue is a team claiming equality of opportunity despite the method of acquisition. Competition decides who the best man is but Lucky Whitehead won't get his opportunity because he was treated differently than any other player. He won't get suspended and then get the suspension lifted becauae they realize his innocense. Lucky has nothing to be suspended from.

This could have been his only real chance at his dream, to play for a good team and get a championship. And how didficult will it be for his teammates to go all the way and realize that Lucky just may have deserved to be there next to them if it were not for an obvious lack of fairness and terrible judgement by the team exaecutives.

.......unless there is a lot of stuff they are not telling is, a definite but minor possibility.

Oh,they know MORE!,,,
plenty more.
Like a billion dollar behemoth outfit doesn't keep tabs on it's assets?
Logic dictates they've slotted individual 'assets' into a multi tiered casing-liner based on background, histories, projected actions and psychological profiles along with just basic observations,,,and the list is compiled,then necessary actions are taken to maintain the integrity and well-being of listed asset,,,but then again maybe not! And Lucky just flat out got HOSED in grand fashion.
I think I got insulted but I couldn't understand a word of it so I let it go. lol This thread is strange.
Well hell friend, let me help you out in the understanding dept.
Just where is the lack of grasp in your reading comprehension?
Have I misspelled some words?
Have I failed to add a comma or period Or lack of basic punctuation?
Maybe my dangling participle thew you for a loop? I could suggest you read it word for word as written and should you still suffer the lack of mental comprehension get back with me and I'll try something different cuz' there's more than one way of skinning cats o_O
There is no doubt that cutting Lucky Whitehead was a terrible blunder and a very poor PR move. There are several reasons.

First of all, it makes the franchise seem extremely unjust. The team looks as though they punished an innocent man.

Furthermore, it makes the executives seem clownish. They don't acy quickly enough on these incidents and then when they finally do, it was too quick.

Also, what message does this send to a team, especially when the Head Coach emphasized a close knit team that played hard for each other. How hard did the franchise play for Lucky?

There ia also the obvious hypocracy. "We have faith in Zeke. We know the kind of person Zeke is."

Really? And you don't know the kind of man Lucky is, a guy that was around a season longer? Suppose if was Zeke with an issue of mistaken identity? Would they have cut him the next day. Well, they didn't, did they? That is what they call a double standard and you better beleive all the backup, special team, and situational players are looking at it that way. This could be a divisive issue.

They trust Zeke but wouldn't give Lucky an opportunity to prove he wasn't stupid enough to lie at a time when the media is looking for anything they can sensationalize about the Cowboys.

It doesn't mattet that Lucky was "probably" going to be cut. A probable yes implies a possible no. But that doesn't matter either.

The real issue is a team claiming equality of opportunity despite the method of acquisition. Competition decides who the best man is but Lucky Whitehead won't get his opportunity because he was treated differently than any other player. He won't get suspended and then get the suspension lifted becauae they realize his innocense. Lucky has nothing to be suspended from.

This could have been his only real chance at his dream, to play for a good team and get a championship. And how didficult will it be for his teammates to go all the way and realize that Lucky just may have deserved to be there next to them if it were not for an obvious lack of fairness and terrible judgement by the team exaecutives.

.......unless there is a lot of stuff they are not telling is, a definite but minor possibility.

No, it was a good move. Very Jimmy or Belichick-ish.

Was it far to cut poor ole Curvin Richards.

Is it fair that Belichick has cut or traded players just for being opinionated?

Lucky's previous actions eliminated any buffer he might otherwise get in this situation.

They wouldn't have cut Heath in this situation despite not being a star player because he has followed the rules and would get the benefit of the doubt.

The reason Millennials are the way they are is their parents were too soft.
I don't know, man. It seems kind of clown showish for that to be a nail in the coffin when it's actually a legit case of mistaken identity.

I don't really care that Lucky isn't a part of the team anymore since I agree he was unlikely to make the team, but for the staff to make it seem like they are saying, "enough is enough" by cutting this guy? Come on.

Listen to what Dez had to say about Lucky yesterday. There was definitely an established pattern there.

"Everybody has their own little deal with how they handle things,” Dez said. “I’m not saying Lucky didn’t respect Coach Garrett’s demands. I think he tried to fulfill Coach Garrett’s needs as much as he possibly could, but you’ve got to understand the bigger picture. This team is bigger than one person and you’ve got to have yourself in check. You’ve got to have your priorities in check. "

It doesn't sound to me like he's talking about the mistaken identity arrest here. It sounds like he's talking about Lucky's general pattern of behavior. He's talking about priorities.
Geezus... 25 pages. For Lucky?

For all the faux outrage in this thread.... just bring Lucky back and then cut him in a few days because he's no good and would never, ever win the competition with Switzer? Would that make people happy? Because it certainly isn't going to help Whitehead. His best chance is to catch on with a team at the very beginning of camp.

Now he can do that. He had zero chance of making the Cowboys roster again.

I've said it before... but no wonder the Roman Senate feared the mob.
I have to apologize to Lucky. I immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was guilty by virtue of the warrant being issued. It did not cross my mind that this could be a case of mistaken identity.

So many little things had accumulated over the summer and I was just tired of knucklehead incidents. I think maybe the Cowboys felt the same way and Lucky was a victim of circumstance. I also have to believe that he's had a history of small incidents (dog kidnapping...etc.) Jerry was right in answering the press. Jerry has always erred on the side of the player. He gets the benefit of the doubt in that respect.

That being said, what could the executives have said now instead of what they said? Is it even possible to take back releasing Lucky after the truth had come out? Would he even want to come back after that?
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