There is no doubt that cutting Lucky Whitehead was a terrible blunder and a very poor PR move. There are several reasons.
First of all, it makes the franchise seem extremely unjust. The team looks as though they punished an innocent man.
Furthermore, it makes the executives seem clownish. They don't acy quickly enough on these incidents and then when they finally do, it was too quick.
Also, what message does this send to a team, especially when the Head Coach emphasized a close knit team that played hard for each other. How hard did the franchise play for Lucky?
There ia also the obvious hypocracy. "We have faith in Zeke. We know the kind of person Zeke is."
Really? And you don't know the kind of man Lucky is, a guy that was around a season longer? Suppose if was Zeke with an issue of mistaken identity? Would they have cut him the next day. Well, they didn't, did they? That is what they call a double standard and you better beleive all the backup, special team, and situational players are looking at it that way. This could be a divisive issue.
They trust Zeke but wouldn't give Lucky an opportunity to prove he wasn't stupid enough to lie at a time when the media is looking for anything they can sensationalize about the Cowboys.
It doesn't mattet that Lucky was "probably" going to be cut. A probable yes implies a possible no. But that doesn't matter either.
The real issue is a team claiming equality of opportunity despite the method of acquisition. Competition decides who the best man is but Lucky Whitehead won't get his opportunity because he was treated differently than any other player. He won't get suspended and then get the suspension lifted becauae they realize his innocense. Lucky has nothing to be suspended from.
This could have been his only real chance at his dream, to play for a good team and get a championship. And how didficult will it be for his teammates to go all the way and realize that Lucky just may have deserved to be there next to them if it were not for an obvious lack of fairness and terrible judgement by the team exaecutives.
.......unless there is a lot of stuff they are not telling is, a definite but minor possibility.