Mac Engel: Talks about Glenn


The Boognish
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InmanRoshi;1738952 said:
Blitzing is not the same as pass rushing. You're not using club, rip and swim moves against offensive tackles when you blitz.

How about the evidence that Wade hasn't used Bobby Carpenter as a pass rusher all year, even though we obviously needed one with Ellis out and a true rookie playing every snap. That's pretty good evidence to me as to what Wade does and doesn't think of Carpenter's pass rush ability.

How about the evidence that Phillips had him as the second string DE on the nickel while Engles was making those asinine comments to begin with. And if you knew anything about how Carp blitzed you would know that he has a pretty good swim move to get past the defender and keep their hands off of him.

Your original comment is just wrong about them not using pass rush technique on the blitz.


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InmanRoshi;1738952 said:
Blitzing is not the same as pass rushing. You're not using club, rip and swim moves against offensive tackles when you blitz.

How about the evidence that Wade hasn't used Bobby Carpenter as a pass rusher all year, even though we obviously needed one with Ellis out and a true rookie playing every snap. That's pretty good evidence to me as to what Wade does and doesn't think of Carpenter's pass rush ability.

Were you under the impression when we drafted him that we were drafting him to rush the passer? I always thought we were drafting him to play a ILB spot, checking TEs and backs and staying in coverage, mostly. That's what he did at Ohio State, and they just let Hawk roam and make plays.


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CoCo;1738665 said:
Oh, absolutely. He's definitively done. Just like Ellis was because of his achilles, or his contract, or his attitude, or...

We have the perfect vantage point from which to assess these things. ;)

Well...Glenn is closing in on 35....two recent knee operations and plays a game predicated on speed....I think he's as close to done as one can get.

Frankly, I still am not all that excited about Ellis either and won't be until he proves he can keep putting pressure on the QB for the remainder of the year. In my opinion, it is a mistake replacing Spencer for him and someone is going to make Ellis pay big time in coverage.


Fattening up
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InmanRoshi;1738952 said:
Blitzing is not the same as pass rushing. You're not using club, rip and swim moves against offensive tackles when you blitz.

How about the evidence that Wade hasn't used Bobby Carpenter as a pass rusher all year, even though we obviously needed one with Ellis out and a true rookie playing every snap. That's pretty good evidence to me as to what Wade does and doesn't think of Carpenter's pass rush ability.

I realize the difference between blitzing and pass rushing. I thought both Engel's comment and Phillips earlier comment referred to Carpenter blitzing. I could have that wrong.

In any event, I'm not saying Carpenter is particularly gifted at either. I was responding to your mis-characterization of the board reaction.

BlueStar II

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I'm inclined to agree, I doubt that Terry Glenn will be an option for us this year. I hope I'm wrong, but at this point, that's how I see it.


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superpunk;1739045 said:
Were you under the impression when we drafted him that we were drafting him to rush the passer? I always thought we were drafting him to play a ILB spot, checking TEs and backs and staying in coverage, mostly. That's what he did at Ohio State, and they just let Hawk roam and make plays.

No, I didn't think he was a good pass rusher in college. But a lot people here wanted him to play OLB under the line of thinking that "We can't have two Demarcus Wares in the 3-4", which was why I hated the pick. I wanted to draft a pass rusher.


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InmanRoshi;1739274 said:
No, I thought the idea of "We can't have two Demarcus Wares in the 3-4" line of thinking was absolutely ridiculous, which is why I hated the pick. I wanted to draft a pass rusher.

Well, why continue to hate on him for not being a pass-rusher, when you don't believe that's what he was drafted for in the first place?

I'm disappointed that he can't beat out Ayodele, but I don't see a reason to hound him for not being something I never expected him to be. It took Bradie a while to be an adequate ILB, maybe that's where Carpenter is. I don't think it helped that Parcells and everyone moved him all over the place, instead of giving him a role and sticking with it.

FWIW, I don't think Lawson is that strongside presence you're looking for. Spencer seems to fit that mold better, altho he may end up being less dynamic.


Zone Scribe
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I think Parcells (and Wade) have moved him around trying to find something he's good at. While he's a good athlete, it doesn't seem like anything comes natural to him. Bradie James went through a natural progression. By the end of his rookie year Parcells said he was one of the top special teams players on the team. By his second year he was sharing snaps as a starter. By his third year he was a full time starter. It wold be nice if Carpenter just showed some progress somewhere. He's a JAG even on special teams.

FWIW, I wasn't a huge Lawson fan, although I thought he was a better fit. I really liked Kiwanuka.


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Soon enough we will hear about glenn. Now that this report is out, someone will ask and it will come out. I really hope that he hasn't just been a waste or a roster spot. I don't see why management would let that be the case. Anyway, this report if anything should just provide the some answers because now people are going to start asking.

who knows, that might have been the intent of the writer.


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All the more reason Terry should've opted for the microfracture surgery...All this rehabbing for what amounts to a 'band-aid' job...Plus, he'll be limping along like Bill Walton before it's all said and done, on top of it.


Chocolate Lab

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At the time we drafted Carp, we definitely were looking for another OLB. We'd just lost Fujita to FA, and we knew Singleton wasn't cut out for the job. Ellis hadn't made a successful transition yet, although Parcells supposedly had already decided to move him to OLB.

It's just a puzzling pick all around. I really think Parcells thought Bobby was just an all-around good player and he'd find a spot for him somewhere, but OLB had to be the first thought because we had no one else there at the time.

As for the Mike Vrabel comparisons... Vrabel is tough as nails and dedicated as hell. Bobby... Not so much.

We just have to hope the quad tear is really worse than we know. But I can't imagine it's that awful if he's out there running full speed on kickoff coverage.


When Jerry, when?
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CATCH17;1738542 said:
He just said on GAC that things aren't looking to well for Glenn and it is going to be awhile before Terry Glenn even starts running again.
It sucks we didnt show more patience with his injury from the get go.

Excuse me? Terry Glenn held himself out of major surgery in order to play again this year. Great. He did it for the team.

Now it backfires, and he likely won't return, all the time holding a roster spot open. For the team? I don't think so.

It's too bad he is rehabbing slower than we all wanted, but that's the nature of the business. The team ought to put him on IR, and bring somebody else is to back up Hurd and Austin (Mr. Invisible).


if you ain't first, you're last
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It's getting time to think about putting him on I.R. and raiding someones practice Squad for someone who will help us down the road.


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If Jerrah and wade really thought that Terry was not going to come back they would have put him on IR. That pretty much spits on the mediots idiotic ramblings.


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burmafrd;1739864 said:
If Jerrah and wade really thought that Terry was not going to come back they would have put him on IR. That pretty much spits on the mediots idiotic ramblings.

Finally, somebody making some sense. JJ isn't stupid, obviously knows something about TG coming back. I bet we see TG in uniform by the end of the month...


When Jerry, when?
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burmafrd;1739864 said:
If Jerrah and wade really thought that Terry was not going to come back they would have put him on IR. That pretty much spits on the mediots idiotic ramblings.

Good point. Let's track this position and see when he comes back.


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Mansta54;1739873 said:
Finally, somebody making some sense. JJ isn't stupid, obviously knows something about TG coming back. I bet we see TG in uniform by the end of the month...

He has a bone on bone issue in knee. He chose to cut it out versus microfracture to fix it. It will be a pain tolerance thing.

My guess is TG said this is my last year, I want to see field. They can shoot him up for the pain gameday. He will have lifelong damage to knee because of that affects his quality of life.

Thats taking one for the team. Sure looks like Glenn plans on retiring after this season to do this.

I also damn near after Parcells left feared for TG this season, Parcells was his binkie.


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Nors;1740031 said:
He has a bone on bone issue in knee. He chose to cut it out versus microfracture to fix it. It will be a pain tolerance thing.

My guess is TG said this is my last year, I want to see field. They can shoot him up for the pain gameday. He will have lifelong damage to knee because of that affects his quality of life.

Thats taking one for the team. Sure looks like Glenn plans on retiring after this season to do this.

I also damn near after Parcells left feared for TG this season, Parcells was his binkie.

Having played 14yrs of football and 2 knee surgeries on both knees, I understand exactly what you're saying. But, the debate was if TG was coming back or not and I feel that he is. As the other poster stated, JJ keeps him on the 53 for a reason. He knows the chances of TG returning are very good. Can't see him just pissing away that spot for nothing. JJ is a business man, he knows the odds are in his favor for a TG return..