Twitter: Maliek Collins will breakout this year


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Ive been in this forum for as long as I can remember. Dunbar was never a legend. But I know folks that wanted him off the team. Me included. Many agreed with me then.

As for Collins I think he's underrated. He's far from mediocre. Especially given that he was only a rookie. I'm wondering if you think Dak is mediocre also. If so, I know ESPN is hiring and you should apply.

no i dont i was one of the first who wanted Dak to play over Romo if you go back and check.

And if you think Collins is underrated HE MAY BE. I am not saying he sucks or anything. His future is still ahead of him. Am i going to get excited, no, but others will. IF you look at the posts about Dunbar yes many SUNG me of his skillset and how awesome he can be and it failed miserably.

Heck Tashard Choice wasnt bad for a year either, just probably would not have strung a good career, it happens.

had you or anyother poster started talking about what he did or at least didnt attack me i would have listened or even changed my mind. Nope, i didnt pump up a player i wasnt excited over so bam im the bad guy. its ok i get that a lot here, or banned for an opinion. it happens, i get it. but its not like i said he out and out sucked or didnt live up to but yes, we have had a history of pumping up medicore players, its possible he might turn out that way, its happened before. its not like im stating the unknown, some good players have come here and sucked and some sub par players have come here and did well for what they are asked to do. it happens. but for the past 20 plus years, we cant deny the Cowboys have been nothing but mediocre. Their history proves that.


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LOL. Did you just basically challenge him to a fight?

no, i just said i could prove him wrong to set the record straight he wanted no part of that. it happens a lot. some people just want their opinions to be fact. it happens.


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:lmao: I just told you that no one is disputing that you can think what you want and your response is this?

I said that you have no real basis for said opinion. AT the same time people believe in all kinds of unfounded and contradicted nonsense. I stopped fighting that as a teenager. I believe in the first amendment. If anything, I am telling everyone else that there is no reason to take you seriously.

I am entitled to an opinion as well am I not?

i never said "here is what you are going to think" you did that to me, so you are wrong. correct? you said it go back to your post, you clearly told me i wont change my mind. I never said to you what you would think or say. See the difference, if not post it somewhere and someone else will explain it to you.


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I don't get this exchange. Collins had a solid rookie season and he's having a strong camp against the best at their positions league wide. If there's ever a reason to get excited about a second year player, this is it.

yes and he might have a good year and ill be wrong. but id rather wait to see what happens instead of getting excited over something that might not turn out. Unlike some people who are still waiting for Tyrone crawford and Wilburs to break out. Which if you say it year after year it might happen. Might.


More than meets the eye.
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yes and he might have a good year and ill be wrong. but id rather wait to see what happens instead of getting excited over something that might not turn out. Unlike some people who are still waiting for Tyrone crawford and Wilburs to break out. Which if you say it year after year it might happen. Might.

I don't think people were necessarily wrong to get excited about Crawford. He had a strong year prior to his contract. He just didn't pan out. Dak might not pan out. There are no guarantees.


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I don't think people were necessarily wrong to get excited about Crawford. He had a strong year prior to his contract. He just didn't pan out. Dak might not pan out. There are no guarantees.

exactly. so im not going to get excited over every player. Bruce Carter, a kicker before Bailey, not Folks tho, after him. Just so many players have come and gone and not really done much. or had a good year and boom, nothing happens. It happens in sports.


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I don't think people were necessarily wrong to get excited about Crawford. He had a strong year prior to his contract. He just didn't pan out. Dak might not pan out. There are no guarantees.

Dak has earned his rep, i was calling for him to play and sit Romo long before many others, i would have admitted i was wrong if it didnt pan out. He had more than just a solid or better than average season. he was breaking records. huge difference.

Collins might be better next season. again im not getting excited. Mike Jenkins started off hot too, remember that.


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I don't think people were necessarily wrong to get excited about Crawford. He had a strong year prior to his contract. He just didn't pan out. Dak might not pan out. There are no guarantees.

Than you have a guy like CB Kevin Smith i believe, going to be a great player, 1 injury and boom. that was sad to watch.


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no i dont i was one of the first who wanted Dak to play over Romo if you go back and check.

And if you think Collins is underrated HE MAY BE. I am not saying he sucks or anything. His future is still ahead of him. Am i going to get excited, no, but others will. IF you look at the posts about Dunbar yes many SUNG me of his skillset and how awesome he can be and it failed miserably.

Heck Tashard Choice wasnt bad for a year either, just probably would not have strung a good career, it happens.

had you or anyother poster started talking about what he did or at least didnt attack me i would have listened or even changed my mind. Nope, i didnt pump up a player i wasnt excited over so bam im the bad guy. its ok i get that a lot here, or banned for an opinion. it happens, i get it. but its not like i said he out and out sucked or didnt live up to but yes, we have had a history of pumping up medicore players, its possible he might turn out that way, its happened before. its not like im stating the unknown, some good players have come here and sucked and some sub par players have come here and did well for what they are asked to do. it happens. but for the past 20 plus years, we cant deny the Cowboys have been nothing but mediocre. Their history proves that.

I don't think anyone is attacking you. Certainly not me. I think their attacking your message that your implying that Cowboys are mediocre. That Collins is mediocre and that we should not be excited about the mediocre Cowboys and that mediocrity will persist with this team.

I will have to disagree.Things are looking up for the Cowboys. Most here think Collins will have a monster year and things are looking up for this entire team. So I don't know why you would want to burst the bubble in people's excitement about Collins, who many feel can have a break out year.

If your not happy with the Cowboys fans being excited you can always start a new thread about an upcoming gloom and doom season. I'm sure you'll have lots of people agreeing with you.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ahhhh Cowboy fans pumping up mediocrity. Loving it. Watch out NFCE, Malek Collins is coming for you. Watch the records fall.

We are so stepped in mediocrity we still pump sunshine for ho hum players.

Irving still going to break out guys? How about D law? Tyron Crawford? Whos on the Moore rah rah squad besides Floaty?

Collins and Lee were the 2 best players on the defense last season. There is no waiting for a "breakout" because the breakout happened in the middle of last season.

Sorry summer vacation is over.


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I don't think anyone is attacking you. Certainly not me. I think their attacking your message that your implying that Cowboys are mediocre. That Collins is mediocre and that we should not be excited about the mediocre Cowboys and that mediocrity will persist with this team.

I will have to disagree.Things are looking up for the Cowboys. Most here think Collins will have a monster year and things are looking up for this entire team. So I don't know why you would want to burst the bubble in people's excitement about Collins, who many feel can have a break out year.

If your not happy with the Cowboys fans being excited you can always start a new thread about an upcoming gloom and doom season. I'm sure you'll have lots of people agreeing with you.

I will agree to that.

Excellent post and well addressed. I ll have to reconsider my stance on collins than.


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That draft's stock just continues to rise.

Maybe not. Unless Zeke gets his act together that 4th pick may turn out to be a one year wonder and that would make it a bust pick. I guess even if Zeke never plays again and Collins becomes a Pro Bowl DT then it still should be considered one of the best in our team's history.

waving monkey

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again, and i said this before, maybe you will grasp it because you dont hop on the "argument train " because you have nothing better to do. I simply said ill wait for the facts. I could be wrong, i admit that, but im not getting excited over every player due to the fact they wear our uniform and than you would think i said Landry sucks. but thats how they are, i hope you get what i am trying to convey.
Thats fine SS I normally respond to what people call "facts" when sometimes their personal interpretations which you have every right to.
When I respond then we have debate of contrasting opinions.