Why did the offensive line stand up and back down like that? Was that a trade mark move or timing thing ? Forgive the ignorance I don't go that far back. But I love it when they do that. Maybe our oline can bust it out on a big drive or something
Not sure if you know this but Romo got together with the offensive line and honored that tradition on kneel down plays at the end of games last year. The whole offensive line went up and reset down again. I don't know how to post a GIF but I bet somebody could find it.
Didn't see it this year because - well we were in no position to take kneel downs at the end of games.
One thing that jumped off the screen at me watching that was how the ball now explodes of kickers legs. Sepiten's ball was going through the middle of the goal posts with not a lot of juice on extra points. Now even from the 30 the ball just jumps. Pretty amazing.