Man we've come a long way


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At first I was on board with the Parcells hiring. Then 2 things I didn't count on happened.

1. It became obvious he wasn't the same Parcells he was in NY.

2. He was only hired to help Jerry sell the new stadium.

After those, I was done.
I don’t think that you are wrong, but he was far better than any coach under Jerry not named Jimmy.


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Parcells was under appreciated by most.

The bigger issue to me is he probably saved Jerry from hitting rock bottom which could have brought more changes to how Jerry runs football operations possibly even forcing him to sell without support to build his stadium if 5-11 Funk continued.

Beyond all of that , Bill resurrected the team and set it up for being the contender we were after he left. Jerry ran him off early IMO and why it’s hard to ever get too excited anymore cause am always waiting for Jerry’s way to screw it up.

But we’ve had two builders in Jerry era. Jimmy and Bill. When we have another one we’ll build another contender.

I don't think Jerry ran Parcells off. I think Parcells was flighty at the very end.


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Yes because QuINTSy Carter was an idiot. How he got drafted is beyond me

He was actually a good player.

He had off field issues and came across in interviews like an idiot, but he played reasonably well for the Cowboys.

It's funny looking back if you remember the Hutch vs Quincy debates. It turns out Quincy was way better than Hutch.


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Parcells was under appreciated by most.

The bigger issue to me is he probably saved Jerry from hitting rock bottom which could have brought more changes to how Jerry runs football operations possibly even forcing him to sell without support to build his stadium if 5-11 Funk continued.

Beyond all of that , Bill resurrected the team and set it up for being the contender we were after he left. Jerry ran him off early IMO and why it’s hard to ever get too excited anymore cause am always waiting for Jerry’s way to screw it up.

But we’ve had two builders in Jerry era. Jimmy and Bill. When we have another one we’ll build another contender.

Jerry didn't run him off per se.

Parcells took the job because he had money problems.

Yes, it's possible he might have stayed another year if Jerry didn't sign TO; however, I'm not certain about that.

Overall Parcells enjoyed coaching the Cowboys.

His family and freinds were mostly in the North East. I think that was a factor.


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He was actually a good player.

He had off field issues and came across in interviews like an idiot, but he played reasonably well for the Cowboys.

It's funny looking back if you remember the Hutch vs Quincy debates. It turns out Quincy was way better than Hutch.

Hutch came across like an idiot in hard knocks.


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Jerry didn't run him off per se.

Parcells took the job because he had money problems.

Yes, it's possible he might have stayed another year if Jerry didn't sign TO; however, I'm not certain about that.

Overall Parcells enjoyed coaching the Cowboys.

His family and freinds were mostly in the North East. I think that was a factor.

Yeah I think he also had a hard time maintaining intensity at his age and was somewhat inflexible.


Landry Hat
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I've never found [read] one coach who worked for Jerry make that claim.Its an old charge thrown about as gospel with little merit.
I call it monkey see monkey do. People just repeat something and think if they do it long enough it becomes true. Lookie here I used punkuation!


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He was actually a good player.

He had off field issues and came across in interviews like an idiot, but he played reasonably well for the Cowboys.

It's funny looking back if you remember the Hutch vs Quincy debates. It turns out Quincy was way better than Hutch.

Hutchinson was just an ex-baseball player with a strong arm. Nothing more. Don't even see why it was a debate!


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I remember being somewhat shocked we drafted him because he was the exact opposite of what Troy Aikman.
At that time, because of Michael Vick, the vogue was the mobile, dual-threat QB. Jerry thought that's what Quincy was. If I remember right, Jerry was afraid Oakland was going to draft him so he did was Jerry always does - throws reason out the window and over payed in terms of draft capital.


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Hutchinson was just an ex-baseball player with a strong arm. Nothing more. Don't even see why it was a debate!
Yes, he had the worst pocket awareness I've ever seen but Weeden was not much better in that regard. I really think those 2 are the same person or at least they are brothers.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hutchinson was just an ex-baseball player with a strong arm. Nothing more. Don't even see why it was a debate!

More on the topic...

At the time I couldn't take Quincy seriously. In retrospect he was better than I would have said at the time. His tongue-too-big-for-his-mouth way of speaking was just too embarrasing for a Cowboys QB.

Hutchinson was almost as dumb looking/sounding.

Either Quincy or Hutchinson would give Eli a run for his money as the all-time dumbest looking QBs to have played an NFL game. Eli stills wins but it's close.

When they got Drew Henson, I thought he "looked" like a real QB. I even found and watched World League games that he was playing. I kept waiting for it to click for him, but it just didn't.

When Romo was 1 of 4 QBs, my Girlfriend said "That Romo Guy has "it". He'll be the next QB for the Cowboys". She is a Green Bay fan and rarely watches preseason football and does not obsess about the details.

I guess not knowing the background or expectations of the 4 QBs made it easier to see that Romo was indeed "The Man".


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More on the topic...

At the time I couldn't take Quincy seriously. In retrospect he was better than I would have said at the time. His tongue-too-big-for-his-mouth way of speaking was just too embarrasing for a Cowboys QB.

Hutchinson was almost as dumb looking/sounding.

Either Quincy or Hutchinson would give Eli a run for his money as the all-time dumbest looking QBs to have played an NFL game. Eli stills wins but it's close.

When they got Drew Henson, I thought he "looked" like a real QB. I even found and watched World League games that he was playing. I kept waiting for it to click for him, but it just didn't.

When Romo was 1 of 4 QBs, my Girlfriend said "That Romo Guy has "it". He'll be the next QB for the Cowboys". She is a Green Bay fan and rarely watches preseason football and does not obsess about the details.

I guess not knowing the background or expectations of the 4 QBs made it easier to see that Romo was indeed "The Man".

I was a big drew Henson supporter. And as you said, he "looked" like a good QB. But the meanest mug ever wont win you ball games!

Everybody knew Quincy was dumb but had he stayed clean he could have lasted in this league just as bill said.

It's crazy looking at how young tony and witten were back then. Witten hiding weight bags in his hoody to make weight was hilarious.
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The only reason Parcells was brought in was so JJ was given given a pass on football for a few years.

He needed to time to do some politicking to get his stadium built.

Once that hurdle was cleared and Jerry steeped back in and anointed Romo after Parcels
said "put away the annoiting oil" on Romo's streak of success.

Parcells saw the writing on the wall and got out of Dallas ASAP because the Arkansas football guy
wanted the limelight again because Dallas was not going 5-11 anymore.


Messenger to the football Gods
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I never liked Parcells. Then I liked him even less when he always called, TO, "the player." I am not a huge TO fan and I get that TO was pushed on him but that's not how you treat people.
Pot meet kettle at it's finest............