I think you missed the entire concept of the Mandela Effect
No, actually you completely miss what it all means. Showing pictures do nothing. Pictures today of history will show how it was always supposed to be. I have done enough research reading to see that there are thousands who profess to visiting the Statue of Liberty on physical visits many times who are from that area, people who visited and know that the Smithsonian Institution was at a time, simply the Smithsonian Institute. Things that have changed in people's lives that I won't delve into as there are too many to count that started a few years ago. Why now? Why is it all of a sudden people are just forgetting things and not remembering things as they supposedly should be? Why is it that we all have the same exact memory of the things that have changed?
If people were suddenly having confusion, then a ton of people would have all differing memories. Yet, they all have the same exact memory of going up into the torch, how they did it and detailed accounts of the day. You can go into youtube and see hundreds and hundreds of videos as well as thousands of comments of people wondering what is going on. Sure, it's the perfect place to get people to be confused in social media as well as having mass hysteria or make something into that it isn't. There are a ton of bizarre things on youtube. I get it. It is easy to dismiss this as the simplest explanation is everyone is nuts or everyone is just confused or misremembered.
I originally heard about this effect two weeks ago. I thought, "oh no, what is it this time.." Then, I found one of them that bothered me and that was the fruit of the loom logo with the cornucopia that never existed. I knew I wore that logo for many years in my clothes. I knew it. That's when quite a few other things started me to see that others had the exact same memory as I do. I thought my memory was going bad but apparently many others had the same logo in their clothes as I did. People started freaking out over movie line changes and other things but it didn't really bother me or affect me as this will not affect anyone unless it severely conflicts with a memory you are 100% on. Again, I'll state that none of this affects anyone who has not had a conflict in their memory over a change. You will just think everyone who thinks this is crazy.
All the 9-11 conspiracies, alien abductions, I just haven't been the type to go along with that and I am still not. I am a realist and a boring skeptic. However, I'm not writing off certain things I know to be a certain way in my memory. It's like if the Cowboys changed their colors to red and gray tomorrow and all the google images show it was always that way. Then, you're like "what the heck?" You'll know you're not crazy as you just KNEW what was in your memory. I'll proudly wear the badge of being considered a fool along with many others.