Many of you may be equal, but none of you are a bigger Cowboys fan then I

i am 22 and remember multiple playoff wins, ur passion must not be there for it to not be in ur memory
Many of you may be equal, but none of you are a bigger Cowboys fan then I

Reading comprehension is not the strength of drunk fans...:laugh2:
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

thats fine and dandy... if you can't name every cowboy on the 53 man roster and know the numbers... your not even in the same zip code as a die hard fan
lqmac1;3108651 said:
thats fine and dandy... if you can't name every cowboy on the 53 man roster and know the numbers... your not even in the same zip code as a die hard fan

gee, what true blue die hard dallas cowboys fan wouldnt know every player on the roster, their number, what college they went to, i even know most of their speed in the 40 too.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

Nice post, you are a big fan. Being a fan in Philly must be tough. I'm a fan living in Albany NY, which is NY Giants Country. I grew up with 5 brothers and sisters plus my old man, They were ALL BIG NY GIANTS FANS and we all lived in the same house. Now I've had a few arguments at sports bars but nothing like the ones that spilled into my backyard from my living room when I was growing up (mostly we ended up having our own game of tackle football or kill the carrier.) I remember my old man telling me to go to my room when Dallas was beating up on the GIANTS, said I was a jynx!! I would sit in my room alone at 6-7 years old and watch the Cowboys on a little 12'' TV just to see Tony Dorsett run all over their sorry as***. I've been doing the things you're talking about since then. That's what its all about. Welcome to the party. It has its ups and downs but it never ends.
cowboyjoe;3107081 said:
You have a long ways to catch up to me being a Dallas Cowboys fan;

1. I have watched the dallas cowboys since 1966 and I have never missed a game.
2. I have alot of Dallas Cowboys stuff on my wall too, my bed, etc.
3. I have about 54 dallas Cowboys signatures and I have met about 67 Dallas Cowboys players down through the years.
4. I watched the Cowboys even before 1966, but became a total Cowboys fan in the ice bowl. Being little you dont remember too much, so thats the reason for not remembering too much before 1966.
5. I have seen the cowboys through the dark years, then win in 1972, then win again in 1977, then start losing through the years till 1990. Saw the cowboys lose the big catch in 1983 for example. Then saw the Cowboys win superbowls, while I was there at 2 training camps. Then saw the cowboys lose for 13 years.

6. I have helped the Dallas Cowboys win a game, yes a game. Charley Waters wasnt holding the ball correctly on field goal attempts for Herrea. I wrote Tex Schramn & Gil Brandt, rest is history, no more missed field goals. The Dallas Cowboys even moved my season tickets from the 2nd level at Texas Stadium to 1st level at the 25 yard line to keep watching field goals. Tex Schramn sent me a thank you letter etc. That same year in February I gave a package folder to John Wooten former All Pro Offensive Guard, whom gave the articles to Tom Landry. Two to 3 weeks later Tom Landry put in the shotgun formation.
7. I sent another document to Dave Campo, this article helped me win 2 tickets to a Cowboys game as reward.
8. I won 4 VIP sideline passes to San Antonio training camp.
9. I won $500 gift card on Dallas Cowboys scratch off lottery ticket.
With the above gift card, I have now even more Dallas Cowboys stuff.
10. I have talked to Tex Schramn, Tom Landry, Alicia Landry, Jerry Jones among a few others in Cowboys organization.
11. I had a dream that the LORD showed me, which counting this as year 1, we would go to the super bowl in year 2. Wasnt revealed to me who the head coach of the Cowboys would be at that time or even if we would win. All I was shown that we be in the SuperBowl in year 2.
12. I have been on several trivia contests and easily beat several tough, tough Dallas Cowboys fans. Even a few said I was very tough.
13. I know about 9 writers and media personnel that covers the Dallas Cowboys. On several occassions, I have told a few of these writers info before they got Dallas Cowboys info or got Cowboys info from espn. I have like 32 direct sources that I use to keep up with the Dallas Cowboys.
14. I have wrote several stories, some of them good, some of them bad, but I keep improving, while giving recaps on Cowboys to Cowboys fans on this board.
15. I have several personal Dallas Cowboys football cards autographed.
Two of them with a personal letter from one of them, Roger Staubach, he even gave me a black and white photo of Calvin Hill in a minny game catching a pass from Roger the Dodger. Another one of my cherished items is a book that Drew Pearson signed, he wanted to know where I got the Dallas Cowboys book, etc and we talked a pretty good while.
16. I have won several Dallas Cowboys tickets on other occassions.
17. I have said plenty of prayers on the behalf of the Dallas Cowboys.
18. About 4 years or earlier when this board just started getting going, the NFL Draft wasnt as big as it is now among NFL fans. I gave plenty of links, sites, etc for the NFL Draft covering the Dallas Cowboys. Even one of my friends on this board, helped me in some areas regarding the NFL Draft etc for all of my preceding coverage on the NFL Draft. A few fans asked me if i was the CowboyJoe that did post some stuff way back and give info on the NFL draft before it was real big.
19. I have close to 9,500 posts, how many do you have?

Even with all of this, I know I am not that big a fan compared to DC Fanatic or Hostile, or Woodsgirl or Theebs and some others, but yes, I am a Die Hard Dallas Cowboys fan and would be hard to beat me.

There are many more things, but those are off the top of my head.
So, yes you have along ways to go to catch up to me as a top Dallas Cowboys fan,

Damn Cowboy Joe, You are a DIEHARD!!! I love it.
cowboyjoe;3108696 said:
gee, what true blue die hard dallas cowboys fan wouldnt know every player on the roster, their number, what college they went to, i even know most of their speed in the 40 too.

Ok Joe slow down now.
jobberone;3108781 said:
:laugh2: LMAO. The crap we do to our kids!

I'm waiting for the Fella who pipes up and says, "My Daughters are named Tom and Tex!"


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