Many of you may be equal, but none of you are a bigger Cowboys fan then I

You said that you were 21yrs old. You are not even close, but stay on track and when some or all of us old timers pass away you can then restate that claim.
This thread is stupid.
What's the point of "being the biggest fan" in a board full of fans?
Do you have a reason to prove yourself?

I'm pretty sure there's no trophy for #1 Fan if anyone could ever define that somehow...

Let's just leave it as "we're all fans", I never knew there was a hierarchy to fanhood...
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

#3. Are you insane?

They are #1. And then the list is done.

Be gone.
Dodger12;3107016 said:
It's a good start but you're not even in the league of some of posters around these parts, most of whom can probably check off every point on your list.

Well, except for the part about turning down sex for the game... I always found women who didn't mind having sex during the game, with the TV on...
jchap;3107017 said:
I call dibs on most unlucky cowboys fan! I've been to 12 games in dallas 11 in Texas Stadium and 1 in the New Stadium... ALL LOSSES :(

I did see them win last year in Washington though :p

Maybe its just a homefield jinx

You'd better not post your pic to the Members Pictures thread then, because if any of us recognize you going into Cowboys Stadium, we'll make real sure you spend the next few hours at the emergency room, rather than the game...

Future;3107068 said:
Uh, I'm 21 and I can remember all three Super Bowls...

The Cowboys have won FIVE, young man... sure, two of 'em were before you were born, but they count...
Don Corleone;3107575 said:

Please convince me that the OP is joking. Where's "Gimmetheball"? He has divorced his wives, quit his jobs, and been thrown in jail in the name of the Cowboys.

...oh, and by the way, I drove 5 hours to watch the Cowboys on TV each Sunday they played (not for MNF and SNF games) from 2005-2007.

Many folks have had to read Gimme's posts. Having to do that day after day makes you a real fan. :)

Now where's the ignore......
Hostile;3107048 said:
I enjoyed the OP. It was posted in a manner meant to be funny and explain himself at the same time. We all think we are the biggest Cowboys fan there is. It is the nature of our understanding of our own love of the team. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I am almost too involved for my own good. It's a shame Cowboys mania isn't a paid job. I'd be a rich son of a biscuit eater.

you sir would make bill gates look broke
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

A REAL Cowboy fan would have the balls to demand that the TV was on IN the dining room, and then put it in there himself if he were told no.
Not competing here -- some of my items are very run-of-the-mill; it's just a kick to remember and share this stuff.
  • I used to wear my Danny White jersey to school in the heart of Commanders country in the late 70s and early 80s.
  • I used to sit outside in my parents' car listening to Brad Schram and Pat Summerall broadcast the game on the radio for 3 hours. I'd start the car every hour or so to make sure the battery wouldn't die down.
  • When I was 14 years old I could name every player on the Cowboys.
  • My parents didn't even try to make me go to bed on Cowboys game night. At one point I had a little black and white TV in my room. I remember one Monday night watching the Cowboys lose to somebody (the Cardinals? I think it may have been the year they beat the Broncos in the Superbowl.) During the commercials, I switched (manually, using the dial on the TV) over to The Godfather.
  • I had a subscription to the Dallas Cowboys Weekly for a few years in high school.
  • I read Staubach's autobiography in high school.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games

Does holding off your 2 min. date with "Lefty" until the game is over really qualify as turning down sex for the Cowboys?
If you're obsessed enough to post on an internet forum about your team than you're already in the die-hard category.

The only thing that makes real fans though - making it through the tough times and not ever giving up faith in your team.

I'm only 22 so the past 15 years have been absolutely dreadful to watch. I vaguely remember the dynasty but I cannot wait to enjoy the feeling of winning a blinkie now that I understand the game entirely.
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin
I can vouch for these as well. I also turned down paying gigs on Sundays and dumped a girlfriend because she wasn't a sports fan and wanted to go out with me every Sunday. I have had the pleasure of witnessing 3 Super Bowl victories however. Let me tell you, those Sundays are the most nerve wrecking, gut twisting, most enjoyable days you will ever experience.

jchap;3107017 said:
I call dibs on most unlucky cowboys fan! I've been to 12 games in dallas 11 in Texas Stadium and 1 in the New Stadium... ALL LOSSES :(

I did see them win last year in Washington though :p

Maybe its just a homefield jinx
Um sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop going to Cowboys games please...

I listen to this on autorepeat during Cowboys games because IM TEH WORLD BIGGEZT FAN.

I'm married to the cowboys. Although last year I wanted a divorce after THAT season. But right now we're working things out. It's a day by day thing. For better or worse.
Apollo Creed;3107749 said:
This isn't a dick measuring contest brah.

If you're obsessed enough to post on an internet forum about your team than you're already in the die-hard category.

The only thing that makes real fans though - making it through the tough times and not ever giving up faith in your team.

I'm only 22 so the past 15 years have been absolutely dreadful to watch. I vaguely remember the dynasty but I cannot wait to enjoy the feeling of winning a blinkie now that I understand the game entirely.

True that.

Although there's a new meme out... bandwagon fans are a little more subtle... it's stead of losing faith, the watch the Cowboys with a "detached view"
silverbear;3107670 said:
Well, except for the part about turning down sex for the game... I always found women who didn't mind having sex during the game, with the TV on...

At least something got turned on.
Anyone here ever cried... after a preseason loss? Didn't think so.

- Biggest Cowboys fan ever :)
Howboutdemcowboys31;3106992 said:
I am not questioning anyone on this boards fanhood because I know most of you are great Cowboy fans. Many of you on here probaly don't know me because I dont make controversial threads and I dont post often because I'd rather read what other people have to say. Anyway, I was sitting in my room last night thinking to myself though, who out there is actually a BIGGER fan than me? Allow me to go into detail:

1) I have not missed a game in 10yr (I am 21)
2) I pay alot of money out of pocket for direct tv so I can see everygame and due to that I'm always broke
3) I drive an hour and ahalf home every sunday morning if Dallas isnt televised so I can see the game. (How many of you would do that?)
4) Living 5 mins from philly,it takes more balls to be a Cowboys fan here then anywhere else in the country
5) I have just as much Cowboys gear/memorbilia then anyone on this board
6) i have the star tatood on me for life
7) Ive been in 3 physical altercations over my team
8) I have turned down sex for Cowboys games
9) I have never ever turned off a Cowboys game till the last second, whether we were up 40 or down 40
10) I watch pregame, the game, and postgame till the network switches to something else
11) This website is my homepage and I visit it atleast 3X/day
12) How many of you on here havent witnessed your favorite team win a playoff game? Since I was old enough to understand and care about football, I have never witnessed the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game, and I still am passionate as anyone could be.
13) For the last couple of years, I have eaten Thanksgiving in THE OTHER ROOM BY MYSELF SO I COULD SEE THE TV. I'd argue that almost none of you do that. Call me stupid for it, but I'm not missing a game or a play for anything.

There are many other reasons why I am Boys fan, but these ones stuck out to me. I am not dissing people on this board because I realize some of you are just as great a fan as I am, but I will argue that any of you are greater.

Life Priorities:
1) Family and Friends
2) School
3) Dallas Cowboys Football:starspin

This guy is probably a "bigger" fan than you, unless you have photographic evidence to the contrary :laugh2:


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