Many reports saying TCU invited to Big 12

Chocolate Lab;4167179 said:
Not sure if serious...

I agree. I think ND is still a draw but I don't think they are the Biggest Draw. I would say that Texas, USC (when not on probation), Bama, Florida, OU and LSU are the biggest draws in College football right now.
Manwiththeplan;4167142 said:
Conventional wisdom does agree with you, but Notre Dame is still the biggest draw in college football. Notre Dame hasn't been good in a while, but NBC back in 2008 signed an extension through 2015.

That isn't even close to correct. Actually, I'm not even sure ND was top 10 last year. I read somewhere that Nebraska beat ND in viewer ratings by a substantial amount.
ABQCOWBOY;4166803 said:
I would. TCU is a good Football and Baseball school with a decent Track Program (TAMU). BYU is a very good Football and Basketball Program (Nebraska) and BSU is light years better in Football then is Colorado who is really good in nothing.

I think they improve with those schools.

Let's just go with two things that College ADs and Presidents look at for an all-sports conference:

Overall Sports ranking 2010-11 Seasons:
TAMU (8th) so WAY ahead of the good in almost all sports
Nebraska (33rd)
BYU (37th)
TCU (53rd)
Colorado (66th)
Boise St (83rd)

Academic ranking (this is not the ACC

TAMU (58th) also a big lead
BYU (71)
Colorado (94)
TCU (97)
Nebraska (101)
Boise St (>>200)

Also, rolling average top sports shcools over last 10 years:
There are 4 in group the top 40:

Nebraska (19th)
TAMU (24th)
BYU (25th)
Colorado (38th)
Manwiththeplan;4167165 said:
Easy to say if your not a ND/USC fan (I'm not either), but people do pay attention to USC/Notre Dame and Michigan/Notre Dame. I mean should Florida State and Miami discontinue their rivalry as well? Ofcourse not.
OU/ nebraska did and they aren't going through hard times with their programs, A&M just ditched UT.
DFWJC;4167215 said:
Let's just go with two things that College ADs and Presidents look at for an all-sports conference:

Overall Sports ranking 2010-11 Seasons:
TAMU (8th) so WAY ahead of the good in almost all sports
Nebraska (33rd)
BYU (37th)
TCU (53rd)
Colorado (66th)
Boise St (83rd)

Academic ranking (this is not the ACC

TAMU (58th) also a big lead
BYU (71)
Colorado (94)
TCU (97)
Nebraska (101)
Boise St (>>200)

Also, rolling average top sports shcools over last 10 years:
There are 4 in group the top 40:

Nebraska (19th)
TAMU (24th)
BYU (25th)
Colorado (38th)

Would be a good argument if all sports made money. They don't so really what we are talking about are major TV draws. That's Football, Baseball and Basketball. All the rest drain money. If you break it down that way, review these programs again and see how they stack up.
DFWJC;4167215 said:
Let's just go with two things that College ADs and Presidents look at for an all-sports conference:

Overall Sports ranking 2010-11 Seasons:
TAMU (8th) so WAY ahead of the good in almost all sports
Nebraska (33rd)
BYU (37th)
TCU (53rd)
Colorado (66th)
Boise St (83rd)

Academic ranking (this is not the ACC

TAMU (58th) also a big lead
BYU (71)
Colorado (94)
TCU (97)
Nebraska (101)
Boise St (>>200)

Also, rolling average top sports shcools over last 10 years:
There are 4 in group the top 40:

Nebraska (19th)
TAMU (24th)
BYU (25th)
Colorado (38th)

Where are you getting these numbers? They aren't all matching stuff I'm finding listing this type info on Google.
Aikbach;4167113 said:
Exactly and what is so dog gone special about Mizzou anyhow, the St. Louis tv market is their biggest draw, they're a solid program from time to time but they aren't indispensable and they're even less equipped than A&M to handle the SEC, A&M at least had the battle tests of the Big 12 South, the Big 12 North even with Nebraska at full strength was never as imposing.

Missouri imo, is likely just the best of the rest. WVU academic profile is holding them back, Kansas and K-State just aren't as big of draws in football. Louisville's program isn't really strong enough. So imo, Missouri will get the first call from the SEC or Big Ten if they decide to expand
in regards to ND joining the big 12, from what ive heard, this would be as a non football member. basically the same deal they currently have with the big east. they would probably start a yearly rivalry with texas though and rotate games with other teams in the big 12.
Whatever the case, with regards to Missouri and the SEC, according to discussion with the SEC today, the SEC meet to plan for an athletic season of 2012-2013 consisting of 13 teams. According to reports, there was no consideration for further expansion until some time after that.

What that means to me is that Missouri isn't going to the SEC until 2013-2014 earliest and they have already said, themselves, that the BIG 10 had no interest in offering an invitation so I don't know what their options are. I would expect the Big 12 offer Missouri a place in the Big 12 in exchange for a long term commitment. If Missouri elects not to accept that, then I don't know what they would do. I guess they could be an independent for a year and hope that they get an offer next year. They could try a TAMU deal and promise to stay on but leave the next year. I don't see that working myself. I would expect that the new Big 12 Commissioner will probably block that by adding stiff monetary penalties designed to discourage any sort of commitment defaults. I think that if what the SEC is saying turns out to be true, Missouri is in a bad spot. Not a lot of options that I can see.
MC KAos;4167261 said:
in regards to ND joining the big 12, from what ive heard, this would be as a non football member. basically the same deal they currently have with the big east. they would probably start a yearly rivalry with texas though and rotate games with other teams in the big 12.

They would be stupid not to play Texas, OU, OkSt. and TCU imo. Those would all be major TV draws in an area they sorely need exposure in. I guess we'll see.
ABQCOWBOY;4167176 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong here but TAMU did not have the chance to jump to the SEC last year. SEC wanted Texas and OU as part of the deal. They stayed in the Big 12 because they did not have an exclusive invite to the SEC. So long as Texas an OU stay in the Big 12, the Big 12 is viable. Missouri doesn't have any reason to fear because the Big 12 is not losing either of those two Marquee teams but either way, it doesn't matter. They can leave if they want. The Big 10 has already said that they have no interest so they aren't going there. SEC has not made any formal offer so I don't see them headed there. If they are not careful, they are going to find themselves with no chair left when the music stops.

I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Texas A&M had an opportunity to join the SEC, but opted not to. And it's not like Missouri is going to get kicked out the Big XII, so they only way they get left w/o a seat is if the conference folds.
Chocolate Lab;4167179 said:
Not sure if serious...

I'm having trouble finding it, but awhile ago, espn did a poll and Notre Dame was bar far the most popular team in every age group 25+, with the percentage increasing with each demographic. If I can find it, I'll post it.
Manwiththeplan;4167280 said:
I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Texas A&M had an opportunity to join the SEC, but opted not to. And it's not like Missouri is going to get kicked out the Big XII, so they only way they get left w/o a seat is if the conference folds.

I don't believe that is correct. I believe that the deal was, TAMU bring OU and Texas. That didn't happen.

As for Missouri, I don't think so. Missouri, IMO, would have to be willing to accept a long term affiliation. If they don't do that, there is nothing that says the Big 12 has to do anything for Missouri. There is a place for them if they want to commit to the Big 12 but if they simply want to kill time until a prettier girl comes along, I think they could find themselves out in the cold.
ABQCOWBOY;4167293 said:
I don't believe that is correct. I believe that the deal was, TAMU bring OU and Texas. That didn't happen.

so what happened between june and now? The sec suddenly changed their minds? possible. jmo, the sec wanted a Texas team and texas a&m were the disgruntled ones, so they targeted them.

ABQCOWBOY;4167293 said:
As for Missouri, I don't think so. Missouri, IMO, would have to be willing to accept a long term affiliation. If they don't do that, there is nothing that says the Big 12 has to do anything for Missouri. There is a place for them if they want to commit to the Big 12 but if they simply want to kill time until a prettier girl comes along, I think they could find themselves out in the cold.

It's a bold move to vote out Missouri, which may make the Big 12 schools feel better, but may not be in the best intrest of the conference. Doubt it happens.
Manwiththeplan;4167305 said:
so what happened between june and now? The sec suddenly changed their minds? possible. jmo, the sec wanted a Texas team and texas a&m were the disgruntled ones, so they targeted them.

Possibly. However, I think what happened is that the landscape changed. At the time, the thought was that Texas and OU were going to be brought into the PAC 10 by Colorado. Texas could not jump to the PAC 10 without TAMU. TAMU wanted to go to the SEC so they cut a deal that said if they could bring Texas and OU, the SEC would take them all. Texas never wanted to go to the SEC because their AD wants to create an academic situation in which the conference qualifies for Federal Funding/Grant Money, much like the Big 10 now enjoys. The Big 10 makes more money of off their scientific grant funding then they do all of the athletics combined. Texas AD is interested in the same kind of thing for the Big 12, which is why they do not want to go to the SEC. This is essentially what I recall from that whole deal.

Now, there is no possibility that Texas or OU are going to the PAC12 and neither of them seem eager to join the SEC so TAMU offers one thing that the SEC covets. The ability to actively recruit into Texas. There are probably other dynamics involved but I suspect that this is the jest of it.

It's a bold move to vote out Missouri, which may make the Big 12 schools feel better, but may not be in the best intrest of the conference. Doubt it happens.

On the contrary. It would be more dangerous to allow them to stay only to see them jump to another conference in a year. That would basically establish a track record in which the Big 12 would lose members for 3 straight years. That would serve to undermind the Big 12 more then anything else IMO. The Big 12, assuming they acquire 3 or 4 more solid teams, needs to show stability for a period of time. In order to get a lucrative TV contract renewal, they have to be solid. Missouri jumping ship next year would hurt the Big 12 much more then if they did it this year IMO.
i think its pretty clear that missouri wants out and thats why they dont want to make the commitment the rest of the schools have made. i hope they get an invite to the SEC, not because i want them to leave or because i think its best for the conference, but because i really dont want to have a school in the conference that doesnt want to be here and could make it chaotic in the future. so hopefully they leave, we bring in byu and whomever else and move on.
Aikbach;4167225 said:
OU/ nebraska did and they aren't going through hard times with their programs, A&M just ditched UT.

Correction, we ditched UT's conference. Texas is the one unwilling to continue the rivalry.
ABQCOWBOY;4167176 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong here but TAMU did not have the chance to jump to the SEC last year. SEC wanted Texas and OU as part of the deal. They stayed in the Big 12 because they did not have an exclusive invite to the SEC. So long as Texas an OU stay in the Big 12, the Big 12 is viable. Missouri doesn't have any reason to fear because the Big 12 is not losing either of those two Marquee teams but either way, it doesn't matter. They can leave if they want. The Big 10 has already said that they have no interest so they aren't going there. SEC has not made any formal offer so I don't see them headed there. If they are not careful, they are going to find themselves with no chair left when the music stops.

A&M had an offer to join last summer, all we had to do was submit our notice that we were leaving the Big XII and the SEC would have voted us in in the exact same process that occured this year. A&M agreed to stay with the Big XII on the premise that Texas would not try and show high school or conference games on the network they were planning (among other terms). When Texas went back on the gentleman's agreement, the ball started rolling again
The30YardSlant;4167351 said:
A&M had an offer to join last summer, all we had to do was submit our notice that we were leaving the Big XII and the SEC would have voted us in in the exact same process that occured this year. A&M agreed to stay with the Big XII on the premise that Texas would not try and show high school or conference games on the network they were planning (among other terms). When Texas went back on the gentleman's agreement, the ball started rolling again
I think all is correct except the bolded statement. There is no evidence that Texas gave a gentleman's agreement to not show HS games, etc.
Of course, now he sounds like they have come to a formal agreement to not do so.

The whole TV thing is odd anyway, seeing that Texas offered A&M a fair shot form the very beginning to partner with them and A&M turned them down. Then when it looked lucrative, everyone started crying foul.

A&M came out of this just fine, nevertheless. The SEC is a definite upgrade.

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