Marcus Vick in case you haven't heard

dbair1967 said:
just goes to show you how foolish some are and how they buy into hype, this guy sux as a QB

and oh by the way, so does his older brother


Mike Vick is definitely is not the best, or a Pro Bowl, QB, but he DEFINITELY does not suck. You guys amaze me with your overkill of QBs. I'm sure you will respond with some outlandish stat, or comparison, or fabricated opinion, but seriously, the guy has some talent. IMO, that's far from sucking. Get over yourself.:D
calico said:
You did not watch college football on ABC all of last year then. Saunders had a hard on for Vick all year long...claimed he was better than Vince Young.

Never go by what a commentator for any given game says. They ALWAYS overhype the player they're covering that week.

Brent Mussberger (sp?) said the Ohio State QB (forget his name) was the best in the nation. They just say those things to keep the audience into the game.
marcus vick got big talent like him or not. i will take a change on him in round 3-5 it will be a steal.
dallasfan31 said:
marcus vick got NO talent like him or not. i will NEVER take a change on him in ANY round. it will be a WASTE OF A FREAKIN' DRAFT PICK.

Can he play RT? no....

What about FS? no...

What about ILB?no....

Wr? no....

Qb? no....

why is he being mentioned
Muhast said:
Can he play RT? no....

What about FS? no...

What about ILB?no....

Wr? no....

Qb? no....

why is he being mentioned

I have no idea.
Muhast said:
Can he play RT? no....

What about FS? no...

What about ILB?no....

Wr? no....

Qb? no....

why is he being mentioned

Why pass up a chance to slam him?:rolleyes:
juice28 said:
Mike Vick is definitely is not the best, or a Pro Bowl, QB, but he DEFINITELY does not suck. You guys amaze me with your overkill of QBs. I'm sure you will respond with some outlandish stat, or comparison, or fabricated opinion, but seriously, the guy has some talent. IMO, that's far from sucking. Get over yourself.:D

sure he has talent...he'd be an amazing RB (if he could hold onto the ball, he fumbles alot) but he stinks as a QB...the guy doesnt have the accuracy to hit the broad side if a barn door, is painfully slow reading defenses (alot of the sacks he takes are because he doesnt know what to do) and is always blaming others for his inability to be a good passing QB...the guy's the most overhyped player in sports history

theogt said:
Call me naive or whatever, but I believe in the right atmosphere people's attitude can be changed.
OK, you are naive. Especially if you think that a guy like TO is going to change at this point. Most of these selfcentered blowhards like him have figured it out by the time they are 28 or so if they are ever going to 'get it'. TO is well past that and still doesn't 'get it' and I just don't see it happening.

And even the young ones like AB won't get it most of the time; very few of these guys ever do. They are what they are...Jerks to the core.
dbair1967 said:
sure he has talent...he'd be an amazing RB (if he could hold onto the ball, he fumbles alot) but he stinks as a QB...the guy doesnt have the accuracy to hit the broad side if a barn door, is painfully slow reading defenses (alot of the sacks he takes are because he doesnt know what to do) and is always blaming others for his inability to be a good passing QB...the guy's the most overhyped player in sports history
And there you have it. Mike Vick in a nutshell.
JackMagist said:
I have to disagree with that. A bad attitude is harder to overcome than a lack of talent. The league is full of players who are "overachievers", guys who made make up for a little less natural talent or ability with hard work and dedication. I'll take an overachiever over an underachiever every time. Give me the hard worker who will study and put in the workout time to be the best he can and guys like Marcus Vick and Sean Taylor can go hold up liquor stores together until their money won't buy them out of it any more.

I agree Jack...

someone may give the kid a try and I hope it works out but I wouldn't count on it.
Julius Jones said:
Are the cowboys having TC in Jail this year? If not i think he will be unable to attend.

You might just be correct.......:lmao2:
Marcus Vick has shown some talent at wide receiver at VaTech. I haven't been imressed with him at QB, but maybe someone will take a chance on him there. He has more promise as a wide receiver. At this point, he is a 5th rounder at best. More than likely later in the draft. He may not make it in the NFL because of his maturity level and issues, not because of physical talent.
Jerry pulls the trigger in round 6 if he's still there. He will finaly get his Michael Vick, the quarterback Jerry covets most in this world. Albeit will be his younger brother, but he'll come cheaper, which Jerry will like even more.

Plus I believe Bill's foundation has been built far enough to his liking, that it's time he can bring in a few "high-risk" players to fill some holes like he has in the past on every other team he's coached. Not to mention we're in need of a 3rd string qb to fill the hole soon to be created by the releasing or trading (depending on his NFLe showing), of Drew Henson.

Face it, it's a crap shoot regardless who you draft at QB that far down the draft board, might as well go for a name. Or the option, another No-Name Tony Romo or another Baseball-Reject Chad Q. Henson.
Why so much hate towards Michael Vick? The guy's a Pro Bowl QB ... like it or not, agree or not. He was playing in Hawaii!!!

What's with the anger towards the young man? Over-hyped? Maybe. But why down play his talent.

He's the leader of the Falcons. Led them to an NFC title game in 2004. Give him credit.

Is he a gun slinger? No.

Is he a well rounder QB? Probably not.

But he's the leader of an NFL team and a Pro Bowler at that.

Put down the Haterade.
Marcus Vick is a thug and an arsehole! If he ended up a Cowboy I may have to find a new team to root for! Exactly HOW many chances does this prison ***** need?!
Eddie said:
Why so much hate towards Michael Vick? The guy's a Pro Bowl QB ... like it or not, agree or not. He was playing in Hawaii!!!

What's with the anger towards the young man? Over-hyped? Maybe. But why down play his talent.

He's the leader of the Falcons. Led them to an NFC title game in 2004. Give him credit.

Is he a gun slinger? No.

Is he a well rounder QB? Probably not.

But he's the leader of an NFL team and a Pro Bowler at that.

Put down the Haterade.

I agree. To say Michael Vick isn't talented and will be out of football in two years is absolutely absurd. He may not be the pocket QB that you want to see, but he gets the job done and is the most dangerous man in the NFL with the ball in his hand.

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