Martellus Bennett on "Hard Knocks".


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Cogan;2188330 said:
I had a real hard time watching the segment on Martellus Bennett in the first installment of "Hard Knocks" on HBO. I just had a chance to go over the recording of it, and it just blew me away how the Cowboys talked right before or after drafting him with the 61st pick in the draft.

One team official, (I couldn't see who it was because the camera was filming from behing him), stated in the draft War Room, "He's a little bit immature, he's extremely talented. You've got to put your foot on his throat, don't give him an inch and say, "This is how we do things here...boom". Huh?!! Since when have cattle prods been part of assistant coach's equipment package? This is a guy who was HOPING to go to his childhood team?!

A little later in the segment, TEs position coach John Garrett is shown going over with Bennett the technique of how to put the ball away, which hand to put it in, etc. Bennett looks like he's totally tuned Garrett out. Even when Garrett flat out tells him to put the ball in his left hand, right now, across the chest, etc., he has to repeat himself 3-4 times before Bennett finally adheres to his BOSS's demands. This is a player who called being draft by Dallas as a blessing?!

The most graphic difference in the attitudes of Bennett & another rookie TE was when UDFA Andrew Atchison, William & Mary, was shown going through the same rookie hazing that Bennett goes through. Atchison takes the banana "microphone" with two smaller round pieces of fruit connected to the bottom half, (LMAO), and procedes to imitate the "white dude" who sang "My Girl" in the movie "Remember the Titans". By the time Atchison was through, he had all of the vets singing with him, and received a loud ovation for his efforts. Bennett just went through the motions on personal questions, then stepped off the stage without even trying to sing.

I don't care about this kids' age, (Atchison has to be close to the same age). All I care about is that we spent a 2nd rd. pick on a very good athlete with no heart. So far, he looks exactly like the player Pro Football Weekly's Draft Guide said was, "as athletic as any pass catcher in the draft, but his lack of discipline, selfishness, and concerns about his work ethic could restrict him from becoming the type of pro he is capable of being".

Time will tell how long it takes for Bennett to "get it". I just hope if/when he does, it's not with another team.

This episode cleary raises some red flags for the kid. He acts like he is entitled and doesnt appreciate the gift he has been given to be able to play in the NFL.

I am hoping that he will mature and the light will go on. However, I still do not like the pick.

We spent a 2nd rounder on a #3 TE, that is the reality of the situation. Maybe one day he will pass Tony Curtis on the depth chart, but right now Bennett is #3 and would be on the bubble if not for his 2nd round pedigree.


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LeonDixson;2188372 said:
The story I heard was that Jerry wanted to trade up to get a WR, but was talked out of it by the coaches and scouts. I never heard he wanted to trade up to get Bennett.

Na they didn't feel that any WR was going to be worth a pick or make any impact on the team.

Mash;2188377 said:
Didnt Jerry wanted to trade up for Hardy?

No they weren't looking at WR and after the trade with Fasano the wanted a TE even more.

InmanRoshi;2188373 said:
Derek Ross Pt 2

Oh God no I'm so mad that the bulls drafted him number 1 it damn near killed me.


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DaBoys4Life;2188431 said:
Na they didn't feel that any WR was going to be worth a pick or make any impact on the team.

No they weren't looking at WR and after the trade with Fasano the wanted a TE even more.

Oh God no I'm so mad that the bulls drafted him number 1 it damn near killed me.

From my understanding and memory from what I read.....Jerry did in fact what to trade up and Hardy was their man.....Jerry got overruled by the majority so they stuck with the pick and picked the best available player that happened to be Bennett.

Fasano got traded because the coaches had Curtis passing him on the depth chart late in the season and they werent too impressed with Fasano route running


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DallasDomination;2188347 said:
I'm just going off what I seen on Hard KNocks. Obviously I cant see everything in camp or how He's doing...However there are some red flags with Him right now. bad body language, That part on hard KNocks and a unknown tardy for practice.
that tardy is for his personal issue.

i got the impression from what JJ said he was a witness to some incident. but he's through with it.

i'm guessing he's been giving interviews to the police on something, hence why nothing is mentioned and why the cowboys are being so coy.

don't think it's anything to worry about

amazing foresight from that hard knocks episode to the game situation


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Mash;2188443 said:
From my understanding and memory from what I read.....Jerry did in fact what to trade up and Hardy was their man.....Jerry got overruled by the majority so they stuck with the pick and picked the best available player that happened to be Bennett.

Fasano got traded because the coaches had Curtis passing him on the depth chart late in the season and they werent too impressed with Fasano route running

no they were going to trade up for bennett and sat there instead going off memory it's type hazey but hopefully someone can provide clarification.


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In fact, Jerry Jones said he was trying to trade higher into the second round, with the possibility of taking a receiver, or even Bennett.

The articles says no mention of it being hardy just a WR so i guess we were both right however saying how we traded away Fasano the day b4 trading up for a WR in the 2nd wouldn't have made much sense so cheers.

Little Jr

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dbair1967;2188376 said:
when the coaches or one of the Jones' comes out and says there's an issue or they are concerned, I'll worry...until then I see no reason for all the freaking out


I'm not sure the coaches or one of the Jones' would come out and say there were issues on a Hard Knock series. Especially knowing he would see the show. I figure that would be discuss behind close doors and not on a Hard Knocks series that the whole nation will see.

I just dont think the coaches would be totally honest on a subject like this. I just dont think they would come out and say " his attitude sucks, his body language sucks" ect... It wouldnt benefit them or the player.

I also heard Norm say that even Witten called him out on a show today. It's still early and I hope he changes and works out. I believe he will but the early signs arent very good. That's all.


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The last athlete with talent and poor work ethic was Cedric Benson, look what happened to him.


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Gotta feeling this guy is one who is going to have to get cut before he wakes up. If he ever does.


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If you listen to him on the local radio station he sounds really immature. Matt Moseley often asks him about superheros and M Bennett goes on and on about his superhero.

The guy is kinda wacko. It's one thing to talk about it when asked, but Bennett carries the superhero conversation for like 5 minutes.

I don't think this kid matures into a professional.


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DaBoys4Life;2188488 said:
no they were going to trade up for bennett and sat there instead going off memory it's type hazey but hopefully someone can provide clarification.

As far as I remember, Hardy was the only WR they felt could make an impact in the draft and they considered trading up for him. They also would have taken Sweed, had he been there at our pick.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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dbair1967;2188342 said:
and the same coach you say he's dissing and tuning out is the same one who praised him and thinks he's doing well

its been about 3 weeks...everyone needs to quit bashing the rookies


We also need to remember that HBO is going to take a story line and run with it, ignoring anything to the contrary. There's a kernel of truth there, but HBO has cherry-picked this version and thrown out any footage that doesn't agree with it, just like it did with Keon Lattimore.


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TheCount;2188531 said:
As far as I remember, Hardy was the only WR they felt could make an impact in the draft and they considered trading up for him. They also would have taken Sweed, had he been there at our pick.

If thats the case they should have pulled the trigger on Hardy....


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I didn't see Hard Knocks...just read that Bennett's aged 20, has done little right so far...yet he's ahead of Tony Curtis? Cromartie also was a 'reach', and had some immature penalties his rookie year, so Bennett may need some patience. I will be watching and comparing him with Kevin O'Connell, another reach choice, criticized by many fans. After 1 preseason game each, I'd rather have O'Connell.


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How many of these threads are going to be started about the same crap.:shatfan:


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DaBoys4Life;2188542 said:
If thats the case they should have pulled the trigger on Hardy....

Hardy was one of my favorite players in the draft, I seem to remember though that they said they actually made some calls but couldn't find anyone to trade with, probably everyone in that section of the draft was interested in taking part on the run on receivers and we weren't willing to sell the farm.


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Joe71;2188683 said:
How many of these threads are going to be started about the same crap.:shatfan:

I take it you are fairly new around these parts.

Just wait until Roy has a bad game and you will see that the answer to your questions is still being determined.

As far as Bennett goes, I don't think his attitude is going to cut it with some of the vets on this team.

With as close as this team is, I cannot see Witten, Romo, TO, Newman, Bradie, Zach and even Ellis letting 1 player slack and set a negative tone for the rest of the team.

I think the whole organization has pretty much no patience for a slacker. Jerry and Co. have shown that they will give people chances but all of those who have received an opportunity have been hard workers. Bennett either pick it up or be prepared for the ***-ripping he is going to get from the players, coaches, management, fans and media. People had the impression that Roy was a slacker (and he probably was) and Roy started getting it hard. By all accounts, Roy has put in a TON of work and is now playing at a higher level.


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Can anyone count the number of times that the term "body language" has been used since episode 1 of Hard Knocks? I mean, some coach comments on Bennett's body language and posters all over start using the term like it is standard football terminology- "Yeah, he had real bad body language, makes me worry about his maturity." LOL

I'll bet that the term was never used once in the last 5 training camps on this board and all of the sudden it defines a guy because of a coaches comment.


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5Countem5;2188716 said:
Can anyone count the number of times that the term "body language" has been used since episode 1 of Hard Knocks? I mean, some coach comments on Bennett's body language and posters all over start using the term like it is standard football terminology- "Yeah, he had real bad body language, makes me worry about his maturity." LOL

I'll bet that the term was never used once in the last 5 training camps on this board and all of the sudden it defines a guy because of a coaches comment.

Coaches comments, newspaper reports, blogs, etc. are kind of all we have to go off of. As much as we wish, its not like we are all at TC interacting and observing the players ourselves.

Nobody may not have ever used the term but that doesn't change the fact that we all know exactly what it means. Poor body language is not a good sign in any way, shape, or form and really isn't something that is typical of athletes. Poor attitudes are prevalent but how many players actually just have poor body language?


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Hoofbite;2188736 said:
Coaches comments, newspaper reports, blogs, etc. are kind of all we have to go off of. As much as we wish, its not like we are all at TC interacting and observing the players ourselves.

Nobody may not have ever used the term but that doesn't change the fact that we all know exactly what it means. Poor body language is not a good sign in any way, shape, or form and really isn't something that is typical of athletes. Poor attitudes are prevalent but how many players actually just have poor body language?

It's just hilarious the way the term has been latched onto though by those wanting to crack on Bennett. 50 bucks says if the video had been the same, and no coach uttered those words- it would have never been brought up.

It's becoming as legendary as Amendola's OTA catch ...