Marty B hates Witten?

Honestly I have no problem with what they said. He's right a lot of teams do try to make you be a robot with no personality, nothing but vanilla pre rehearsed answers and don't like guys to be real. I don't like that. And I'm glad I didn't have coaches like that when I played when i was younger, we were successful and won titles without smothering people's personalities. Toe the company line or get shunned. Even in the military its not that bad.

These guys need their personalities to be smothered. Anyone who would tell a reporter that the last QB they played with was the worst QB in the NFL needs a muzzle. What are the chances that he was a good teammate during the last 3 years? What are the chances that he put the team before his opinions?
I don't believe its about towing a company line or get shunned...its about respecting other people. Maybe you consider getting released, not resigned, or underpaid as being shunned...I consider it a smart move by a teams FO to not put too much into players that will use their mouths to erode the fabric of the team. These guys are not victims who people don't like because they are "keeping it real" as some say. There is nothing wrong with filtering what you say when because as a teammate you are supposed to put the team first not your negative opinions.
Is this a bad time to mention that Jamaal Charles was drafted 12 spots after Martellus Bennett?
Saw all I needed to see from that clown in those Hard Knocks episodes where he wouldn't put his helmet on
seriously had no problem with what he said. Everyone doesn't like everyone. He appreciated Jason's game which says he didn't let reasonableness overrule his emotions. The two came off to me as well adjusted. It's nice that the most important thing they feel is their children. Kind of refreshing in this day and age.
Football is not Bennett's priority. That's his problem. The Giants were desperate for a good TE and they let him walk. That tells you everything. I bet the Pats let him walk after a year to.
These guys need their personalities to be smothered. Anyone who would tell a reporter that the last QB they played with was the worst QB in the NFL needs a muzzle. What are the chances that he was a good teammate during the last 3 years? What are the chances that he put the team before his opinions?
I don't believe its about towing a company line or get shunned...its about respecting other people. Maybe you consider getting released, not resigned, or underpaid as being shunned...I consider it a smart move by a teams FO to not put too much into players that will use their mouths to erode the fabric of the team. These guys are not victims who people don't like because they are "keeping it real" as some say. There is nothing wrong with filtering what you say when because as a teammate you are supposed to put the team first not your negative opinions.

All those comments were about ppl he played with before not his current teammates so it does nothing to hurt team dynamic of an old team. The reporter asked the question and he answered with his opinion. Because it doesn't fit the "be respectful, even talking about garbage players bit".
Probably just saying he hated Witten because everyone around here treats him like mr. Perfect and Romo only has eyes for him :)

Doesn't mean he literally hates the guy lol.. come on people.
Is this a bad time to mention that Jamaal Charles was drafted 12 spots after Martellus Bennett?
Another of Dallas' famous 2nd round picks.
Sad thing is that compared to many of the others, he wasn't a complete fail.
All those comments were about ppl he played with before not his current teammates so it does nothing to hurt team dynamic of an old team. The reporter asked the question and he answered with his opinion. Because it doesn't fit the "be respectful, even talking about garbage players bit".

But if you have a teammate like Bennett that has trashed every one of his former teams, you know its only a matter of time until he trashes you.
All those comments were about ppl he played with before not his current teammates so it does nothing to hurt team dynamic of an old team. The reporter asked the question and he answered with his opinion. Because it doesn't fit the "be respectful, even talking about garbage players bit".
Not exactly...If a player if willing to bad mouth a previous teammate...or several previous teammates then players he plays with moving forward wont trust him because they know they could be the next guy he is disrespecting. Players in the league are all a part of a fraternity of sorts.

It's not about Cutler or his ability...When Brady reads an article and sees his new TE mouthing off about his past QB and knowing he did the same about Romo in the past, How should Brady feel that someday this guy wont bad mouth him...

The Bennett brothers act like a 3-4 year old child who says whatever is on their mind. Most people learn that there is a time and place to express themselves and their opinions...and blasting someone to a reporter is not the time or place.
Of course he did, more talent but only 1/1000000 of Witt's heart or brain to succeed..
To say you hated (past tense) someone, but you respected them is not an insult to the person that he hated. He is letting it be known the hate was on him and not Jason.

True story: I was at a night spot with Martellus Bennett some years back and he was talking football. And he was rambling on about some of the players. Witten was one of them. He made some comments that came across as negative but never anything specific like his comments were about other people. It was just things like that M_____F_____ witten this or that such and such Witten this......Never in a mad Tone, but a confused tone. I asked him whats your deal with Witten. He says: "Im Better than that M____F____".....He then pauses and says, Well Im bigger, faster, stronger, and my hands are just as good. I should be better, but something about him, that M___F____ is just good for no reason at all, but good none the less. He then says...Nah that M____F____ is great. I will never be the guy with him around, and he will be around a loooooong time...and he laughs and takes another sip of his drink, and say Wit is cool though. I like football. He loves football and he loves the cowboys.

Saying all that, I think people are taking his comments wrong. He was not blasting Jason Witten. I think he "hated" Witten because Witten possesses intangibles that he does not have. It takes a big man to admit hes jealous of another man.
This is what happens when two uneducated idiots share an interview.
They're doing a comedy routine the whole time, hard to take them seriously.

He probably "hated" Witten because he was so good and never got hurt. Peyton was notorious for basically hating young QB's. He didn't let them get any shine or any reps if he could avoid it. It's no wonder Brock doesn't have much to say about playing behind one of the greatest of all time.
His act will have him gone from New England in one year or less. He will not be a Patriot next year
As a follower of Texas A&M since the 70's...I can honestly say i hated we drafted him instead of being excited.

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