Mass shooting in Orlando nightclub

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As a person who is related to a victim of this atrocity, and hopefully there is a happy ending, I got to experience the torrent of emotions around each of the underlying themes here. Seeing a how there about 10 pages of board subject matter violations, I will assume there is some leeway with espousing my perspective.

The hardest thing in an event like this is to really not rush to judgement but assess where the effort for understanding and vigilance should lie, or is this an anomaly that is born from a mental issue.

I am no fan of ANY religion, but I dont see how you can draw moral equivalencies in todays world. In the 11-14th Century ( maybe up to WWII) Christianity and Catholicism was by far more of a threat to liberty via the Crusades and Inquisitions. Today, it is hands down Islam. There are an estimated 200-300K "Extremists" from a 1B population of Islam followers. However, the fringe isn't outright shunned by the masses like you have in Christianity now.

The inherent problem emanates from Islam stating it is the Last and Final revelation from God to humanity. In the "extremist" view, you are not allowed to question or criticize. Punishment for drawing the "prophet" results in a death sentence because the basic human right of freedom of expression is at direct odds with the practice. You begin to see this in Europe as billboards with women are being blacked out, separate pools, and violence on women that are justified with the all too familiar declarations of "racism" and "intolerance." Do most religions at their core embrace homosexuality? no. But there is only one at the moment are actually throwing accused homosexuals off of buildings and then stoning to death if by chance they live.

So, to each their own on religion, but the only way to progress as a society is 100% free speech and challenging ideas. Once that is gone, the regression is swift.
Well, someone took 12 bullets from an AR and one still in her liver and she's telling what happened? Lol

If you are implying that's too improbable to believe, I knew a guy in Afghanistan that survived being shot multiple times from an AK and lived to tell me about it the following day. Humans are resilient to gunfire sometimes. It depends on the location of the injuries. I'm not a doctor so maybe being shot in the liver and surviving should tell me something that I'm not getting.
You know the number of people the security precaution keep away from Area 51? I think you don't. Just as you don't know what your talking about when it comes to the effectiveness of a proper security walls and policies.

I guess if we need to have absolute certainty then maybe we should just end the entire conversion because nobody is absolutely certain about anything.

I'm willing to wager that the number of people who attempt to go to Area 51 is small in comparison to the number of people trying to cross the border. Even if it wasn't, all Area 51 would prove is that an armed presence can keep people out. How do you plan on arming all 2,000 miles of fence?
I guess if we need to have absolute certainty then maybe we should just end the entire conversion because nobody is absolutely certain about anything.

I'm willing to wager that the number of people who attempt to go to Area 51 is small in comparison to the number of people trying to cross the border. Even if it wasn't, all Area 51 would prove is that an armed presence can keep people out. How do you plan on arming all 2,000 miles of fence?

I'll wager the same guess you just made considering the border crossing is basically non existent in some areas. Contrast that to the Groom Lake fence road... very well maintained dirt road suitable for all cars in decent shape. There are hidden road sensors buried in the ground along the road, to give Area 51 security early warning of approaching vehicles. And of course you are watched from the surveillance installation on Bald Mountain, and by the camouflage dudes at the end of GL road. The differences are night and day in how these two things are protected. It's no wonder fewer folks attempt to infiltrate this demarcation in territory. The US-Mex border is a joke. All 2,000 miles could be monitored with this same technology and drones above.
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