Mass shooting in Orlando nightclub

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Leviticus Chapter 20 v 13

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

I guess you are not familiar with the Reformation of Christianity.
Yet it's still part of the bible. Yet pastors, even the non homophobic ones reference it from time to time, some quite a bit. The ten commandments are in the old testament as well.
It's still there because man learns from it's past. Find me something where Jesus preaches gays should be killed.

We can have a race. While you're looking in the New Testament, I'll see if I can find you something in the koran that says it. You know, the two main books that are FOLLOWED TODAY. Ready, set, GO!
[Also, ever heard of guilt by association? This is why I'm not going to even entertain this further.[/quote]

Big Star - The Alex Jones/Jesse Ventura wannabe.

Oh, and by the way...



Didn't ask for that: I asked for you to provide me a research into Islamic views from who you prefer.

Also, ever heard of guilt by association? This is why I'm not going to even entertain this further.

It's still there because man learns from it's past.

...yea, so what are people supposed to learn from that? that it's an abomination and worthy of death?

Find me something where Jesus preaches gays should be killed.

I have no doubt that he did not, however, the old testament is a part of the bible and used by pastors all over to teach, so to say Christianity does not teach killing gays is inaccurate. Most have enough sense to ignore it, but clearly there are people and not just a few that do not ignore it

We can have a race. While you're looking in the New Testament, I'll see if I can find you something in the koran that says it. You know, the two main books that are FOLLOWED TODAY. Ready, set, GO!

I have no doubt it's there. My point is not the Koran is more peaceful than the Bible.

Also, ever heard of guilt by association? This is why I'm not going to even entertain this further.


Come on, admit that you screwed up detective. This was your big breaking news story and it crumbled. Next time, champ. You'll get the Illuminati!

Come on, admit that you screwed up detective. This was your big breaking news story and it crumbled. Next time, champ. You'll get the Illuminati![/quote]

Illuminati? Defense contractors have no bias in judging the socio-pop of a culture/country we are currently deeply invested in via War? That's just connecting dots with common sense. Alex Jones is a bigot and just live in DC. Common sense round here (both sides)...we are paid to rebuild these countries as well...look a little deeper into what "foreign aid" entails in most countries; ESP countries you are at War and their allies.
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Stats to support that more than 50 people have been killed this year for being gay? Are you serious not aware?

My point is we shouldn't pick and choose how upset we are based on the perpetrator. If one cares about the lives of people, even if they are different and in this case LGBT, you should be just as upset. Maybe you are, I don't know, but I doubt your reaction to all the perpetrators is to eliminate them and specifically anyone that you believe thinks like them.

You made a claim. You may have just as well pulled it out of then air if you can't provide the stats to back it up. But rather than providing the stats you reply with a righteous indignant "Are you serious?". Noted

I don't know who else besides ISIS is slaughtering gays. ISIS needs to be cleansed from the face of this earth.
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Come on, admit that you screwed up detective. This was your big breaking news story and it crumbled. Next time, champ. You'll get the Illuminati!

Illuminati? Defense contractors have no bias in judging the socio-pop of a culture/country we are currently deeply invested in via War? That's just connecting dots with common sense. Alex Jones is a bigot and just live in DC. Common sense round here (both sides)...we are paid to rebuild these countries as well...look a little deeper into what "foreign aid" entails in most countries. ;)[/quote]

Can't even admit your screw up. Sad man, very sad.

Why an entire extra bathroom when you have stalls? Think of the Tax money that can be saved for Teachers Salary. At worst boosting Private Schools that are doing so well for the Economy is agreeably a common political view.

About 100 years ago outhouses were CO-Ed.
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Illuminati? Defense contractors have no bias in judging the socio-pop of a culture/country we are currently deeply invested in via War? That's just connecting dots with common sense. Alex Jones is a bigot and just live in DC. Common sense round here (both sides)...we are paid to rebuild these countries as well...look a little deeper into what "foreign aid" entails in most countries. ;)

[/quote] Can't even admit when you're wrong, Sad, just sad.


Okay :) Rant on...can only lead em to the well sometimes (always look at the founders/leadership of said research; least thought that was part of the game:eek:) Yeah, I messed up the quoting a couple posts back. :p
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I have no doubt that he did not, however, the old testament is a part of the bible and used by pastors all over to teach, so to say Christianity does not teach killing gays is inaccurate. Most have enough sense to ignore it, but clearly there are people and not just a few that do not ignore it.

This is simply not true. The Old Testament is NOT taught today as something to follow. The Word of Christ is what is taught today. You clearly know nothing of the two books and their meanings, and are only trying to cherry pick something you think furthers your agenda. I knew that the instant you cited Leviticus. Or if you DO know about them, then you are just being dishonest, again to further your agenda. I have no interest in arguing either scenario with you. Besides, this thread will be 86ed by the powers that be shortly anyway.
This is simply not true. The Old Testament is NOT taught today as something to follow.

You said it's included for man to learn from it's past. I said it is used to teach, what the difference? I never said that it was solely used, that there are Christian churches that only teach from the old testament, but you are lying if you are saying you have never sat through a sermon where old testament versus were used.

The Word of Christ is what is taught today. You clearly know nothing of the two books and their meanings, and are only trying to cherry pick something you think furthers your agenda. I knew that the instant you cited Leviticus. Or if you DO know about them, then you are just being dishonest, again to further your agenda. I have no interest in arguing either scenario with you.

You are actually the one cherry picking, and my only agenda is violence against the LGBT community was a problem prior to last night's events. It's wasn't specific to Christians, Muslims, Jews or people who don't believe in any God prior to last night and is not specific to anyone today.
You said it's included for man to learn from it's past. I said it is used to teach, what the difference? I never said that it was solely used, that there are Christian churches that only teach from the old testament, but you are lying if you are saying you have never sat through a sermon where old testament versus were used.

You are actually the one cherry picking, and my only agenda is violence against the LGBT community was a problem prior to last night's events. It's wasn't specific to Christians, Muslims, Jews or people who don't believe in any God prior to last night and is not specific to anyone today.

It was never okay to commit violence against the LGBT community so let's just agree to condemn it for all time. When you attempt to compare the slaughter last night with the teaching of Christianity today, there is no moral equivalency.
It was never okay to commit violence against the LGBT community so let's just agree to condemn it for all time.

I don't think you or the people I'm disagreeing with relish or even accept violence against anyone, so while we can agree here, I don't think this was ever in question, at least on my part

When you attempt to compare the slaughter last night with the teaching of Christianity today, there is no moral equivalency.

This is where the disconnect is. I'm not saying Christianity teaches people to kill gays, what I'm saying is, there are parts of the Bible, that say it, and it gives hateful people an excuse to do horrible things. The vast majority of Christians are against it, but there are some that aren't as much. The same thing is true about Islam, it condemns it, but I the vast majority of Muslims, at least here in the US, feel the same way. But I have no doubt, there are parts of the Koran that say similar things and allowed the shooter to feel like he is doing God's work. The hate or in some cases just non-acceptance is what the problem is and ultimately leads to the violence. Maybe not in one singular instance like last night, but certainly over time.
I don't think you or the people I'm disagreeing with relish or even accept violence against anyone, so while we can agree here, I don't think this was ever in question, at least on my part

This is where the disconnect is. I'm not saying Christianity teaches people to kill gays, what I'm saying is, there are parts of the Bible, that say it, and it gives hateful people an excuse to do horrible things. The vast majority of Christians are against it, but there are some that aren't as much. The same thing is true about Islam, it condemns it, but I the vast majority of Muslims, at least here in the US, feel the same way. But I have no doubt, there are parts of the Koran that say similar things and allowed the shooter to feel like he is doing God's work. The hate or in some cases just non-acceptance is what the problem is and ultimately leads to the violence. Maybe not in one singular instance like last night, but certainly over time.

You can say this but the reality is, the homophobic teachings of the old testiment is not taking root anywhere today and causing it's believers to slaughter men, woman and children in the thousands. You would rather ignore the situation today and instead draw attention to incidence of non Muslims abusing gays over time. It's a diversion.
Interesting post I just read, also someone who was interviewed also mentioned this. Obviously, this is NOT factual, just something to discuss...


Edit: And just like that, hee is a known confirmed liar.
Interesting post I just read, also someone who was interviewed also mentioned this. Obviously, this is NOT factual, just something to discuss...


Edit: And just like that, hee is a known confirmed liar.

How do we know this isn't true?
How do we know this isn't true?

Been seeing people saying Cody trolls often after events like this. He most likely added onto the story from the guy ABC interviewed when one of the hostages said the shooter told the police there was a shooter with him and snipers outside.
Been seeing people saying Cody trolls often after events like this. He most likely added onto the story from the guy ABC interviewed when one of the hostages said the shooter told the police there was a shooter with him and snipers outside.

I'd hate to think the media was a willing participant in the cover up of additional suspects getting away. But I've heard such claims before... it happened at the OKC bombing too. Never proven but I remember the claims.
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