Mass shooting in Orlando nightclub

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Unless the wall goes deep underground too, it won't stop the people you really want out of the States.

It'll stop the poor immigrants from entering, but there's a lot of tunnels that lead to the US.

As for the topic, terrible news.

Sure, feel free to dislike certain groups. Stay ignorant. It's on a whole another level to want and carry out murdering innocent people, who have zero impact on your life.

These tunnels are detectable with ground penetrating radar, even better we already have the ability to do this from space with satelites. Now we just need someone incharge with the willpower to use this technology in this way. The current powers that be are just not inclined to do it. The wall will only be as effective as the powers that be want it to be. Notice how effective they keep folks away from Groom Lake, Nevada(area 51). If the willpower is there, a wall and technology works quite nicely together.
this is why everyone should carry....would work alot better than tryin to outlaw all guns....

No, this is why everyone inclined to do so should be allowed to carry after they have completed the proper training coarse. What you are suggesting is just brining back the wild wild west.
I'm a proponent of the 2nd amendment but will never understand why military, assault type weapons are seen as necessary right for a civilian population. From my understanding, club security there were armed......this terrorist had a gun that can unload hundreds of rounds in seconds.
These tunnels are detectable with ground penetrating radar, even better we already have the ability to do this from space with satelites. Now we just need someone incharge with the willpower to use this technology in this way. The current powers that be are just not inclined to do it. The wall will only be as effective as the powers that be want it to be. Notice how effective they keep folks away from Groom Lake, Nevada(area 51). If the willpower is there, a wall and technology works quite nicely together.

People travel distances that are already a greater deterrent than the wall ever could be. Nobody cares about Area 51. Notice how effective all the garbage at the landfill is at keeping most people away? Maybe we should turn the border into a giant landfill.
I'm a proponent of the 2nd amendment but will never understand why military, assault type weapons are seen as necessary right for a civilian population. From my understanding, club security there were armed......this terrorist had a gun that can unload hundreds of rounds in seconds.

This is a gross exaggeration, and is simply not true. If you are against semi automatic rifles and 30 round magazines, that's perfectly fine and within your right to do so. But to just blurt out over exaggerated lies to try and further your point, it only lessens what it is you're trying to say. Your argument would be much more credible if you stick to actual facts and avoid the hyperbole.
This is a gross exaggeration, and is simply not true. If you are against semi automatic rifles and 30 round magazines, that's perfectly fine and within your right to do so. But to just blurt out over exaggerated lies to try and further your point, it only lessens what it is you're trying to say. Your argument would be much more credible if you stick to actual facts and avoid the hyperbole.

As someone who is not gun savy, can you explain why this is an exaggeration? Is it based on the gun the shooter had or are you saying assault rifles can not shoot hundreds of rounds in seconds?

Because again, I'm not gun savy and Wikipedia could be wrong, but they seem to suggest assault rifles are capable of firing between 600-900 rpm, which would make his statement true and not an exaggeration.
This is a gross exaggeration, and is simply not true. If you are against semi automatic rifles and 30 round magazines, that's perfectly fine and within your right to do so. But to just blurt out over exaggerated lies to try and further your point, it only lessens what it is you're trying to say. Your argument would be much more credible if you stick to actual facts and avoid the hyperbole.

whatever the exact statistic is on the rate a gun can fire bullets is not really the crux of my point, it's the need for a civilian to have that type of gun. As I mentioned, I strongly believe in a persons right to be armed but I do not understand why anyone would need a gun like that. If we don't agree, that's fine.....
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People travel distances that are already a greater deterrent than the wall ever could be. Nobody cares about Area 51. Notice how effective all the garbage at the landfill is at keeping most people away? Maybe we should turn the border into a giant landfill.

Nobody cares about area 51? I didn't know you were the designated spokesperson for "everyone" that could possible care about such things. You make such a piss poor argument. The distance people travel is of no consequence if the wall stops them once they get there. It can be done if the willpower existed to do it right. As to your other point, landfills don't keep anyone out, folks go there as they please to dump their garbage. Again, you make a piss poor argument.
As someone who is not gun savy, can you explain why this is an exaggeration? Is it based on the gun the shooter had or are you saying assault rifles can not shoot hundreds of rounds in seconds?

I'm saying that semi automatic rifles can only fire as fast as you can pull the trigger, and the action can cycle. What he is describing is a fully automatic weapon, which are illegal. And also was not used in this incident. Also, the term "assault" rifle is just a scary word. There is nothing assault about an AR15. An actual assault rifle, (which would be military grade) is capable of firing fully automatic or in a 3 round burst with one continuous pull of the trigger. Some are also capable of being belt fed. The ARs that are available to the public are no different than any other semi auto weapon you can buy down at your local sporting goods store when it comes to firing speed. The only difference is, they can hold a larger magazine and are black and scary looking.
As someone who is not gun savy, can you explain why this is an exaggeration? Is it based on the gun the shooter had or are you saying assault rifles can not shoot hundreds of rounds in seconds?

Because again, I'm not gun savy and Wikipedia could be wrong, but they seem to suggest assault rifles are capable of firing between 600-900 rpm, which would make his statement true and not an exaggeration.

Should just read hundreds per minute. Depends on the model of the AR-15, semi-auto or auto, etc and if there are add-ons.
Trying to figure out what you are trying to say here. Some of us are ignorant because we want radical Muslims dead? They can kill our innocent citizens but we can't kill some of theirs in the crossfire? Confused.......

Wasn't a shot at anyone, except the people, like Omar, who wants to kill innocent people because of hate.

To break it down, say you don't muslims/gays/some minority group. Cool. I don't care.

However, it's messed up to take it a next step and kill innocent people of whatever group because you dislike them.

Radical muslims aren't exactly innocent...
Wasn't a shot at anyone, except the people, like Omar, who wants to kill innocent people because of hate.

To break it down, say you don't muslims/gays/some minority group. Cool. I don't care.

However, it's messed up to take it a next step and kill innocent people of whatever group because you dislike them.

Radical muslims aren't exactly innocent...

I finally got it after reading it about 20 times, heh
I'm saying that semi automatic rifles can only fire as fast as you can pull the trigger, and the action can cycle. What he is describing is a fully automatic weapon, which are illegal. And also was not used in this incident. Also, the term "assault" rifle is just a scary word. There is nothing assault about an AR15. An actual assault rifle, (which would be military grade) is capable of firing fully automatic or in a 3 round burst with one continuous pull of the trigger. Some are also capable of being belt fed. The ARs that are available to the public are no different than any other semi auto weapon you can buy down at your local sporting goods store when it comes to firing speed. The only difference is, they can hold a larger magazine and are black and scary looking.

The anti gun lobby defines an "assault riffle" as one with a pistol grip and firing capacity of over 10 rounds from a magazine. That's a ridiculously stupid description of something "assault" worthy. But then again the ant-gun lobby doesn't try to influence from a point of being savvy on the topic but rather from pushing fear. They now no longer call their agenda gun control, it's now gun safety but their idea of a safe gun is no gun.
A "wall" will never, ever work.

Too impractical.

So don't anything??

A wall coupled with a fully funded and active Border Patrols(within 5 miles), cameras, drones and a commitment to jail and deportation WILL work.

There is no good reason for open borders.....disease, terrorism, drugs and entitlements are just a few reasons for a "wall"
You mean to tell me that people who travel distances of thousands of miles won't be deterred by a wall and thousands of miles of coastline on either side?

Keep those good thoughts...

It'll never happen.
So don't anything??

A wall coupled with a fully funded and active Border Patrols(within 5 miles), cameras, drones and a commitment to jail and deportation WILL work.

There is no good reason for open borders.....disease, terrorism, drugs and entitlements are just a few reasons for a "wall"

The situation at the border has nothing to do with the mass-shooting epidemic.
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I see a lot of these going around.....I'm no expert but it seems like AR15s are just rifles with all the 'scary' extras like scopes, grips, black paint and fancy barrels

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