Maturity. Zeke versus Dak

I've seen Dak out and about with Zeke as well popping bottles and getting pretty wild, so he isn't innocent at all here, but I think he definitely knows he is the face of the Cowboys now and is the QB... I do think Zeke is headed down the Manziel road, if he doesn't put a stop to the constant partying and having to be with IG groupies.. Go look at all the thots he follows on IG

Dak is young and free so a course he may party some days. But this is the thing, lately we hear about too much parting from Zeke and a lot of practicing from Dak. Its the off season and he can do what you wish but do it behind close doors. Stop going to these huge public events where ppl can take pictures and videos of you.
Zeke never drank or fooled around with women until he met Prescott.

Latest report is he started smoking cigarettes.

It matters who your kid hangs around with.

I've tweeted his mom about this. She hasn't gotten back to me yet.
The guy is 21. He is just having a good time and enjoying the life that his god given talent has allowed. As long as he isn't breaking the law and getting arrested, I say be 21 and enjoy your life. Just come September be ready to carry the rock (football) that is. I truly believe zeke is the type of guy to know when it's time to work and when it's time to party.
All great until he misses 4 games because he just doesn't get it. This is the NFL, it's their rules doesn't matter if he breaks the law or not. Have all the fun you want just keep it off tmz, it's that easy

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