Maybe Nors isn't that crazy after all!


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A pair of defensive players found themselves on the other side of the ball Saturday morning during goal-line drills. Defensive tackles Leo Carson and Jay Ratliff, a rookie seventh-round pick, worked with the offense as lead blockers. Carson was a fullback to Julius Jones on a few running plays, while Ratliff was a third-tight end. Both players, however, worked with the defensive at their regular positions during the team and individual drills. . . "I'm just trying to get some depth up there," Parcells said after practice.

Some people thought he was crazt suggesting a rookie DE playing TE in situations. This is going to drive some people crazy!
No actually we thought it was crazy for a injured DE, who inst even cleared to play to be a TE.
Jason Witten started out as a DE. Some DEs started out as TEs, but grew to the point they couldn't run as effectively. It's not that big a leap to have one play the other situationally.
So youve decided to be Nors' cavalier?

He said Canty not these two and Canty was hurt when he made these predictions which is why people gave the reaction that they did.

Whats worse than one of Nors' asinine predicion threads?

A thread about one of Nors' asinine prediction threads.
FuzzyLumpkins said:
So youve decided to be Nors' cavalier?

He said Canty not these two and Canty was hurt when he made these predictions which is why people gave the reaction that they did.

Whats worse than one of Nors' asinine predicion threads?

A thread about one of Nors' asinine prediction threads.


Fuzzy wuzzy you and I don't usually agree on stuff.

This time we do.

Hell is about to freeze over. :)
wasn't all pro thrown out there as well? I doubt Ratliff or Carson will get many snaps in the season... much less many on offense...
MichaelWinicki said:

Fuzzy wuzzy you and I don't usually agree on stuff.

This time we do.

Hell is about to freeze over. :)

Mr Winky!!!

You guys missing me in the AM I know it.

When it comes to Nors, a spade is a spade. I never agreed with the haranguing he got over the 3-4 mess at least until it looked like he might be right.

I even defended him to an extent. But this little gem of his was just ********.
Some of you scoffed at the concept ...

Nors --->:shoot4:<--BnA

Don't worry, Nors ... I heard what you were saying ....
FuzzyLumpkins said:
So youve decided to be Nors' cavalier?

He said Canty not these two and Canty was hurt when he made these predictions which is why people gave the reaction that they did.

Whats worse than one of Nors' asinine predicion threads?

A thread about one of Nors' asinine prediction threads.
I guess, if the majority is going to jump down his throat for throwing ideas out there, then i will at least second his predictions when I feel they are valid. No he didn't mention Ratliff, but some of you got your panties in a bunch that we would even put a DE at TE in certain situations, now its seems we already have and only after the first practice. He did say Canty, but I've yet to read where he said Canty would be a lock for pro-bowl. He did say if Canty focused on TE, he COULD not WOULD do it. Although we all know that Canty won't focus on TE in Dallas as long as Witten is here.

Just seems funny that he throws a DE to TE in situations out there and its already happened. Weren't you the one downing him for comparing his prediction to the NE situation and Vrabel. Not so far fetched now is it?
50cent said:
I guess, if the majority is going to jump down his throat for throwing ideas out there, then i will at least second his predictions when I feel they are valid. No he didn't mention Ratliff, but some of you got your panties in a bunch that we would even put a DE at TE in certain situations, now its seems we already have and only after the first practice. He did say Canty, but I've yet to read where he said Canty would be a lock for pro-bowl. He did say if Canty focused on TE, he COULD not WOULD do it. Although we all know that Canty won't focus on TE in Dallas as long as Witten is here.

Just seems funny that he throws a DE to TE in situations out there and its already happened. Weren't you the one downing him for comparing his prediction to the NE situation and Vrabel. Not so far fetched now is it?

once again most of us did not down him for putting the idea out there that a DE can be a TE, it was his trying to say that it is a fact that CANTYwill be playing TE,over robinson, and the other TE on our roster. IT was over and over repating that it is a fact that Canty will be playing TE this year, Nowhere have we jumped down on him for the idea of a DE to TE. It was him saying Canty playing TE was going to happen, that rubbed most of us the wrong way. as Hostile and few other proved so last night.
50cent said:
I guess, if the majority is going to jump down his throat for throwing ideas out there, then i will at least second his predictions when I feel they are valid. No he didn't mention Ratliff, but some of you got your panties in a bunch that we would even put a DE at TE in certain situations, now its seems we already have and only after the first practice. He did say Canty, but I've yet to read where he said Canty would be a lock for pro-bowl. He did say if Canty focused on TE, he COULD not WOULD do it. Although we all know that Canty won't focus on TE in Dallas as long as Witten is here.

This is why I took Nors' side. It was a legitimate topic, especially for the off-season ...

What did you want? A five reasons why article?

You get my point ...

Just seems funny that he throws a DE to TE in situations out there and its already happened. Weren't you the one downing him for comparing his prediction to the NE situation and Vrabel. Not so far fetched now is it?

It never was far fetched ...
dargonking999 said:
once again most of us did not down him for putting the idea out there that a DE can be a TE, it was his trying to say that it is a fact that CANTYwill be playing TE,over robinson, and the other TE on our roster. IT was over and over repating that it is a fact that Canty will be playing TE this year, Nowhere have we jumped down on him for the idea of a DE to TE. It was him saying Canty playing TE was going to happen, that rubbed most of us the wrong way. as Hostile and few other proved so last night.
There's just no use arguing with the Nor's Davidians. Its talking to a brick wall.
Good Grief. Now we are arguing about who's on a side! And I thought once TC got here we would get back to some partial sanity. I never learn.
50cent said:
I guess, if the majority is going to jump down his throat for throwing ideas out there, then i will at least second his predictions when I feel they are valid. No he didn't mention Ratliff, but some of you got your panties in a bunch that we would even put a DE at TE in certain situations, now its seems we already have and only after the first practice. He did say Canty, but I've yet to read where he said Canty would be a lock for pro-bowl. He did say if Canty focused on TE, he COULD not WOULD do it. Although we all know that Canty won't focus on TE in Dallas as long as Witten is here.

Just seems funny that he throws a DE to TE in situations out there and its already happened. Weren't you the one downing him for comparing his prediction to the NE situation and Vrabel. Not so far fetched now is it?

Actually that is where I was saying where he got the idea from.

Anytime NE does something and ahss success the over under is a week on how long until Nors makes some bold prediction of us doing it.

The one thing that you fail to realize is that I have defended the dude. When he started the whole 3-4 thing I would defend all the derision he got. I, like you, at the time felt that the treatment that he was getting for a simple prediction was unfair.

Now that I ve actually had a discussion with him i feel no pity for him at all. I am very much so of the train of thought that you give a little respect and you get a little respect. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and validated his claims that I felt were valid.

Nors certainly quoted my responses and subsequently used them to vindicate himself in the eyes of others at least from his perspective.

The issue is never when you agree with him although hes fairly classless about it using your views to toot his own hron.

The problem is when you disagree with him. If you make a valid point hell ignore it. If you offer him some article to prove your point and he knows hes wrong hell just quit posting on that topic for a couple of days. That is not how you show anyone respect.

People deserve a bit of crow when they are wrong just as much as the accolades when they are right.

Nors will never acknowldge when he was wrong or that someone else was right and poeple dislike him for it. That is why you see so many people that are all over him because he behaves in this manner. People dont like the fact that he doesnt take his licks like everyone else.

I mean a few posts where Nors is saying, 'wow, i didnt realize that,' or 'hey i was wrong,' and youll see a lot less of the haterade towards him.

Actually has anyone ever seen him admit that he was wrong?

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