Me, the "Fanboy," I'm done with the sideshow


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
I think they do need to get deals done with these guys, because CD and Micah are a part of the core going forward. Unless you plan to make a trade and stock pile draft picks, you have to get them signed.

I do however, agree. This is the year to make a stand and stop letting the players leverage you into the terms they want. In years past we've felt the possibility of a deep run coming and NEEDED the guys who we re-signed.

I realize it's negative to say that's unlikely this season, but this has felt like a soft reset of the cap all off season. The odds of making progress after doing so little in FA seem slim. I don't feel any panic at the thought of anyone holding out. You want to he the next Lev Bell, be my guest.


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
Me personally, I don't like the players that hold out because they feel they are not currently being paid enough, and want that changed. Like Zach Martin. But the rookie holdouts, I have no problem with them. They are just asking for an extension to their employment. If a team has no intention of keeping them, then yeah, they need to come in or be fined.


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Me personally, I don't like the players that hold out because they feel they are not currently being paid enough, and want that changed. Like Zach Martin. But the rookie holdouts, I have no problem with them. They are just asking for an extension to their employment. If a team has no intention of keeping them, then yeah, they need to come in or be fined.
The Zack Martin hold out was perhaps the most absurd hold out of all time. I agree 100% with the players holding out on rookie deals. The rookie deals are insane I would not play under them either. The team needs to decide do I want this guy long term or do I trade him away. The problem is we never trade anyone away all we ever do is sign our guys long term no matter how ill advised it is.


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The Zack Martin hold out was perhaps the most absurd hold out of all time. I agree 100% with the players holding out on rookie deals. The rookie deals are insane I would not play under them either. The team needs to decide do I want this guy long term or do I trade him away. The problem is we never trade anyone away all we ever do is sign our guys long term no matter how ill advised it is.
And if we do trade a player, we get nothing in return because we wait too long. Jerry has the childlike terror that a player will do well elsewhere.


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I think they do need to get deals done with these guys, because CD and Micah are a part of the core going forward. Unless you plan to make a trade and stock pile draft picks, you have to get them signed.

I do however, agree. This is the year to make a stand and stop letting the players leverage you into the terms they want. In years past we've felt the possibility of a deep run coming and NEEDED the guys who we re-signed.

I realize it's negative to say that's unlikely this season, but this has felt like a soft reset of the cap all off season. The odds of making progress after doing so little in FA seem slim. I don't feel any panic at the thought of anyone holding out. You want to he the next Lev Bell, be my guest.
If this is a soft reset(And I think it is also), then paying CD and Micah huge money will hinder that reset.


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ok you do know,( i hope so) that even if everyone here at cz complained about dak or cd making too big of a demand, it will have no effect on
the contract they get or if they get it.
Owners are greedy, we all know that too lol.

The problem is if lets say cd wants 35 mil to be highest paid, is that ego a greed?
What if he is offered 32 mil and he turns it down, can he not live good and build a future with the 32 mil a year???

you cant compare these guys to normal people, Joe blow is offered 100 k a year but he wants 110 k !! Odds are he would take the 100k
while the offer was there.
These nfl guys who make even 5 mil a year, are in a whole different world.
Youre being unfair to the players.

The whole money talk around athletes is played out. Its the same garbage arguments that side step honest, reasonable counter arguments day in and day out.

Everyone around here thinks its easy to just get rid of a decent QB...everyone doesnt want to talk about the real pressures real GM's have...they just want to blame and shame.

Pretty sad that you are advocating for ripping players off from their market value because they make more than Joe Blow medical sales guy.

I get it...your neither moral or immoral...your profit seeking. good and bad are just means to an end and part of reaching profit.

Its always the players fault isnt it?


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Well said, I agree.

The thing that continues to mystify me about our front office is their clear bad habit of hesitating about what they are doing. As you said Thunder, either decide a player is critical to your future or not. If they are in your plans, you pay them market value. If they are not in your plans, trade them while they have value.

The Cowboys top brass are horrible at having a clear plan then bad at both explaining it, followed by badly executing it. If there’s a plan for this team I challenge anyone to share it. And if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
This is Jerry's chance to prove Khiladi right.

Either the FO has been informed by coaches, scouts, consultants that Dak is good enough for another contract at top market...or the opposite...that the market for QB's is too high for a good QB that is flawed.

Stay tuned.


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And if we do trade a player, we get nothing in return because we wait too long. Jerry has the childlike terror that a player will do well elsewhere.
We don't trade players that command a 1st round pick. When was the last time that happened? We either pay the guy no matter what, let them walk like Byron Jones, or like you said, wait too long. We do not trade away good players for first round picks.

This is an unpopular opinion, but I'd trade Lamb for a 1st and 2nd in a heartbeat. I think he's a glorified slot receiver. I'm taking Jefferson, Chase, Tyreek Hill, AJ Brown, all over Lamb. I might have missed someone. I wouldn't pay Lamb 30M+ a year. We're not winning anything this year. Get an extra 1st rounder+ going forward.


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If this is a soft reset(And I think it is also), then paying CD and Micah huge money will hinder that reset.
Reset or not you still have to identify a core to move forward with. The question is will these guys still be good when the rest of the team catches up?

The thing is if we bring back Dak it's just trimming fat and not necessarily even a "soft reset."

I wasn't really against bringing him back, until we choose to do nothing in FA, as if that's somehow magically going to get us over the hump. I guess at that point I went searching for logic, when there probably is none.


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Reset or not you still have to identify a core to move forward with. The question is will these guys still be good when the rest of the team catches up?

The thing is if we bring back Dak it's just trimming fat and not necessarily even a "soft reset."

I wasn't really against bringing him back, until we choose to do nothing in FA, as if that's somehow magically going to get us over the hump. I guess at that point I went searching for logic, when there probably is none.
This is why I don't care if they resign Dak or not. If you're going to give a QB a 3rd contract, you have to support him. They're not going to do that. We don't compete with the teams that try to stack the deck.
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I think he's seen there's something to Lance, if not, we'll be in great position to draft a real QB.

I'm hoping in SF Lance was too young, too immature, and it clashed with Shanahans huge ego.

Obviously from what I've gathered, Trey has matured and is putting in the work. We need to see if the raw skills are there and he develops over TC and pre season games .
I'm pretty excited
Somebody has gotten into Jerry's head and he's radically changed his approach. Quinn, Schottenheimer, McClay, and maybe Jimmy, have blown up Jerry's brain.
It was absolutely the kid’s influence that changed Jerry.

The problem with the Lance thing is there’s no viable lane for the team to see what he is. Camp and preseason against backups isn’t going to prove anything, and only if Dak gets hurt does Lance get any sort of shot to give answers.

Even with that, if he performs well, he is also a FA and will want, and probably get (considering the musical chair type of supply vs demand thing at QB) way more than he is worth at this point.

It doesn’t give them any leverage over Dak at all, and if Lance does somehow end up getting on the field and showing anything to the point where you want to sign him and let Dak walk, don’t you have to retain McCarthy in that case?

I still contend this whole thing was about Jerry playing with his toy and showing everyone what he has the power to do. He couldn’t wait to tell the world that he did it all himself and told no one. Probably some power conflict behind the scenes and Jerry goes…’oh yeah watch this…’


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
:hammer:agree 100...

What I find hard to understand and it's exhausting,

is the blowback the fans agreeing with the players should hold out and get all he can... when these tools should be being used the 5th year options the franchise tags the transition tags fineing these players to the bone because they should show up and play the season most of the big time players are going to get paid injured or not Prescott's a perfect example broke his ankle off still got his big money being on the franchise tag he didn't lose a single thing.. yet everyone's on CD Lamb side ie they should hold out we'll show the Jones family get all you can now that's not how you run a business corporations run a business by negotiating prices for everything from the cost of goods and services that they use from other companies and labor..

you have to negotiate and sometimes that takes time but you got to treat this like the union people there are rules in place and it should be pretty simple to get them resolved and any player that's threatening not to make $1,000,000 a game and refuses to live up to his contract and show up and play for the fans and uses getting hurt as an excuse and it's a big excuse because this type of player is elite top five guys going to get paid whether he gets hurt or not he's not going to lose money as long as it's not a debilitating injury which by the way they should be insured on...

I truthfully don't think I want that player on my team I mean I don't care that he's not showing up for these practices or even most of training camp using whatever leverage he can however they need to show up and play the entire season or I'd rather have them traded if you're going to hold out and pull bell and Antonio Brown, PB did it right.. you just need to get rid of them now and get everything you can for them because they'll never be a team type player they're always going to be looking out for themselves and their money when they're gonna get big money no matter what I mean between Parsons and land between one and $1.5 million a game and you're going to say ohh no I'm holding out none of us can empathize with that that is not how it's supposed to be and if you're gonna do that I'd rather trade your ***!!


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Ill say this for the 5,000th time. You werent signing Dak or Lmb early, unless you were offering Dak60 million per season and offering Lamb 35 million per season.

Both players WERE NOT signing any deals until Jefferson signed, and Dak was always waiting on the others, unless Jerry offered 60 million per season.

In none of those scenarios would Jerry signing those players to those numbers back in March have been smart.

The FO is getting typical pushback from fans because most are fools.

So please explain to me how the team would have been able to sign Dak and Lamb back in March?
Don't worry he doesn't get that there are a lot of dudes on here they've been arguing with me until blue in the face that they think they could have duped the agents and the players signing them early even if it was last year... these agents know what's coming and the elite players who want not only to be the top at their position now demanding to be the highest paid non quarterback in the league, are not taking bad contracts in their minds....

they're talking about all you could have signed CD lamb for 25,000,000 last year, yeah right like they would have known that that was already a two years ago price for the top wide receiver they're not taking that....

Somehow they blame Jerry Jones we're not signing players early like he did they didn't go to them and try to offer this behind the scenes and you get balked at that's what's happening... literally no one's going to be taking advantage of when you're this exposed as an elite player on the Dallas Cowboys, they know what their worth is and they're gonna do everything they can to use their leverage.... That is why I believe ownership like you're talking about should just use the system and say you know what go ahead we're going to find you and then if you don't want to make $1,000,000 a game, that's fine, do you want to get traded let's do that..

Call their bluff if they don't want to be on this team I don't want them here literally if they don't want to play for $1,000,000 a game and then they're going to end up getting paid anyway eventually what they're asking then I don't want them here they're a selfish player that we don't need creating this culture here that they're blaming on the Jones family and it's really just the new age players...


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No one wants to touch my CJ Stroud argument. Thats fine.

How about this? Dont say it cant be done...because thats being lazy. Proof? I bet if I was the one who proposed the 2 void years that teams get to use to spread out contracts...I would be told Im crazy, thats stupid, cant be done....but the NFL has this crazy void year stuff now.

So dont tell me it cant be done.

If Jamarcus Russell is why the rookie contracts changed...why not do it this way:

CJ Stroud's market value is arguable north of 50M right now. He is getting paid 9M per season on a rookie deal, 4 years totaling 36M.

Why dont star FRP players take one year deals below but near market value? Its a win for both sides. Player gets paid a lot more than rookie contract, unless he gets injured(but still gets paid good) and team is not strapped to a dud. Instead of making a total of 36M over 4 years....he could make 144M if he doesnt get hurt or isnt a dud. And...the team isnt strapped to this dud or injured player.

Example: Strouds full rookie contract is 36M over 4 years(9M per). His market value is 50M+ per year(currently). Give him 36M for a one year deal. If he balls out...the team can resign him to same contract...if he is not good...they can negotiate a lower price or let him walk elsewhere. But...he got closer to market value than the 9M per, plus got full value of his current 4 year contract(totaling 36M), and the team got a good QB for below market value.

You could make this so that he cant make more than 36M for his first 4 years(his current contract length). So...Player gets closer to market value and protected against injury, team is not tied long term to unplayable or dud player....and the team gets a young stud player for below market value for 4 years if they decide to reup the contract every year the first 4 years.

Win/Win situation if you ask me.
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I'm not dead yet......
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It was absolutely the kid’s influence that changed Jerry.

The problem with the Lance thing is there’s no viable lane for the team to see what he is. Camp and preseason against backups isn’t going to prove anything, and only if Dak gets hurt does Lance get any sort of shot to give answers.

Even with that, if he performs well, he is also a FA and will want, and probably get (considering the musical chair type of supply vs demand thing at QB) way more than he is worth at this point.

It doesn’t give them any leverage over Dak at all, and if Lance does somehow end up getting on the field and showing anything to the point where you want to sign him and let Dak walk, don’t you have to retain McCarthy in that case?

I still contend this whole thing was about Jerry playing with his toy and showing everyone what he has the power to do. He couldn’t wait to tell the world that he did it all himself and told no one. Probably some power conflict behind the scenes and Jerry goes…’oh yeah watch this…’
I think Schottenheimer has more to do with Lance than McCarthy does. I think with a more difficult schedule in the division and out, and combined with a potentially strong OL, but who will struggle quite a bit this year.
McCarthy and Dak will be both be on the shortest of leashes. Jerry's seen enough of both.
Zimmer is ready and Trey will be fitted into the same easy mobile offense Dakster had in 2016. (If he looks good in preseason).


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I think Schottenheimer has more to do with Lance than McCarthy does. I think with a more difficult schedule in the division and out, and combined with a potentially strong OL, but who will struggle quite a bit this year.
McCarthy and Dak will be both be on the shortest of leashes. Jerry's seen enough of both.
Zimmer is ready and Trey will be fitted into the same easy mobile offense Dakster had in 2016. (If he looks good in preseason).
Ah I see. Jerry can easily slide in Zimmer at HC and retain Schottenheimer as OC, even if that’s not Zimmers top choice.

That plan has always worked out well, but it’ll have then come full circle since Jerry shoved Zimmer and his 43 down Parcells (a 34 innovator) throat.

I hate being as shallow as saying things like “they will never win until Jerry is dead” type of stuff, but it’s probably true until he hires a GM that has a plan, is allowed to hire the HC, who is allowed to hire the staff, etc

As long as Jerry insists on having one of ‘his guys’ as a coordinator, and he has done that on every HC hire except the first, things aren’t likely to work.


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Whether or not a player is worth top salary at their position is a completely different discussion. If a GM or owner feels that a player is not worth the money then move on from the player. If you want to keep them then sign them early on. Signing Dak and Lamb prior to the start of free agency would have positioned this team to actually add talent around them. Instead we are left with possible hold outs, letting players walk for little to no compensation, and less talented team trying to win a super bowl in 2024.

The reason Jerry and Stephen are getting so much pushback from the fans is that they can't seem to pick a lane with either players or coaches, which lessens the odds of a winning product.
This! ^^^^


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Nothing to do with Dak?
There's 3 weeks till TC.
Use that time to explore your inner feelings :thumbup:
It has nothing to do with feelings my friend. He has been trash every step of the way. Could not start in HS until a senior. Only completed 55 passes in his HS career.

Maybe that sounds like a Phenom to you.