Mega "Where's Murray going?" Thread *Merge*

Whatever Dallas has determined is the best they can do for him financially, they need to stick to it. Just because he meets with Philly, Dallas should not let emotions take over and up the offer. They need to stick to their plan, IMO.
Well that's an awesome reason to leave running behind the best OL in football.

Yeah. But according to him Murray embodies everything that is a dallas cowboy. Guess going to the eagles is normal cowboy behaviour?
Whatever Dallas has determined is the best they can do for him financially, they need to stick to it. Just because he meets with Philly, Dallas should not let emotions take over and up the offer. They need to stick to their plan, IMO.

They should drop the offer all together.
Murray is really handling this situation very poorly. He should have already taken visits. He overvalued himself, removing the Cowboys from twitter or whatever, making a phone call to freaking Chip Kelly(yes I'm channeling my inner Cameron Fry making a phony phone call to Edward Rooney) and he acting like he is bigger than he is. If he signs here or elsewhere I have lost something for him with the way he's handled this entire thing.
Whatever Dallas has determined is the best they can do for him financially, they need to stick to it. Just because he meets with Philly, Dallas should not let emotions take over and up the offer. They need to stick to their plan, IMO.

If they have a plan...
Fisher, local sports reporter, basically said that Murray's agent should spend more time talking to teams than leaking things to the press.

So it sounds like his agent is leaking most of it to the press.

I think if he is going to play more games, move on.... Focus on the defense with Hardy, etc... AP or not, draft Telvin Coleman...
And more money. So I assume you would stay at your job if you were offered a larger sum of money?

I would if I was loyal to my company and had a better chance of moving up the ranks of said company then leaving and starting from scratch. That's just me though
No he just loves Murray and he can do no wrong. Oakland was offering more money and this guy is visiting Philly? Of all the teams. Philly. And you are still defending him?

How do you know how much anyone really offered him?
Murray is doing the exact same thing anyone with a brain would do. Your team told you to go get offers. If you company told you to go get an offer from another job and come back with it you would do the same thing.
as a cowboys fan we have every right to consider anyone wearing philthy midnight green a mortal enemy no mater who it is. sure its bidness for DeMo... cool understood. But its also serious bidness for Cowboys fans if you catch my drift.

Blame Jerry and Stephen, not Demarco. remember that he wanted to stay in Dallas.
The poster is acting like a spoiled 10 year old brat. Jerry and Stephen won't pay the man what he wants. should he just take what they want to give him? or should try and get the money he thinks he's worth. i think you know the answer. Murray is doing nothing wrong. he should go out and try to get what he thinks he is worth.

I'm the one acting like a brat? I refuse to show any sympathy for a millionaire who wants to make a couple more millions by sticking it to the team that made him what he is. You think anyone is entertaining giving him 8-9 a year without that line the COWBOYS assembled? Not him.

The only brat here is you concerning yourself with the opinion of others. You stick to being complacent with people that screw you over, I will not.
And more money. So I assume you would stay at your job if you were offered a larger sum of money?

Again, going to Philly is not about the money. If it was he would be headed to CA. There's no way after the petulant child nonsense he has pulled the last couple of days this isn't personal if he does indeed sign there.
Murray is really handling this situation very poorly. He should have already taken visits. He overvalued himself, removing the Cowboys from twitter or whatever, making a phone call to freaking Chip Kelly(yes I'm channeling my inner Cameron Fry making a phony phone call to Edward Rooney) and he acting like he is bigger than he is. If he signs here or elsewhere I have lost something for him with the way he's handled this entire thing.

Ed! Ferris Bueller's on line two!
I honestly think the Cowboys are afraid of another Barber situation. I can't say i blame them.

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