Melton is a Cowboy - 1yr, multi-year club option

I agree. The base is the key here. If the base is large, there may not be enough to get Allen. But all in all, it's a good deal for Dallas. If he pans out, he's there for 3 more years. If he does not or the team wants to take a different direction, they can cut ties with him and move on.
Wow...Jones sorted it out while I was away...and pretty well it seems. Now onward to prodigious and prescient permutations regarding a pretty promising draft???;)
He can go to a bar, but a grown man shouldnt be getting 86'ed like a college kid. Definitely a warning sign of other potential issues.
The contract also states that Melton can go to a bar but only if he wears a 'T
Donald is still a great pick at 16. If Melton struggles or fails to put up Pro Bowl numbers, we cut him and avoid the extra 3 years that are undoubtedly expensive. And Marinelli wants to rotate guys anyway.
plus a killer rotation at the most important slot
Allen is a no go and i'm not upset at all, Melton was the real key here as Allen was really another stopgap player who would have Jerry saying "We're almost there".
@HenMel: Thank you chicago for the best 5 years of my life!.... I can't wait to begin the next chapter of my life... With a star on my helmet.

Boom! One down... plenty still to unfold. Love it and love the contract.. Bravo to the brass. Next!
Jones & company come out with a reasonable deal, kudos!!! Keep it coming, keep it coming!!!! Loosens up the draft a little....
Great contract, it probably incorporates more upside than he was offered elsewhere, but the prove it provision and opt out clause were probably unique.
100% credit to the Joneses. Very sensible salary.

Love the deal, and really impressed with Jerry and Stephen Jones building the team with good contracts for a change instead of over paying for players in FA...Good job Cowboys
Many people are talking like this deal was uniquely offered to the cowboys but Woy was the agent at all the stops. I'm sure the same deal type was offered to each team (1 yr prove it with higher guarantee after that) but I truly believe Rod Marinelli was the deciding factor for him. my .02
A win-win contract that was well structured by Melton's agent, Woy, not the Jones'.

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