News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Banish him from their properties? Where did you see this? They were going to move him but it hasn't been said where but I did not see they were kicking him out.
Yes. They did this.
They also are the ones that directly called the NFL to escalate this.
His lawyers will tear this girl's past apart, her social media, past relationships, cell phone texts, everything is up for discovery. They'll do the same to this hoitel manager!! They'll both rue the day she made a false claim against him if she did. I'm inclined to think this entire accusation is bollocks. I wish his security had been on hand and kept this golddigger away from him.

A hotel employee had no business approaching a VIP guest in the first place. TOTALLY unprofessional. I would've fired her if I were her manager.
Marriott is just as - or maybe more - culpable, if their employee's claims turn out to be BS. It was the decision of Marriott to toss him out, and banish him from all their properties.

There is no allegation of violence, unwanted touching, harassment, or other activity that rose to the level of criminal charges being filed (unless prosecutors are still investigating). That leaves us with something allegedly said during a thirty-second lobby conversation which alarmed this employee (and her superiors) enough to banish a high-profile guest from not just that particular establishment, but from ALL of them worldwide.

What could Irvin have possibly said to engender such an extreme reaction from the hotel, based upon an employee complaint? If pressed to speculate, I'd guess that it would be some sort of sexual proposition. But, who knows?

The big problem for Irvin, as a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit, is that the burden is upon HIM to prove the falsity of the employee's allegations. The defendants don't have to prove a thing. Furthermore, if he is deemed to be a "public figure," Irvin will also have to prove that the employee's statements were made with "actual malice." HUGE hurdle, made higher by the fact that Irvin admits he was drinking, and doesn't remember anything about the conversation...rendering him all but incapable of assisting in the prosecution of his own case. I hope he has helpful witnesses.
Where are you getting that he was banished from all Marriott Properties worldwide? I have never seen that reported anywhere. Not wasting its not true but I would like to see the source.
Where are you getting that he was banished from all Marriott Properties worldwide? I have never seen that reported anywhere. Not wasting its not true but I would like to see the source.
Irvin stated such in his filed complaint against the hotel chain & its employee: Link
The clue to the filing of the suit is the amount, that is for effect. He is so innocent that it will only take 100M. Make that a scathing 100M.

The question I have is who broke this story? You can bet Marriott didn't, hotels like to keep things on the QT.
If they didn't make Irvin leave their hotel and find another, maybe there wouldn't have been anything to draw attention? I did see an interview with a Dallas Journalist who interviewed Irvin and the witnesses, but he couldn't say much. Lots of speculation going around, but he kept his lips tight on the details.
What would call someone with his Rap sheet and history?
When was he found guilty of anything related? Others alleged, but nothing ever stuck. You would assume such a high profile celebrity, in this day and age with cameras everywhere that there would be ONE piece of evidence?

I guess you could counter with if someone was trying to set him up you could assume they would do a better job of the set up, but what do I know?
When was he found guilty of anything related? Others alleged, but nothing ever stuck. You would assume such a high profile celebrity, in this day and age with cameras everywhere that there would be ONE piece of evidence?

I guess you could counter with if someone was trying to set him up you could assume they would do a better job of the set up, but what do I know?
  • Irvin was indicted on second-degree felony charges of cocaine possession and misdemeanor marijuana charges. He faced a maximum of 20 years in prison. During the trial several months later in , the prosecution’s star witness was a topless dancer named Rachelle Smith.
If you want to believe Irvin was innocent in all of these cases because the prosecution chose not to take it to trial , that’s fine but I’d argue most of these high profile athletes would be in prison on these felony accusations without their celebrity status. They have been getting away with all of their indiscretions since school.
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  • Irvin was indicted on second-degree felony charges of cocaine possession and misdemeanor marijuana charges. He faced a maximum of 20 years in prison. During the trial several months later in , the prosecution’s star witness was a topless dancer named Rachelle Smith.
Unrated drug issues, can't see how that could be piled onto the current topic, but here we are.
Didn't the charges get dropped?
Unrated drug issues, can't see how that could be piled onto the current topic, but here we are.
Didn't the charges get dropped?
These charges weren’t. Irvin pleaded guilty and took a deal. And was suspended to begin the following season.

If you want to believe Irvin was innocent in all of these cases because the prosecution chose not to take it to trial , that’s fine but I’d argue most of these high profile athletes would be in prison on these felony accusations without their celebrity status. They have been getting away with all of their indiscretions since school.

There are some fans who thought OJ was innocent too. It’s always difficult for some fans to believe their favorite athletes could conduct themselves in such manner.
Irvin stated such in his filed complaint against the hotel chain & its employee: Link
Thanks, I hadn't seent that info before. I guess that's all the more reason to fight it from his perspective.
These charges weren’t. Irvin pleaded guilty and took a deal. And was suspended to begin the following season.

If you want to believe Irvin was innocent in all of these cases because the prosecution chose not to take it to trial , that’s fine but I’d argue most of these high profile athletes would be in prison on these felony accusations without their celebrity status. They have been getting away with all of their indiscretions since school.

There are some fans who thought OJ was innocent too. It’s always difficult for some fans to believe their favorite athletes could conduct themselves in such manner.
What? Lmao. Ok....
What? Lmao. Ok....
I’m fine with supporting our thuggish players on the field but we can call them out for their criminal type behavior off field. Behavior that we couldn’t imagine getting away with.
I’m fine with supporting our thuggish players on the field but we can call them out for their criminal type behavior off field. Behavior that we couldn’t imagine getting away with.
I'm laughing at your condescension. You assume I can't think without an ex player clouds judgment. That's ignorant. The OJ reference is just out there far enough to lose interest in a silly discussion. Then editing your response in confirmation. Good evening.
I'm laughing at your condescension. You assume I can't think without an ex player clouds judgment. That's ignorant. The OJ reference is just out there far enough to lose interest in a silly discussion. Then editing your response in confirmation. Good evening.
My responses are only spurred by your comments not directly speaking to you but to all who may be blurred with their fan glasses on.

These players place themselves in these vulnerable positions because they think they are invincible and can get away with it.
I love Michael yes he has made some mistakes in his life. Heck, we All have skeletons in our closets. Some of us are just lucky we never got caught lol
I've tried not to make too much of it waiting on the complete story to come out. I have heard several on here say that He made a statement about him having drinks and didn't really remember. Even though that sounds bad it is not an admission. He is a celebrity it is one of the busiest events SB week. Meeting so many people. After meeting and talking to so many people when asked what I did I'm sure the last thing on m mind is someone that I stopped to have a 1 min conversation. So I don't pay too much onto his comments about drinking and going straight to his room.
I've pondered as I am sure most of you have is what could Michael say in one minute that would have him removed from the hotel and sent home by NFLN?
I've also pondered why are we only hearing one side. Why s NFLN quiet and why is the Hotel quiet? Am I the only one that finds that odd? She is an employee there and Michael staying there could there have been another encounter?
I would like to believe that surely the NFLN and Marriott have a legal team to counsel them on this matter. Just to make an accusation without proof could show liability on both parties to have a person removed from the hotel then removed from his job and sent home on just he said she said. If there was an accusation of sexual misconduct then the Police would have been involved Right?
I have to believe that there is more to this story that has yet to be heard.

I mean this is America injustice just can't take place here. sarcasm
He said:

Hey, I am in room 508, oh yeah ... You want to party and get to know me ... oh, yeah. With me, baby it's first class, ah- ha dig it voluptuous lady who wants to party, oh yeee-ah. I can make it happen, mama, I'm rich, yeah that's right. Room 508, oh yeah, sexy mama.
Its about time. Some women take well advantage of their abilities to destroy a man through lies and deception.
Right you are govnor, right you are. I always believe the guy because we control the world. And women just want to decorate the house and go to Olive Garden.
An employer is not held to that standard.

No. Just someone who understands legal vs. employer standards
That doesn't make any sense in regards to what I was replying to. You said, "Irvin is almost as embarrassing as those of you unconditionally supporting him"

That means you were saying people supporting Irvin was embarrassing. It has nothing to do with employers or employees.
He is not stupid. He sues the NFLN, his career is over. That was his last stop.

The one that I do not see at any fault in this is the network, they did exactly what they should have done, diffuse before they're doing damage control. They just removed him from what was not going to get any better for him or them. He hasn't been suspended or penalized except for being off the coverage. If they left him there, what do you think the other networks would have done, just ignored it?
He doesn't have grounds to sue them. They can fire him for whatever they want. He can only sue the people who defamed him to his employer.
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