News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Both my grandfathers died in the coal mines before they hit age 55. By all accounts, they were basically screwed by their employer in the 1940's because they were expendable as they came off the boat in the early 1900's

When you say "It's their business" be careful. Just because you own a business does not give you a right to abuse your employees.

All one has to do is to look at the coal mining industry in the US in the 1800's and 1900's to understand why unions came into be (particularly when hard working men tried to ask for money and were killed by either the state or government for it).

For better or worse, this is why laws are created.
This is right. But unfortunately, the law is set up to protect employers more than anything.. outside of harassment, discrimination, exploitation, and other similar things, there's not a lot employees can do against employers.
My only point is just because you work for someone, that does not give them the right to abuse you.

I deal with a lot of people for my own job.

Just because someone could say I did something "wrong" in my own line of work does not mean my employer should suspend my pay without some kind of investigation to verify their course of action is the right path.

Ever notice that when Police offices are put on leave, they are put on "paid administrative leave".

No clue if Irvin is salary or not, but if he's getting paid for the super bowl and he loses money over it without some kind of investigation, Irvin is being done wrong IMO.
Yeah, but they have unions and a whole 'nother set of rights that other employees don't have. Just look at the POBR.
This is right. But unfortunately, the law is set up to protect employers more than anything.. outside of harassment, discrimination, exploitation, and other similar things, there's not a lot employees can do against employers.
Sadly, you're right, especially in TX. They can fire you for no reason at all (unless you're civil service - unions don't protect you at all in TX) and even if it is discrimination, there's no way you'll ever prove it. No such thing as "job security." Fortunately, I haven't got to worry about jackarse bosses anymore since I'm retired.
Yeah, but they have unions and a whole 'nother set of rights that other employees don't have. Just look at the POBR.
Completely agree. However, what it all comes down to IMO is power, and that power can often become abused.

I worked in a union factory in my youth. Don't get me going on unions LOL

HOWEVER, I do understand and agree with why they were formed. Just a swing in the power shift.

There is a old premise I happen to agree with that with good management, a union is not needed.
This is right. But unfortunately, the law is set up to protect employers more than anything.. outside of harassment, discrimination, exploitation, and other similar things, there's not a lot employees can do against employers.
Again, completely agreed. Part of my point about coal mining is that sometimes we forget how bad employees were treated. When you're replacing workers on a daily basis because of work related deaths or incapacitating injuries, you think you you'd realize that there are some safety concerns. A lot of people in the U.S really have no clue about the "coal wars". Because both my grandfathers died working for a mining company, was kind of brought up with the history (I'm old enough AARP is looking for me to join LOL).
Sadly, you're right, especially in TX. They can fire you for no reason at all (unless you're civil service - unions don't protect you at all in TX) and even if it is discrimination, there's no way you'll ever prove it. No such thing as "job security." Fortunately, I haven't got to worry about jackarse bosses anymore since I'm retired.
NC is the same way.

"Right to work state"
If there is, disclosure will make them produce it.

Mike's got money and can hire top attorneys. His job and reputation are at stake. If I didn't think I did anything wrong I'd fight back, too. He's forcing their hand.
Havent read the thread, but over here in the UK he'd probably be suing the hotel under GDPR legislation, i'm sure the States would have similar legislation on the storage and supply of information (inc video footage), as a hotel there would need to be a designated process of storage and disclosure.....he's potentially suing as that information, video and allegation all should have gone to the police first.
  • Irvin was indicted on second-degree felony charges of cocaine possession and misdemeanor marijuana charges. He faced a maximum of 20 years in prison. During the trial several months later in , the prosecution’s star witness was a topless dancer named Rachelle Smith.
If you want to believe Irvin was innocent in all of these cases because the prosecution chose not to take it to trial , that’s fine but I’d argue most of these high profile athletes would be in prison on these felony accusations without their celebrity status. They have been getting away with all of their indiscretions since school.

You had the audacity to list misdemeanor Marijuana charges in there like he's the devil. Lol give me a break.

If you can't see the distinction between a drug rap vs. inappropriate behavior with a female, then you're a moron.
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  • Irvin was indicted on second-degree felony charges of cocaine possession and misdemeanor marijuana charges. He faced a maximum of 20 years in prison. During the trial several months later in , the prosecution’s star witness was a topless dancer named Rachelle Smith.
If you want to believe Irvin was innocent in all of these cases because the prosecution chose not to take it to trial , that’s fine but I’d argue most of these high profile athletes would be in prison on these felony accusations without their celebrity status. They have been getting away with all of their indiscretions since school.
You're absolutely wrong about getting out of prison due to their celebrity status.

The REAL issue people why people are in jail over drug charges is because they don't have the money to afford a good lawyer to "play" the state legal system.

Hard for some people to believe, but the justice system does play better odds in your favor when you spend money.
Right you are govnor, right you are. I always believe the guy because we control the world. And women just want to decorate the house and go to Olive Garden.
Isnt it Govna? So you dont live in England? No Olive Gardens in jolly old England?
You're absolutely wrong about getting out of prison due to their celebrity status.

The REAL issue people why people are in jail over drug charges is because they don't have the money to afford a good lawyer to "play" the state legal system.

Hard for some people to believe, but the justice system does play better odds in your favor when you spend money.
I agree but the odds are even greater if a DA feels that it would be difficult to find 12 impartial jurors to find a guilty verdict on a popular local player. Not to mention the fallout for him in a reelection campaign.
You had the audacity to list misdemeanor Marijuana charges in there like he's the devil. Lol give me a break.

If you can't see the distinction between a drug rap vs. inappropriate behavior with a female, then you're a moron.
The cocaine indictment was also included with that . Not sure how you missed that .

And I can list all of his sexual assault and rape charge accusations if you like.
Funny how most of the people here crying about rushing Irvin to judgment are assuming:

The woman is lying/exaggerating

The hotel reacted wrongly

NFL Network had no right to suspend him

Apparently no rush to judgment only works one way. To the idolized jock.
His lawyers will tear this girl's past apart, her social media, past relationships, cell phone texts, everything is up for discovery. They'll do the same to this hoitel manager!! They'll both rue the day she made a false claim against him if she did. I'm inclined to think this entire accusation is bollocks. I wish his security had been on hand and kept this golddigger away from him.

A hotel employee had no business approaching a VIP guest in the first place. TOTALLY unprofessional. I would've fired her if I were her manager.
But we do not know what transpired and which do you think has the higher powered attorneys, Irvin or the Marriott hotels chain? They have a legal department.

If they did ban him, they have something to go on because that takes someone above a desk clerk. That is not something they would do casually. Do we think a corporation that size would do that just based on what an employee said without some evidence?

This hasn't played out yet and there's going to be some discoveries made.

There seems to be a lot of response here to that only video from a bar patron's phone, what if that's not the video?

The NFLN sure responded quickly to this and sent him home but that doesn't mean he did anything wrong but use drinking as an excuse for amnesia.
Funny how most of the people here crying about rushing Irvin to judgment are assuming:

The woman is lying/exaggerating

The hotel reacted wrongly

NFL Network had no right to suspend him

Apparently no rush to judgment only works one way. To the idolized jock.
Especially if this banned from all Marriott properties is fact. That is pretty harsh without some substantiating evidence.

We have some here calling her a hooker and a skank without even knowing who she is or what happened. That's not a Irvin lover; that's a woman hater. I have seen this reaction too much from some. And I can imagine that makes all of the ladies here feel really comfortable.

Is he suspended from NFLN? I haven't seen anything from them. Just because they sent him home doesn't mean he's suspended. I think they are buying time to sort this out. If Irvin is the harmed party here and innocent, they should be suing Marriott as well.
There's never been a better time to live for the drama queens. These just might be looked back on as the glory days of the drama queens.

Can we still say "drama queens"?

I hope I don't need to call my lawyer.
Funny how most of the people here crying about rushing Irvin to judgment are assuming:

The woman is lying/exaggerating

The hotel reacted wrongly

NFL Network had no right to suspend him

Apparently no rush to judgment only works one way. To the idolized jock.
The question right now is Irvin guilty or innocent of anything, the key question now due to technology communicating ANYTHING to the world is how does Irvin look per social media opinion?

Because Irvin was suspended from doing a job he was paid to do, to many, IMO he looks automatically guilty.
There's never been a better time to live for the drama queens. These just might be looked back on as the glory days of the drama queens.

Can we still say "drama queens"?

I hope I don't need to call my lawyer.
Post something very stupid on facebook, and depending on your job, very good odds you will need a lawyer LMAO
Not a hot take and not a legal analysis, I am simply asking a very basic question from the article that is being report on.

"Irvin said he had just gotten back from having drinks with former Cowboys safety Michael Brooks. He admitted that he is unsure of what was said during the brief conversation because he had been drinking."

With all due respect Jake, you dont have to use the Socratic method of deduction here to ponder the question "if you were drunk and dont remember, how can you claim she is lying". In fact, the exact same article that is reporting this also asks the exact same question. Here it is from the article, word for word..........

"That is obviously troublesome for Irvin. If he cannot recall what he said because he was intoxicated, it will be tough for him to deny whatever allegations the woman made."
translation, Mike has 2 write her a fat check and he gets canceled. He made a terrible error. But this girl is squaller.
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