I'm not supporting Irvin, but there is this basic principal that one is innocent until proven guilty (and for good reason IMO although I understand the court of public opinion has other rules).
This is no different than when Beckham got kicked off the plane, some parts of the story just don't seem to add up but everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to presume guilt.
45 seconds in a hotel lobby was enough for this woman to go off the handle? Since no one knows what was actually said or done at this point (and ironically enough there is a video of this encounter, but who has actually seen the video?).
I also missed it, was Irvin actually charged with some kind of crime? What were the charges if he was?
Like I said, the story isn't adding up...
Ironic I read one headline "Disgraced Michael Irvin..." Because someone accuses you of something now, you're a disgrace without all the facts being in as to what actually was said and what happens?
Will admit, did seem like a interesting fact that per another story I read, the woman accusing him of whatever actually works for the hotel.