News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Depends on what he has heard from NFL Network - if the idea is to completely let him go, then yeah, he for sure has a case here. Nowhere near in the ballpark of $100 million, but he'd get something if the allegations are proven to be false.
Plaintiffs always sue for a ridiculous amount of money. They rarely get what they ask for. But many times they get more than they expected.
There has to be more than that or the NFL is more of a joke than I even thought.
In fairness, I dont think this is the hotel surveillance footage. And it might not even be the exact situation. But it doesn't seem like Mike is out of control. This appears to be cell phone video from someone in the group that was in the bar.

Apparently there is a group of people that Michael was with that can back up that he did nothing egregious.
Plaintiffs always sue for a ridiculous amount of money. They rarely get what they ask for. But many times they get more than they expected.
Well, in the case of famous people....$100m probably isn't ridiculous. If he were to lose his job with NFL Network and other entities over something that turns out to be false....his actual damages could easily be that amount. In an era when Aikman, Romo, and BRady are getting 20m a year to call games....the damage can add up quickly.
I know exactly what happened here and nothing illegal or out of the ordinary took place. Irvin was coming back from a few drinks. Notices a seemingly friendly smiling lady in the lobby and they cross paths. Irvin engages in a simple, common every day conversation with the lovely lady and perhaps was a bit flirty but he didn’t do anything inappropriate. As a man how do you know if a woman is interested without basic every day engagement? He didn’t fondle her, he didn’t touch her inappropriately, he didn’t use inappropriate language, he just simply interacted with her and probably left it up to her from there if she might be further interested. The woke drama queen decides she must be a victim and causes a scene. Sick of this story! All I can say to you American men is go overseas and find yourself a good woman. There are none left in this country. And God forbid if you approach one because you might be interested, you’ll be accused of everything under the sun. Irving has been around long enough that he doesn’t make these kind of mistakes where he crosses the line. He knows better. He didn’t do anything wrong other than engage in a short friendly conversation with this woman. Shame on the NFL.
Oh, it is definitely about what he said. Of course, no one has posted her side of the story yet. Did she claim that he did something physical? The video shows that he didn't.

If this wasn't a famous person, no one would give this the time of day. People say unsavory things to each other all the time. In most cases, we either respond in kind or ignore it. We don't see a money grab.
Exactly........but what's a bit odd to me is how strong and quickly the network responded to one of their popular employees unless of course, he is not as popular as we think. I'm guessing this isn't the first time they have received complaints of misconduct toward females but on a much lesser scale ( or as you put it an average person).
Not a hot take and not a legal analysis, I am simply asking a very basic question from the article that is being report on.

"Irvin said he had just gotten back from having drinks with former Cowboys safety Michael Brooks. He admitted that he is unsure of what was said during the brief conversation because he had been drinking."

With all due respect Jake, you dont have to use the Socratic method of deduction here to ponder the question "if you were drunk and dont remember, how can you claim she is lying". In fact, the exact same article that is reporting this also asks the exact same question. Here it is from the article, word for word..........

"That is obviously troublesome for Irvin. If he cannot recall what he said because he was intoxicated, it will be tough for him to deny whatever allegations the woman made."
How do you know he was intoxicated? Having a few or been drinking and you get he is intoxicated?
Do you recall every 45 second conversation you had with a stranger? Especially in passing and if it is not important?
How do you know he was intoxicated? Having a few or been drinking and you get he is intoxicated?
Do you recall every 45 second conversation you had with a stranger? Especially in passing and if it is not important?
Everything I saw was non alcoholic, but who knows. Carry on the witch hunt.
Is this is the misconduct video? Or a seperate interaction?

Edit: just read it was before the supposed incident.
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It depends on the state. If it happened in Florida, Michael doesn't have a case. They can fire you for just about anything that isn't a federal crime. Arizona does have the Covenant of good faith exemption. Which means employers can only fire you for just cause. He's got a case.
He's not suing his employer. That will have no factor in this case.
It depends on the state. If it happened in Florida, Michael doesn't have a case. They can fire you for just about anything that isn't a federal crime. Arizona does have the Covenant of good faith exemption. Which means employers can only fire you for just cause. He's got a case.
The case isn't about the NFL Network actions. It's the woman lying and hurting his reputation thus causing his current and future earnings to be affected.
I know exactly what happened here and nothing illegal or out of the ordinary took place. Irvin was coming back from a few drinks. Notices a seemingly friendly smiling lady in the lobby and they cross paths. Irvin engages in a simple, common every day conversation with the lovely lady and perhaps was a bit flirty but he didn’t do anything inappropriate. As a man how do you know if a woman is interested without basic every day engagement? He didn’t fondle her, he didn’t touch her inappropriately, he didn’t use inappropriate language, he just simply interacted with her and probably left it up to her from there if she might be further interested. The woke drama queen decides she must be a victim and causes a scene. Sick of this story! All I can say to you American men is go overseas and find yourself a good woman. There are none left in this country. And God forbid if you approach one because you might be interested, you’ll be accused of everything under the sun. Irving has been around long enough that he doesn’t make these kind of mistakes where he crosses the line. He knows better. He didn’t do anything wrong other than engage in a short friendly conversation with this woman. Shame on the NFL.
So is this first hand knowledge or are you making up a scenario of what you think happenned?
Not a hot take and not a legal analysis, I am simply asking a very basic question from the article that is being report on.

"Irvin said he had just gotten back from having drinks with former Cowboys safety Michael Brooks. He admitted that he is unsure of what was said during the brief conversation because he had been drinking."

With all due respect Jake, you dont have to use the Socratic method of deduction here to ponder the question "if you were drunk and dont remember, how can you claim she is lying". In fact, the exact same article that is reporting this also asks the exact same question. Here it is from the article, word for word..........

"That is obviously troublesome for Irvin. If he cannot recall what he said because he was intoxicated, it will be tough for him to deny whatever allegations the woman made."
Fair point.
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