News: Michael Irvin files $100 million lawsuit vs accuser and Marriott (Renaissance hotels)

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Depends on what he has heard from NFL Network - if the idea is to completely let him go, then yeah, he for sure has a case here. Nowhere near in the ballpark of $100 million, but he'd get something if the allegations are proven to be false.
It depends on the state. If it happened in Florida, Michael doesn't have a case. They can fire you for just about anything that isn't a federal crime. Arizona does have the Covenant of good faith exemption. Which means employers can only fire you for just cause. He's got a case.
It depends on the state. If it happened in Florida, Michael doesn't have a case. They can fire you for just about anything that isn't a federal crime. Arizona does have the Covenant of good faith exemption. Which means employers can only fire you for just cause. He's got a case.
I have no idea what he said, but the fact that he went on the radio and said he was too drunk to remember what he told her...............well, how you going to sue her then?

"Your honor, I was drunk a.f. and I dont remember a thing that I said, but I am sure whatever she is saying I told her is a lie so give me $100 million"
If there are multiple witnesses to the incident who claim Irvin did nothing wrong, it doesn't matter if Irvin doesn't remember.
If there are multiple witnesses to the incident who claim Irvin did nothing wrong, it doesn't matter if Irvin doesn't remember.
But what if it's not about what he did but what he said........then I guess its simply he said, she said thing.
Not a hot take and not a legal analysis, I am simply asking a very basic question from the article that is being report on.

"Irvin said he had just gotten back from having drinks with former Cowboys safety Michael Brooks. He admitted that he is unsure of what was said during the brief conversation because he had been drinking."

With all due respect Jake, you dont have to use the Socratic method of deduction here to ponder the question "if you were drunk and dont remember, how can you claim she is lying". In fact, the exact same article that is reporting this also asks the exact same question. Here it is from the article, word for word..........

"That is obviously troublesome for Irvin. If he cannot recall what he said because he was intoxicated, it will be tough for him to deny whatever allegations the woman made."
If there are multiple witnesses that refute the woman's claims, which at this point are a matter of record, it doesn't matter if Michael remembers it or doesnt. The video already shows that he did not engage in anything physical towards her. It seems much ado about maybe some unsavory words. Michael is correct to take the fight to them.
I guess you have to throw the hotel into the lawsuit because there is no way that woman has $100 million.
They reportedly moved Irvin out of the hotel, aggravating the situation....and if she is their employee, of course they get joined.
Just saw the video and what was said, he said a few F bombs but not to anyone in particular, he was saying it but was standing in the middle of the drinking lounge. So he was not in the face of anyone. That was nothing at all. And even has witnesses that said he did nothing.
But what if it's not about what he did but what he said........then I guess its simply he said, she said thing.
Oh, it is definitely about what he said. Of course, no one has posted her side of the story yet. Did she claim that he did something physical? The video shows that he didn't.

If this wasn't a famous person, no one would give this the time of day. People say unsavory things to each other all the time. In most cases, we either respond in kind or ignore it. We don't see a money grab.
Just saw the video and what was said, he said a few F bombs but not to anyone in particular, he was saying it but was standing in the middle of the drinking lounge. So he was not in the face of anyone. That was nothing at all. And even he heals witnesses that said he did nothing.
I have not seen the video, but if that is all it is, this is a pathetic sign of the times.
Just saw the video and what was said, he said a few F bombs but not to anyone in particular, he was saying it but was standing in the middle of the drinking lounge. So he was not in the face of anyone. That was nothing at all. And even has witnesses that said he did nothing.
Is there a link you could share?
I am from old school don’t know how to post it on here but if go to YouTube “Black and White Sports” and the title is “NFL Network Removes Michael Irvin is about to Backfire Witnesses comes forward” you will see it there.
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