yes, that's quite concerning. Jerry lives in jerry world (dream world) and jerry sees dollar signs and that always, always always takes his football judgement away. as a result he makes great financial decisions and poor football decisions.
There comes a point where one just gets sick of all the nanny too too crap that insults Jerry Jones. This is to the level of bully insults at a Junior High/High School preppie club.
Jerry actually attempts to fix players, and that is respect of the sport, NOT STUPIDITY!!
Jerry came out of the oil fields of Texas, as a wild catter. There, a blow-over could kill a whole crew...and the whole state paid attention...THEN.
Sorry, this man actually cares for his players, no matter how many blow hart insults go onto a Cowboy board...
This is the real status:
Irvin is a Hall of Famer and one of the best players in Cowboys history, but we have already laid out several reasons
why it is unlikely that the Cowboys sign Manziel. He simply doesn’t seem worth the risk, especially in a place where he can find even more trouble to get into.