Michael Irvin: Jenkins is not a coward, he just has no hope

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Dave_in-NC;2396479 said:
Every one is saying Witten quit after an INT. I didn't see it. The posted you tube vid shows one of the INT's but Witten was even close enough to make a tackle. besides the DB was falling down any way, he just needed to be touched.


I think they were saying that Witten was out there with broken ribs playing in tremendous pain to help the team, and this rookie who has accomplished nothing won't even try to tackle a running back.


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Dave_in-NC;2396479 said:
Every one is saying Witten quit after an INT. I didn't see it. The posted you tube vid shows one of the INT's but Witten wasn"t even close enough to make a tackle. besides the DB was falling down any way, he just needed to be touched.

you missed what I was saying. Choco Lab hit it on the nail though


Kane Ala
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TheCount;2396469 said:
Pretty much exactly what I said. Some of you are taking this thing way overboard, you think he's the first CB to shy away from contact in a blowout?

I'm sure he's not. I don't like it and it appears a whole lot of people don't either. I can tell you that on a team fast disappearing from the playoff picture much less a SB, you don't need that kind of crap at this point in time. Everyone should be playing as hard as is possible.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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When your front 7 is getting their butts kicked and backs are getting into your secondary at will and when your defense has been on the field way too long, you will get what you saw yesterday.

Putting Mike Jenkins in the spot-light for 1 play is a joke! I saw the defensive ends getting owned. I saw Ratliff getting blocked. I saw the inside linebackers getting blocked and looking lost a few times. It's a disgrace to the Cowboys' nation to do this to Mike Jenkins. It's a freaking joke, and it makes me angry.

Questioning a guy's effort or heart when he simply may have thought Burnett was going to make the play is a joke. Jenkins may have simply misjudged the play. That running back is really fast. Burnett was held up by the guard, and that took away Burnett's angle.

I I have seen two angles of this play. Fox showed only one of them. There is another angle (on NFL.com) where it appears Jenkins would have run into Burnett if he dives to his left to make a play.

He might have been able to trip him up if he dives, maybe. However, what good would it have done. Do you really think we were going to stop them at that point?

I remember Jenkins diving for a ball carrier in the Tamp Bay game. He layed out (full extention at a guy's feet) and gave maximum effort and sacrificed his body for his teammates.

Just think about what some of you guys are saying Jenkins did. You guys are not on the field playing the game at NFL speed. Jenkins has started three games, and he is a rookie.

If Dallas is smart, they will cut Pacman and keep breaking Jenkins in.


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41gy#;2396514 said:
When your front 7 is getting their butts kicked and backs are getting into your secondary at will and when your defense has been on the field way too long, you will get what you saw yesterday.

It doesn't matter how long they've been on the field if you can make a play then make it.


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DaBoys4Life;2396496 said:
you missed what I was saying. Choco Lab hit it on the nail though

Gotchya. Last night people were saying Jason gave up on a play after an INT.
I thought that is what you were speaking of. Sorry.


Pixel Pusher
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jobberone;2396505 said:
I'm sure he's not. I don't like it and it appears a whole lot of people don't either. I can tell you that on a team fast disappearing from the playoff picture much less a SB, you don't need that kind of crap at this point in time. Everyone should be playing as hard as is possible.

I definitely agree with you on that, but what worries me is that I DO think everyone is trying, it's just not coming together. Hopefully we can storm back after the bye.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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That Youtube video shows you what I'm talking about.

Jenkins plays the outside first. The running back stays inside. The back was so fast, he gets on top of Jenkins in a hurry. Just look at it on the first angle. It looks like Jenkins would have run right into Burnett.

Jenkins may have been able to trip him up if he dove forward as the back is passing him, but then, your still talking about a prayer and a shoe string tackle.

What it have made any difference?

Again, the front seven looked worn out. They were getting destroyed.

When your team turns the ball over 4 times and gives the Giants the ball at your 30 due to poor offense and a bad punt, you will get destroyed.


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Irvin needs to stop it. Was this the same Irvin who went to Jimmy Johnson when he was hired and gave him a list of names of people who were their just to cash a check. Irvin would've blasted Jenkins on the sidelines for that effort. That was a joke yesterday. The way the local and national media covers this team, Jenkins is going to killed.


No Quarter
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Maikeru-sama;2396252 said:
Nate Newton agrees and further stated that the more troubling issue is where did Michael Jenkins get this mentality from.

Well coach/gm-wannabe jerruh was basically writing off the NYG game saying they'll get on a roll after the off-week.

Coach cupcake and co. install ZERO confidence. i mean they can't even keep them under 9 penalties in an important division game.

i'd say Jenkins learned from the guy writing the paycheck and coach.

happy now

ps - the play wasn't that bad in teh scheme of things the front 7 was embarrassed. you're complaining that the life-boat is not luxurious enough.


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41gy#;2396574 said:
That Youtube video shows you what I'm talking about.

Jenkins plays the outside first. The running back stays inside. The back was so fast, he gets on top of Jenkins in a hurry. Just look at it on the first angle. It looks like Jenkins would have run right into Burnett.

Jenkins may have been able to trip him up if he dove forward as the back is passing him, but then, your still talking about a prayer and a shoe string tackle.

What it have made any difference?

Again, the front seven looked worn out. They were getting destroyed.

When your team turns the ball over 4 times and gives the Giants the ball at your 30 due to poor offense and a bad punt, you will get destroyed.

Good god


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The score was 28-14 at that point.

If he makes the tackle and causes a fumble which is returned for a TD then the Cowboys are only down 7 with plenty of time to go.

BS excuse.

Mike Jenkins is afraid of contact. It's that simple.


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dcfanatic;2396644 said:
The score was 28-14 at that point.

If he makes the tackle and causes a fumble which is returned for a TD then the Cowboys are only down 7 with plenty of time to go.

BS excuse.

Mike Jenkins is afraid of contact. It's that simple.

I agree that he was afraid of THAT contact. I don't think he is afraid of contact per say but he saw Burnett trailing and Bradie James coming across and saw a train wreck that he wanted no part of!


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aikemirv;2396708 said:
I agree that he was afraid of THAT contact. I don't think he is afraid of contact per say but he saw Burnett trailing and Bradie James coming across and saw a train wreck that he wanted no part of!

I can't even believe the excuses some people are making here. He was afraid of that contact? Good grief.


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Dave_in-NC;2396735 said:
I can't even believe the excuses some people are making here. He was afraid of that contact? Good grief.

I am not making excuses - he should have put his body in there and made the tackle. I am not going to beat up on him about it though. Two players of the same team coming from opposite sides is how people get hurt in the NFL. It was a good bit of self preservation right there.

They say that every impact is a car crash in the NFL. Two defenders coming at each other to make the tackle is a train wreck! I know that is what he was thinking you could see it!


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aikemirv;2396769 said:
I am not making excuses - he should have put his body in there and made the tackle. I am not going to beat up on him about it though. Two players of the same team coming from opposite sides is how people get hurt in the NFL. It was a good bit of self preservation right there.

They say that every impact is a car crash in the NFL. Two defenders coming at each other to make the tackle is a train wreck! I know that is what he was thinking you could see it!

He's a football player. It's part of the game. So your argument is this.
If there is a chance you can make a tackle you better think about it because you might get hurt? Maybe he should take up badminton.