Michael Irvin joining Skip

Reckon it will go from a one on one battle, to a tag team match with Skip and Michael as pro-Cowboys and Sherman/Keyshawn as the anti-Cowboys. Keyshawn can have his mind controlled with some paper while the Playmaker would be beside himself if he had to give up his Cowboys love. Anyway, another of the shows i don't watch and i am better for it. The remote control is a powerful thing.
I suspect even though this is getting loudly booed on this forum, some of you will actually watch it and enjoy it. Just like some of you really do love Mickey Spagnola and Bryan Broaddus.
I find Michael's TV commentary a bit annoying, but I tolerate it because I love his enthusiasm for the Cowboys.

I can't watch him with Skip though. I can't watch Skip regardless of who is with him.
I bet Aikman has an opinion on all of this.
I may be on an island here, but Troy just needs to get over it....he is better than that. To be honest, most of us here from Dallas heard the same thing that Skip reported to be true in his book.
Doesn’t matter if a show is on ESPN or Fox. All the shows have the same storylines and the same percentage of ex athletes that are now commentators…..in a couple years there won’t be any more journalists on them……which won’t make a difference because they all worship the athletes and never ask any hard hitting questions of them

It looks more like a players reunion than a legitimate media show.
Sounds about right. Irvin and Bayless...talk about a joke.
I suspect even though this is getting loudly booed on this forum, some of you will actually watch it and enjoy it. Just like some of you really do love Mickey Spagnola and Bryan Broaddus.
I like Mickey and Broadus even more now that there are numerous personalities at DC.com.
Sad thing is there have to be people that like it and watch it. They wouldn't keep running it year after year and adding similar shows if it didn't make coin.
Anyone who considers Skip Bayless worthy of their time... sorry... inherently merits question about their usefulness as a human being. No one should be so devoid of something better to do than to pay attention to windbags, and Bayless heads that list... Stephen A a close second, but second nonetheless.

I feel bad for Michael. He deserves a better fate/platform.
Watching Skip is like watching the Bachelor. My other half knows the show is stupid, but she likes it only as a guilty pleasure - morbid curiosity - the pettiness. It's why traffic slows down to see how bad the damage was for a car accident. It will get some ratings for that alone. But I agree...it's not where you go for sports knowledge.
I have a glorious vision of Michael knocking Stephen A. the F#$k out. "DEBO"!!!!!!
Sounds about right. Irvin and Bayless...talk about a joke.
No single person in the history of the Cowboys tried to give more of his heart to the Cowboys than did Michael...no one!