Or you can buy up the excess supply? Why should season ticket holders take a financial hit while you sit there and complain about it? Put your money where your mouth is, the NFL screws season ticket holders.
True. The financial demands of season ticket policies aren't fan-friendly but that's not the point. It's economics and supply & demand. Initial ticket supply consists of first-time sale tickets and unsold season ticket packages. First-time sales ticket supply may be relatively substantial but unsold season ticket packages may not be. Hypothetically, overall available ticket supply reflecting face value initially will be small compared to initial demand (namely potential buyers wanting to buy at face value). It may be large. It may be average. All degrees are relative.
This initial supply is consumed quickly due to high demand though. Supply is then converted to re-sale tickets. It should be noted that re-sale vendors (individuals or companies) carve out a large niche of the initial first-sale supply. Re-sale tickets are priced HIGHER than face value tickets. Price influences demand. Cowboy fans, who would have purchased tickets at face value refuse to pay the higher prices. Demand shifts to consumers (fans) who will pay the elevated price. And presto! 49er fans bought re-sold tickets for one time opportunity to see their favorite team playing locally.
You are right though. At some point there is an excess supply. It's after tickets are re-sold. Who will pay for tickets at re-sale prices? I would and I have done so. I have tickets for both the Seahawks game in Arlington and the Saints game in New Orleans. I tried to buy first-sale tickets before they were goggled up. I was too late. I'm sure lots of other Cowboys fans were too late as well. However, unlike they and some people, the higher priced re-sale tickets was greater than their personal demand. Budgets have restrictions.
IF such fans had the opportunity to buy at face value, perhaps there would not have been a Red Sea flood of 49er fans last year.
Now, if you are a season ticket holder, that's great. Every Cowboys fan will not able to purchase season ticket packages. Certainly, fans of other teams aren't generally going to purchase season ticket packages benefitting teams not their own. I'm not going to tell any season ticket holders that they are permanently stuck with their tickets. That's foolish. It's your money. But there are consequences to re-selling tickets at prices that do not meet demand.