Michael Smith ESPNEWS said players are tired of Romo's TOs...


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T.O81;2334595 said:
Enough of the romo love already jesus!!! All of you act like romo is god and the guy can't do no wrong, get over it. Plain n simple romo is playin poorly, to many turnovers, not smart decisions with the ball.I don't care for how many yards the guy throws for. Bottom line what counts is when the score board reads double zero!! The guy needs to relax a bit and stop tryin to be a super hero on every damn down!!

Speaking of needing to relax a bit...


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What is so bad about them tired of his to's?

Arent you as a fan? I love Romo, but the GUY is turning it over too much plain and simple!

He needs to be called out.


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tunahelper;2334726 said:
What is so bad about them tired of his to's?

Arent you as a fan? I love Romo, but the GUY is turning it over too much plain and simple!

He needs to be called out.

Do you think he doesn't realize he's turned it over? Do you think he some how missed that point when the media asks him, weekly, about 15 questions about every turnover he has?

I think the guy knows he's turned the ball over. I think he realizes he'd rather not turn the ball over and that he'd help his team more to not turn it over.

Do you think someone getting in his face and yelling at him is going to make him realize that more clearly?


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Ender;2334496 said:
I swear you people make me sick. You people are missing the point.why is Romo fumbling? A better question is why is he getting hit so much. How is he suppose to know if some body is slaping at the ball when he is looking down field. We absolutly. Have the worst fans. We don't deserve Romo and we don't deserve to win. The only way you peple can be happy is if we are losing and I for one believe our fans negative attitude projects on our team. According to yall we need a new head coach new cordinator a new starting QB a new oline and a new D. So basically we need a new team. You people are disgusting. The only thing I think we need is new fans.


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Phantom;2333871 said:
Just like he made up for it yesterday? Like 5 fumbles in the game, two of them overturned(Which shouldn't have been?)
Atleast you admit it.


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tunahelper;2334726 said:
What is so bad about them tired of his to's?

Arent you as a fan? I love Romo, but the GUY is turning it over too much plain and simple!

He needs to be called out.

Not being a jerk, but what does being "called out" by a bunch of fans do for him? If the coaching staff sees fit to have a talk with him about protecting the ball, I am sure they will.

I do wish he would cut down on the turnovers some, but I am sure my desire for him to do that pails in comparison to his own.


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T.O81;2334595 said:
Enough of the romo love already jesus!!! All of you act like romo is god and the guy can't do no wrong, get over it. Plain n simple romo is playin poorly, to many turnovers, not smart decisions with the ball.I don't care for how many yards the guy throws for. Bottom line what counts is when the score board reads double zero!! The guy needs to relax a bit and stop tryin to be a super hero on every damn down!!

Like when we were down by 10 pts with under 3 minutes left and he led us to two scores to tie the game, even without getting an onsides kick. Romo's fans acknowledge the mistakes, but he makes more great plays than the average QB can make. He is still in the plus column.


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I'm still skeptical of how much of this is true...

But if it is, then that tells me all I need to know about this team. It would tell me that they are a bunch of "me-first", selfish, egotistical idiots who have no clue how lucky they have it with Romo as their QB.

The scary thing is, I can see some of the guys on this team being jealous of the attention that Romo gets, but if any of this was said, the person who said it needs to be beat.


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tunahelper;2334726 said:
What is so bad about them tired of his to's?

Arent you as a fan? I love Romo, but the GUY is turning it over too much plain and simple!

He needs to be called out.
Nothing. Just keep it in house. Tell the coaches if you need to tell someone. Better yet, tell Romo yourself. Don't relay that to the media so they can spin it anyway they want to. It gets you nowhere.


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StylisticS;2334944 said:
Nothing. Just keep it in house. Tell the coaches if you need to tell someone. Better yet, tell Romo yourself. Don't relay that to the media so they can spin it anyway they want to. It gets you nowhere.

Or maybe one of the reporters accidentally overheard a player tell another player he's tired of TOs, and thought they were talking about Romo. Next thing we know, the reporters start talking amongst it themselves, and the comments get blown out of context.

It happens to me all the time at work-I would tell someone something...then a week later, some other person would walk up to me and said I said such and such, when what I initially said wasn't even close to that to begin with.

The worst thing about all this is that none of this comes out, overblown or no, when you lose. It's no fun when you lose, period.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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T.O81;2334595 said:
Enough of the romo love already jesus!!! All of you act like romo is god and the guy can't do no wrong, get over it. Plain n simple romo is playin poorly, to many turnovers, not smart decisions with the ball.I don't care for how many yards the guy throws for. Bottom line what counts is when the score board reads double zero!! The guy needs to relax a bit and stop tryin to be a super hero on every damn down!!

Good post. People in Atlanta thought Ronnie Mex was god and then Matt Ryan came along. Now it's like "Ronnie who?"... I do agree that Romo needs to take a bit of a chill pill and get dialed back in. He also needs to become more of a vocal leader (IMHO).


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I don't know what four weeks of rest will do for his finger.
But four weeks away from the whining fans and nit picking press has to
"Put a smile on his face."
Maybe he will return with a clean slate and we will still yet see a Super bowl.


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tunahelper;2334726 said:
What is so bad about them tired of his to's?

Arent you as a fan? I love Romo, but the GUY is turning it over too much plain and simple!

He needs to be called out.

We'll lets see how good the offense looks when he isn't in.....

28 Joker

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miamicowboy21;2333854 said:
He spoke with players in the lockeroom yesterday and alot of players of tired of Romo not being held accountable for his interceptions and careless turnovers.

If this is true, you can blame Garrett and Wade Phillips. If Phillips can't check Romo and Garrett, who will?

It is alright to manage the game at times in games like yesterday and play your cards a little tight to the vest. You don't have to live on the big play. Garrett and Romo have been too greedy in the two losses. It isn't a video game. Look what Marion Barber did on that little dump off pass. He went 70 yards and scored. A little conservative play calling could have managed that game and put some points on the board yesterday, and it could have been the difference.

There is no excuse for having Romo hold the ball while looking to get the ball down the field, while the offense is backed up on its goalline. In fact, Romo and the offense didn't need to think about attacking down the field in that game yesterday unless they were outside their own 20.


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I believe we would have lost the skins game if Hurd held on...Just like we didn't beat Arizona after winning the coin toss.. Right now ROMO sucks..and Garrett suddenly forgot how to put wideouts in motion.

Gotta be a Commander fan. Hell lets see you get in there and hold onto the ball with a 300lb guy hanging on you that your Oline can't block. Stuff like this is pathetic.
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It really cracks me up about those of you who pick a player like Romo, and defend him until the end. Rather than say, "Yeah, you're right, he has been turning the ball over way too often lately, and needs to focus on tucking the ball in tighter when he chooses to take off & run.", you start calling names, getting all defensive, etc. They should have a special Kindergarten Room for people like you.

Look, guys have flaws, and when they don't care enough to correct those flaws & keep making the same stupid mistakes, it hurts the team--MY team. Like Owens running his mouth. I don't like it, and I say so. This isn't tennis. This is a TEAM sport. Running your mouth shows that you are self-centered, and it creates splits within the team. Also, when a player like Owens keeps riding the QB about not getting him the ball, the QB will eventually begin to force bad throws to the whiner, and hurt the team. Then, again, Romo throws into triple coverage no matter who the receiver is. Bad case of Favre-ego, I guess.


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Cogan;2335328 said:
It really cracks me up about those of you who pick a player like Romo, and defend him until the end. Rather than say, "Yeah, you're right, he has been turning the ball over way too often lately, and needs to focus on tucking the ball in tighter when he chooses to take off & run.", you start calling names, getting all defensive, etc. They should have a special Kindergarten Room for people like you.

Look, guys have flaws, and when they don't care enough to correct those flaws & keep making the same stupid mistakes, it hurts the team--MY team. Like Owens running his mouth. I don't like it, and I say so. This isn't tennis. This is a TEAM sport. Running your mouth shows that you are self-centered, and it creates splits within the team. Also, when a player like Owens keeps riding the QB about not getting him the ball, the QB will eventually begin to force bad throws to the whiner, and hurt the team. Then, again, Romo throws into triple coverage no matter who the receiver is. Bad case of Favre-ego, I guess.

Ok I will say it Romo sucks. Now tell me who we are going to get to play qb? Do you think Johnson is the answer? What about Bollinger? Do we have Vinnie's number? Is Quincy Carter around or is he in jail? I bet all of these guys would be better.


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Kinda hard to do anything when the O-Line can't block and you spend half the game on your ***

Gemini Dolly

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If we as fans are tired of it, imagine the players. Romo just does not learn to protect that ball and it gets frustrating. Maybe it will take the players finally speaking out for Romo to get it that its a problem that needs to be fixed NOW.