Michael Smith ESPNEWS said players are tired of Romo's TOs...


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Cogan;2335328 said:
It really cracks me up about those of you who pick a player like Romo, and defend him until the end. Rather than say, "Yeah, you're right, he has been turning the ball over way too often lately, and needs to focus on tucking the ball in tighter when he chooses to take off & run.", you start calling names, getting all defensive, etc. They should have a special Kindergarten Room for people like you.

Look, guys have flaws, and when they don't care enough to correct those flaws & keep making the same stupid mistakes, it hurts the team--MY team. Like Owens running his mouth. I don't like it, and I say so. This isn't tennis. This is a TEAM sport. Running your mouth shows that you are self-centered, and it creates splits within the team. Also, when a player like Owens keeps riding the QB about not getting him the ball, the QB will eventually begin to force bad throws to the whiner, and hurt the team. Then, again, Romo throws into triple coverage no matter who the receiver is. Bad case of Favre-ego, I guess.

It's not that Romo is perfect, its that out of a 53 players on the roster the only player who is playing better than him right now is Ware . But I've been around simple Cowboy fans long enough to know the QB is always going to get blamed first for any and all Cowboy losses, no matter how utterly ridiculous and ludicrous. Thread after thread after thread on a guy who puts up 310 yards passing 3:0 INT ratio in a game where he is hit NINETEEN FRICKING TIMES with a defender in his face on every throw. The Romo threads outnumber the OL threads 20:1. It's comical.

I could show you example after example of GREAT, not just good, GREAT quarterbacks who turnover the ball just as much as Romo when they're put in the same situation of throwing the ball 50+ times a game and forced to put 30 points on the board every week for their team to win .. .and you still wouldn't concede the point. You'll continue to hold onto your perceptions the way a child clutches onto his blanky. Just like how masomenos85 wrote out a great and heavily researched post proving exactly that, and hardly anyone even bothered to respond to it. Screw facts and logic, ITS THE QUARTERBACKS FAULT. It's not even worth the time.


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InmanRoshi;2335403 said:
It's not that Romo is perfect, its that out of a 53 players on the roster the only player who is playing better than him right now is Ware . But I've been around simple Cowboy fans long enough to know the QB is always going to get blamed first for any and all Cowboy losses, no matter how utterly ridiculous and ludicrous. Thread after thread after thread on a guy who puts up 310 yards passing 3:0 INT ratio in a game where he is hit NINETEEN FRICKING TIMES with a defender in his face on every throw. The Romo threads outnumber the OL threads 20:1. It's comical.

I could show you example after example of GREAT, not just good, GREAT quarterbacks who turnover the ball just as much as Romo when they're put in the same situation of throwing the ball 50+ times a game and forced to put 30 points on the board every week for their team to win .. .and you still wouldn't concede the point. You'll continue to hold onto your perceptions the way a child clutches onto his blanky. Just like how masomenos85 wrote out a great and heavily researched post proving exactly that, and hardly anyone even bothered to respond to it. Screw facts and logic, ITS THE QUARTERBACKS FAULT. It's not even worth the time.


America's Team
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theebs;2333890 said:
This team is going to have to weather the storm now for the next month or so.

All kinds of stuff is going to be said. The media will attack now and rightfully so.

The only way they get through it is if they bond together and play their tails off. If they start calling each other out, there is nothing but negatives on the horizon.

and I am under the opinion that no matter what, the qb should never be talked about in a negative way to the media from the players. Never. Whether he is great or terrible or somewhere in between, you never talk about the qb. Never.

If this is true and there are guys upset that romo isnt being called out for a handful of mistakes then there are problems so deep on this team that it will take a full of season to fix. And there is no guarantee even then.
spot on/the team needs to bond together right now or this season will implode


The Cult of Jib
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InmanRoshi;2335403 said:
It's not that Romo is perfect, its that out of a 53 players on the roster the only player who is playing better than him right now is Ware . But I've been around simple Cowboy fans long enough to know the QB is always going to get blamed first for any and all Cowboy losses, no matter how utterly ridiculous and ludicrous. Thread after thread after thread on a guy who puts up 310 yards passing 3:0 INT ratio in a game where he is hit NINETEEN FRICKING TIMES with a defender in his face on every throw. The Romo threads outnumber the OL threads 20:1. It's comical.

I could show you example after example of GREAT, not just good, GREAT quarterbacks who turnover the ball just as much as Romo when they're put in the same situation of throwing the ball 50+ times a game and forced to put 30 points on the board every week for their team to win .. .and you still wouldn't concede the point. You'll continue to hold onto your perceptions the way a child clutches onto his blanky. Just like how masomenos85 wrote out a great and heavily researched post proving exactly that, and hardly anyone even bothered to respond to it. Screw facts and logic, ITS THE QUARTERBACKS FAULT. It's not even worth the time.

If I could find a way to fit that into my sig, I would.

Troof spoken right here.

Inman for the win.


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InmanRoshi;2335403 said:
It's not that Romo is perfect, its that out of a 53 players on the roster the only player who is playing better than him right now is Ware . But I've been around simple Cowboy fans long enough to know the QB is always going to get blamed first for any and all Cowboy losses, no matter how utterly ridiculous and ludicrous. Thread after thread after thread on a guy who puts up 310 yards passing 3:0 INT ratio in a game where he is hit NINETEEN FRICKING TIMES with a defender in his face on every throw. The Romo threads outnumber the OL threads 20:1. It's comical.

I could show you example after example of GREAT, not just good, GREAT quarterbacks who turnover the ball just as much as Romo when they're put in the same situation of throwing the ball 50+ times a game and forced to put 30 points on the board every week for their team to win .. .and you still wouldn't concede the point. You'll continue to hold onto your perceptions the way a child clutches onto his blanky. Just like how masomenos85 wrote out a great and heavily researched post proving exactly that, and hardly anyone even bothered to respond to it. Screw facts and logic, ITS THE QUARTERBACKS FAULT. It's not even worth the time.


It's called perspective, and it is missing.

I don't recall anyone saying that Romo was perfect, but he's been very good - certainly one of the best players on this team, but he's getting bashed.

And the funny thing is that fans wonder why the guy doesn't look like he's having fun. Ya think?


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ddh33;2335550 said:

It's called perspective, and it is missing.

I don't recall anyone saying that Romo was perfect, but he's been very good - certainly one of the best players on this team, but he's getting bashed.

And the funny thing is that fans wonder why the guy doesn't look like he's having fun. Ya think?

I'm bewildered why people here are blaming TO for this(supposedly dividing the locker room over Romo, that is), when there's NO evidence to support this.


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well I'm tired of Romo getting hit every play. no player on this team has a right to say anything about another, they've all stunk the last 3 weeks.


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Boysboy;2335560 said:
I'm bewildered why people here are blaming TO for this(supposedly dividing the locker room over Romo, that is), when there's NO evidence to support this.

Supposedly. That's the key word.

We're all die-hards, so I expect us to talk about almost everything Cowboys related, even if it's not true. We speculate and surmise and all of that stuff.

But somehow, too often, speculation and opinion gets passed off as fact. I really hate that.


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The entire team played poorly. The defense played pretty well for most of the game. Special teams, OL, and Romo is what caused the boys to lose. It was the special teams more than anything. That said if Romo knew he was getting pounded that should of given him all the more reason to hold on to the damn ball. When was the last time a QB fumbled that many times? Brady had enormous pressure in the super bowl and he didn't fumble that many times. I love Romo but that many fumbles, to me, is inexcuseable.


Last of the Duke Street Kings
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miamicowboy21;2333854 said:
He spoke with players in the lockeroom yesterday and alot of players of tired of Romo not being held accountable for his interceptions and careless turnovers.

I just seen the replay of the MK Smith segment you talk about. While he said several veterans were speaking of players having to take accountability...he never once mentioned ANY player by name, let alone Romo.

So now we have a big long thread, filled with plenty of hate, about something you perceived was said, and reported as fact, and not true.

What a pitiful way to garner some attention...can mark you down as someone that has no credibility whatsoever.
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CanadianCowboysFan;2335713 said:
Those aren't facts, they are opinions

No they are facts... You cant win in big games with sub par play calling and a QB who is holds the ball like a loaf a bread.


Semper Fidelis
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McCordsville Cowboy;2337361 said:
No they are facts... You cant win in big games with sub par play calling and a QB who is holds the ball like a loaf a bread.

You're right. Kurt Warner never did that.


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jackrussell;2337308 said:
I just seen the replay of the MK Smith segment you talk about. While he said several veterans were speaking of players having to take accountability...he never once mentioned ANY player by name, let alone Romo.

So now we have a big long thread, filled with plenty of hate, about something you perceived was said, and reported as fact, and not true.

What a pitiful way to garner some attention...can mark you down as someone that has no credibility whatsoever.
JR...Your absolutely right, noone on the Cowboys was pointing fingers....Later in the segment a couple of the COMMENTATORS said that Tony had to improve his ball handling/security skills.....