Video: Michael Vick in Undisputed: Dak should’ve used his running ability


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Seems like we have this same conversation every week, doesn't it?

It's sad. Dak has drastically improved in throwing and composure in the pocket.

But his legs are a massive weapon that he basically ignores. I just don't understand it.

He can take the hit, too; it's not like he's scared of/can't absorb a tackle.

Very frustrating.
It only bothers me when there's a sure first down laid out in front of him.......................and when people put Mike Vick's face on my screen. Only player in the history of the league I actively hoed would get seriously hurt. PoS.


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He should have on 3rd and 7.

But I don’t think it’s something that has to be part of the offense. Dak is a pocket passer who can run if needed.

Vick was never that. He was always run first until
The very end of his career.

it’s a different style of play.

I don’t know about “taking notes” from Vick because he was a running QB. Vick never truly succeeded in the NFL because his passing held him back. Dak is a superior passer to Vick.

Only thing I disagree with is that I think in a game like that it is something that has to be part of the offense. We knew it was going to be awful hard to throw on the best pass defense in the league in the wind, rain and cold. Our offensive plan should have included attacking them with the run in every conceivable way.

I think there should be some designed runs for Dak in every game where the front is keying on Elliott.


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I agree wholeheartedly with Vick. I don't discount him because of his past. He was spot on. Dak doesn't take advantage of his legs enough, and the play calling doesn't utilize his running enough. Third and 1, why can't we roll out and give him an option to either pass or run. I think Dak is too busy wanting to be a pocket passer and simply refuses to run.


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Have you ever heard a running QB say don't use your legs? We should have been running the entire second half but Moore refused to call running plays or he refused to not give Dak the option out of it.


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Considering the weather conditions, the running game should have been more predominantly featured in that game, including Dak running the ball.

What did I say in my post? I said Dak should have ran it on that key play.

making him run on a regular basis as a regular part of the offense isn’t necessary though.

at most he should be running like 2-4 times per game. Mostly in the red zone.

he is a key redzone threat to run. That’s for sure.


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If you notice when he run, he doesn't look as fast as he did coming out.

He is probably spending more time training his body to maintain proper footwork and the requisite strength and flexibility to improve his throwing mechanics, and less time training for just outright speed and running

That could explain why Dak isn’t as quick as he was in college and his rookie season.

but whatever he is doing is working because his throwing mechanics and footwork has improved by leaps and bounds.

he also is a very powerful runner when he chooses to do so. But he should only be lowering his shoulder on defenders and risking injury when the game is on the line.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
What did I say in my post? I said Dak should have ran it on that key play.

making him run on a regular basis as a regular part of the offense isn’t necessary though.

at most he should be running like 2-4 times per game. Mostly in the red zone.

he is a key redzone threat to run. That’s for sure.
I think having him run near mid field would help open the WRs too.


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I think having him run near mid field would help open the WRs too.

Perhaps. But again, how often do we really want it?

I’m not saying no running period. But with the rest of the weapons we have. Is Dak’s lack of running really an issue?

I wish he would run in the redzone more. But moving the ball from 20-20 hasn’t been much of an issue.


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man, i dunno. that patriots defense has great lateral quickness and although Dak is athletic, he's nowhere near Lamar Jackson

it may have worked once or twice, but he wouldn't have had the success Lamar did

Designed runs I think he can do some damage on, but as I said on another thread I don't know if he could beat Witten in a straight line race. He's not quick but once he gets moving he can motor a little bit


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Perhaps. But again, how often do we really want it?

I’m not saying no running period. But with the rest of the weapons we have. Is Dak’s lack of running really an issue?

I wish he would run in the redzone more. But moving the ball from 20-20 hasn’t been much of an issue.
I don't want him doing it a lot, especially considering how reckless he can be at times...stiff arming guys with his throwing hand, after he already has the first down...but I think about all the times he fakes a keeper and the defense goes after Zeke. I'd like him to keep about 5 or 10% of those, because I think:

A) He'd get good yardage when they all fall for it.

B) It would end up causing the defenses to hesitate in their pursuit of Zeke.