Mike Fisher on the radio this morning

I can't believe I haven't found a new team by now. Everything about this organization sucks.
I can't believe I haven't found a new team by now. Everything about this organization sucks.

Might as well start your new year off on the right foot. I wish you much luck in your pursuit of happiness.
I'm sure that your over the top negativity wont be missed.
Might as well start your new year off on the right foot. I wish you much luck in your pursuit of happiness.
I'm sure that your over the top negativity wont be missed.

Yeah, sorry but always a Cowboys fan. I just don't get my hopes high every season like I used to. Im a very happy person but I don't have to be a sunnnshhhineeeepummper like you and most others around here, I speak the truth and this team if you wish to call it a team sucks.
There is a rift between Garrett and Callahan.

Fisher says that sometime around the bye week, Garrett went to Jerry and asked permission (yes asked permission) to have play calling duties back. Jerry said no but they agreed to some type of sharing of the play calling duties. Believes as the season went along, Jason gained more control of the play calling (not sure if 100% control like BB has been saying). Callahan obviously is rifted by this.

He also said some in VR would like to replace Callahan with Norv Turner now that he is free. Fisher said Garrett sees Norv as a father figure. Pollack would then be promoted to the oline coach.

He also doesn't believe that Marinelli is going anywhere as long as things end amicably with Kiffin.

Since nothing is really changing at the top, he said Cowboys fans need to put their hopes on Will McClay.

Hahaha! Seriously? Why worry about paying for a circus ticket when you can just follow this team?
I would love for them to bring Norv in as the OC. That would be something to feel good and be excited about at least going into the offseason stuff and into next football season.
There is a rift between Garrett and Callahan.

Fisher says that sometime around the bye week, Garrett went to Jerry and asked permission (yes asked permission) to have play calling duties back. Jerry said no but they agreed to some type of sharing of the play calling duties. Believes as the season went along, Jason gained more control of the play calling (not sure if 100% control like BB has been saying). Callahan obviously is rifted by this.

He also said some in VR would like to replace Callahan with Norv Turner now that he is free. Fisher said Garrett sees Norv as a father figure. Pollack would then be promoted to the oline coach.

He also doesn't believe that Marinelli is going anywhere as long as things end amicably with Kiffin.

Since nothing is really changing at the top, he said Cowboys fans need to put their hopes on Will McClay.

This team is just run so backwards. Jason shouldn't have ask Jerry anything about what happens on the field. No wonder we fail.
I can't believe I haven't found a new team by now. Everything about this organization sucks.

Find the nearest highway, go there at about 5:00pm, then walk into the middle lane and stand there. Your problems will be resolved quickly.
I would love for them to bring Norv in as the OC. That would be something to feel good and be excited about at least going into the offseason stuff and into next football season.

Not for me it wouldn't. That would represent more Jerry to me.
If true about the rift... One of em needs to go. I think we know who it will be
Let's bear in mind that if Callahan leaves (which now seems likely) and even if Norv takes over at OC, we'll still be needing an OL coach to replace Callahan for that position. I kinda hate to lose him there, since he seemed to finally get them functioning so effectively by year's end. If there is, indeed, a serious rift between himself and Garrett, though, it would really seem a far-fetched longshot for him to be retained. Interesting to hear of this.
Yeah, sorry but always a Cowboys fan. I just don't get my hopes high every season like I used to. Im a very happy person but I don't have to be a sunnnshhhineeeepummper like you and most others around here, I speak the truth and this team if you wish to call it a team sucks.

If being objective is pumping sunshine, then so be it.
Happy New Year to you. May you have a blessed 2014 rooting for another team.
You guys are working yourselves up over an unverified report.

Is like to see Norv at OC, though. I think that's an obvious fit. Marinelli, too.

Who cares. They both suck.
Having Norv as the OC is a bad thing? Ehhh...I prefer him over what we've had calling the plays.

It's Garrett's offense. I don't see any benefit of further emasculating him. He's powerless enough as a head coach as it is. To bring back Norv, a guy Jerry seriously considered as the puppet to follow Parcells, would just reek of the owner micromanaging the team once again.

If you don't trust Garrett to run his own offense why the heck is he even here?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the offense any way. This is about as productive a conversation as was the defensive scheme switch last year. A giant waste of time.
the only thing that I like about the idea of Norv being the OC and calling the plays is that Garrett/Callahan will not be the OC and calling the plays

I like turner, truly, but they need to get young, fresh ideas from the offense
IMO, age is an undermining factor in what is wrong with this team...they keep players too long and certainly right now in the coaching ranks, the age of the coaches is ridiculous...Jones wants people that have had some success in the past, and sometimes, that isn't a bad idea...but if they brought in turner, keep Callahan, have Marinelli and sleepy-time Kiffin are here, that is about 250 years of age between 4 coaches...yikes

I believe the best scenario is to grab an offensive-minded OC from the college ranks like a Briles (insert good offensive coach name here); he isn't exactly young, but he is in regards to NFL experience (of course); someone that is forward thinking that can bring some pizzazz to the offense; then, on defense, you MUST bring in someone with experience in the NFL; my preference is to get one of the Seattle guys if they can or would come here; or possibly even someone like Frazier who could just focus on defense and not everything that HC has to deal with

I said it in another thread that having all of the "experience" in the coaching staff has to affect Garrett negatively; he will never be known as "the guy" when these others are there...it is kinda like picking teams in basketball (sandlot); you know that your buddies who are older have scored the ball before, but your young, 15-year old nephew might be ok at playing ball, but you KNOW how to play, and he isn't going to be your point guard...and, your 15-year old nephew, while he may think he can play point guard, is probably waiting for someone with more experience to take the ball in their hands

in other words, garrett is too timid to NOT let the guys with more experience take over....I say it is time to bring a young hot-shot in to run the offense and take that unit to a different plateau...Garrett doesn't know about defense so leave that to someone that still has some fire, and is not older than dirt

of course, I can see none of this happening since JJ will continue to hire people that were coaching before the baby-boomers were born...he relates to guys in that age bucket...but, something has to change with this mindset

While I like this idea most the problem is Romo is no spring chicken, and he has had two back surgeries. It may be to late for him and Witten to learn a new offensive system and bringing someone in with a different pphilosophy would probably set them back as they would not gel until later in the season with it. And we know this team has a habit of collapsing late in the year so early starts are the agenda.

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