Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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Oh boy, here we go again. I don't agree with you so I am a reflection of the media? I don't even watch sports TV or listen to it. Perhaps, just perhaps, it's not a "Reflection". Perhaps it's basic common sense and it just happens to be in line with what a lot of other people see? Sometimes a cigar is really, really, really, just a cigar.

Interestingly enough, it sounds like you know a lot about what the media is saying. Perhaps it's you who is getting opinion from media sources? Please, just stop with that stuff. I've told you, my opinions are not the result of the media. They couldn't be, I don't listen or watch it often enough.
I never said you were getting your opinion from the media. However, you sound just like the media. Maybe you speak or communicate with Cowboys fans that reflect the media's narrative and form your on individual opinion on that. But that doesn't mean that you do not sound like the media.


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I call it like I see it. Everything that you said is a reflection of the media; you sound just like them actually. Has nothing to do with my like or dislike of Dak. If Dak misses a pass that should have been a completion as a fan I get upset; if Zeke fumbles I get up set, if Byron Jones gets burnt I get upset.

Dak is absolutely the only QB in the NFL that scrutinized and over analyzed on every single throw that he makes through the media nearly every day of the football season. Our fan base feeds into it.

Ive literally seen Dak make amazing passes in a game with 2 or 3 in completions with a career game and the media and fans talk about the 2 or 3 passes he missed. This is factual and no other QB in the NFL is going through that in the media. The same thing happened with Romo.
A group of college students were going to a lecture, half of them were told before hand the speaker was warm and fuzzy ,likeable etc. The other half were told the opposite. After the lecture almost all agreed with their preconceived notions.
The media has hammered home this in-accurate picture of Dak. He could improve and the detractors wouldn't notice. Every in-completion is a result of his lack of accuracy because they've been told so time after time. It's like see....he is inaccurate. Bias conformation at it's best.

Big D

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Its going to be a lot tougher. Where having a less accurate QB really bites you is in the red zone where our offense struggled all year. However, it is my hope that we can overcome some of that with more creative play calling...............and Dak is just going to have to tuck and run for more 1st downs. I lost count of how many 3rd and 5-7 yard plays where Dak could have picked up the first down with his legs and we ended up punting.
You know what bit us in the rear even more than the QB inaccuracy in the red zone?Penalties by the offensive line.


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What I said was not a mistake.

It's a reading context issue.

150% of 37 is 55.5

55.5 is more than 37.

An additional 150% would be 37 + 55.5 = 92.5.

Anybody with even a 5th grade level of reading comprehension would know that I was referring to 150% of 37.

CP just wanted to distract from the point because he couldn't counter the actual point.

This is pure comedy.

You should have just left well-enough alone.

It’s a simple math issue on your part that’s turned into an intellectual honesty issue.

This is your exact claim verbatim:
“The Cowboy have almost 150% more Rushing TDs from 2016 to 2018:
Cowboys 55
Eagles 37

YES, 150% of 37 is 55.

HOWEVER, you then have to add that number (55) to 37, which results in 92.

92 is “150% more” than 37.

THEN, you could accurately say “The Cowboys have almost 150% more Rushing TDs from 2016-2018.”


We know the Cowboys didn’t rush for 92 TDs between 2016-18, so your claim (quoted above) is WRONG.

A 4th grader would know when you use the phrase “% more” in this context you’re asking for the percentage increase from a given number (in this case 37).

The correct statement should have been “The Cowboys ran for ~48% more TDs than the Rams between 2016-18...”

We aren’t debating football opinions. This is basic math.

End of story.
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There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
A group of college students were going to a lecture, half of them were told before hand the speaker was warm and fuzzy ,likeable etc. The other half were told the opposite. After the lecture almost all agreed with their preconceived notions.
The media has hammered home this in-accurate picture of Dak. He could improve and the detractors wouldn't notice. Every in-completion is a result of his lack of accuracy because they've been told so time after time. It's like see....he is inaccurate. Bias conformation at it's best.

You need to go see a optometrist ASAP.....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know what bit us in the rear even more than the QB inaccuracy in the red zone?Penalties by the offensive line.

I'm sure both need to improve greatly for us to have any shot at a super bowl. We ranked 26th in the NFL in red zone scoring %. We scored on only 51% of red zone drives.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That’s true to a certain extent but I do watch some of most games with the Sunday NFL ticket and I have 5 TV’s in my Sports Cave.

And we should watch our games with a more careful and critical eye but many opinions certainly don’t reveal that. I’m much more critical of my own than others and I thought a forum amongst our own fans would be the place to discuss that.
Absolutely this is a place to discuss that, and there is nothing wrong with it. We all enjoy the discussion or we wouldn’t be here. All I’m saying is if we want the discussions to be fair and reasonable we have to be willing to accept the limitations of our knowledge and the reality that personal biases and perceptions color the way we view things. That’s why I say neither personal perception nor stats can be relied on as a stand alone measure.


Regular Joe....
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I never said you were getting your opinion from the media. However, you sound just like the media. Maybe you speak or communicate with Cowboys fans that reflect the media's narrative and form your on individual opinion on that. But that doesn't mean that you do not sound like the media.

Well, you see who I communicate with. They are here on this board. I don't go out and spend my life talking about the Cowboys with my friends etc. That's not my life. Perhaps the media sounds like me? I mean, this is a relatively new thing for the media because the media really only talks about news that is hot. I've been talking about this contract issue for two seasons now. My opinions do not reflect the media, though I see how that would be very convenient from your standpoint. If anything, it's the other way around and that is the truth.


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Well, you see who I communicate with. They are here on this board. I don't go out and spend my life talking about the Cowboys with my friends etc. That's not my life. Perhaps the media sounds like me? I mean, this is a relatively new thing for the media because the media really only talks about news that is hot. I've been talking about this contract issue for two seasons now. My opinions do not reflect the media, though I see how that would be very convenient from your standpoint. If anything, it's the other way around and that is the truth.
My point is that is were it comes from; if you know it or not. That is how the media works in general not just in sports. It's programming. When youre woke to what they are doing it kinda ticks you off....well it does for me anyways.


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You can't compare completion percentage stats to other great QBs from different eras and use that as justification for being better or more accurate. The truth is that completion percentages have been going up, year over year for some time now and it's directly due to the things I mention above. Yet you have posters who come in and use that as justification as to why Dak is better or accurate.
It's important to note that this only applies when you go outside the time range of 2016-18 to make your comparisons.


Regular Joe....
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My point is that is were it comes from; if you know it or not. That is how the media works in general not just in sports. It's programming. When youre woke to what they are doing it kinda ticks you off....well it does for me anyways.

What you are trying to explain here is not new. Consider, for a moment, for those of us who have been on this earth for a few years and have watched how this country has gone from a body of people who are independent in thought and ideals to a country of people where text and snap and media from all other sources shape popular opinion, imagine for a second how disappointing all of that is. Trust me when I tell you that media does not shape my opinions on things. In fact, that is probably about as far away from the truth about me specifically, as you can get.


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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.



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Troy has said the same thing.

We are continuing to try and make this work but it is what it is.
Troy has also said ALOT of other crap... so which do we believe, the Troy sucking up the Daks a POS line, or the OTHER Troy who claims different ****? You guys ...:facepalm:


Regular Joe....
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It's important to note that this only applies when you go outside the time range of 2016-18 to make your comparisons.

I don't think so Percy. I mean, I believe that it's minimal in terms of increase but it's a steady increase. But in general I agree.


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I don't think so Percy. I mean, I believe that it's minimal in terms of increase but it's a steady increase. But in general I agree.

So you don’t think it’s valid to compare completion percentage for Dak from 2016-2018 with other QB’s during the same time span?



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I think Everyone of you on the Daks a bum train, need to go back and WATCH his 2016 highlights... then come back here and keep telling us he's a bum and needs to be cut. I swear, it's not like ANYTHING changed with our oline or play calling or players still here IE Dez, Witten to name a few stars who left. His last 2 seasons have been average, I'll give you that, but the 16 Dak is still there. Go watch it, I dare you and then come back and repeat all this made up fake media malarkey. DP is as good or better then MOST QB's...I'd say out of 32, hes right down there with the top 10. You will never convince me otherwise. BTW I did go back and rewatch his 2016 year...and he can throw just about ANY pass called. He's no Brady, Hes NO Rodgers, he's no whatever name you allpro GM's want to add, but he also hasn't been in the league 1/3 the time all those great QB's have. But, hell I for one am tired of defending him to a bunch of "fans" who for what it seems are their own rotten reasons hate him and don't want him playing QB on "their Dallas Cowboys. I won't be responding to any more of these DA post.


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What you are trying to explain here is not new. Consider, for a moment, for those of us who have been on this earth for a few years and have watched how this country has gone from a body of people who are independent in thought and ideals to a country of people where text and snap and media from all other sources shape popular opinion, imagine for a second how disappointing all of that is. Trust me when I tell you that media does not shape my opinions on things. In fact, that is probably about as far away from the truth about me specifically, as you can get.
I agree. Nothing new at all. You can go back further and see how the media really screwed this planet up. I cant put my full thoughts on this site as I might get banned lol.


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That doesn’t mean we can’t win A championship with him as we’ve obviously had some success . But it’s just going to be tougher
yea Die I do agree with this part, specially seeing we have no true GM to get quality players to put on the field, offense and defense. Add to that the scrub *** mediocre coaches the same Owner/GM seems happy with, yep sure gonna be tough getting to the big dance again with the mess JJ has built.


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Troy has also said ALOT of other crap... so which do we believe, the Troy sucking up the Daks a POS line, or the OTHER Troy who claims different ****? You guys ...:facepalm:
If Troys thoughts aligns with yours I’m sure you’d appreciate if not then will look for ways to discredit.

These outside opinions serve as support to those who feel the same or insight to those unsure. But if you believe contrary to it’s not likely anything will deter.