Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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Ever heard of the Mandela effect?? You don’t know how traumatic finding our Bernstein bears is actually Berenstein bears and looney toons is actually looney tunes is for me. Hits joint and pops pulls and sips my whiskey bottle...:laugh: the world is in fact over
I have memories of cowboys winning super bowls. Mandela effect??


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The point I’m trying to make is is the term “carrying”.

I dont think there are any QB’s, ever, who “carry” a team to anything significant. They all need some degree of help around them. Football is the ultimate team sport.

Guys like Brady, Brees, and even a Mahomes need less help than others. But they still need help to play and win at a high level.

I’m not so sure about Goff yet. I like Goff. He is a talented QB who can throw a beautiful deep ball. But he still needs a lot more help than guys like Brady and Brees and Mahomes. But it’s to be expected of a young QB, IMO.
very true, its how they can elevate the talent they have available and maximize their production. Brady definitely maximizes the talent he is given. so does Brees, rodgers, wilson, Luck,


Taco Engineer
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Your using stats to support your narrative .

Goff performance throughout the season carried them to 13-3 and a bye in the playoffs with one of the most prolific offenses in the NFL.

Certainly he had help but I don’t see that team as a prolific offense with Dak instead. Maybe you do, IDK. But that’s how I see it.

And surely you can make a point without a snide remark or insult?
Doing what you always do. Move the goalposts and change the argument. YOU mention Goff carrying the team in the postseason. I gave you a specific example (current) that proves you wrong and you pull the typical - world according to greg, take your ball home BS. Lol.


Taco Engineer
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We're talking opinions, not logic. I had to defend cern in a French court against a faction that feared we would create mini black holes that would swallow the earth. Glad to say I won the argument and the earth is still here.
I've tried, and I still can't wrap my head around a black hole.


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Doing what you always do. Move the goalposts and change the argument. YOU mention Goff carrying the team in the postseason. I gave you a specific example (current) that proves you wrong and you pull the typical - world according to greg, take your ball home BS. Lol.
I don’t recall mentioning carrying the team in post season specifically?

How else should I present my opinions but how the world is according to me!


Taco Engineer
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I don’t recall mentioning carrying the team in post season specifically?

How else should I present my opinions but how the world is according to me!
I'd answer, but clearly your feelings are fragile.


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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.

first off Daks Inaccuracy has been beat to death and are not accurate, pun intended :)

he at times when moving or under duress or just trying too hard ie throwing to quick or hard before setting his feet make some of his passes sail or worm burn, ive seen this from HOF QBs and this year I saw every Playoff QB do this and Dak as far as that went there were posts with charts etc and Dak actually was the Best in tis years playoffs.. I mean Goff and Brady sure isnt look great Brady in Fact in NFCCG and SB threw some INts and bad passes most of the game, goff in the SB give me break.. when dak is comfortable and most of the time when he throws hes no more or less accurate then most of his peers.. its bunch of hooie , he has had issues more with Pocket presence and holding onto it too long and taking sacks, that can be fixed.. His Comp% etc is just fine and at the end of the year was a different QB then the prior 16.. he can clean up the pocket issues and seeing more of the field..

the inaccuracy talk has been highly exaggerated.. he puts some zipped balls right on the money all playoffs..in the PB he hit some good throws had that one bounce off Amaris Facemask, id call that accurate he hit Amari over the top right in the facemask while Amari was running full speed, not the first time either..

so the things he truly needs to work on can be taught..


Regular Joe....
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Dak is far from perfect but he will never be perfect as will no NFL QB will. Dak is however the most accurate QB after his first 3 seasons in the history of the NFL. Thats just the truth. Dont forget your dancing shoes.

Well, this is case in point of what I was talking about. I get it, you are not interested in having real discussion. You are interested in what, being right? That's fine. Believe what you wish.


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Well, this is case in point of what I was talking about. I get it, you are not interested in having real discussion. You are interested in what, being right? That's fine. Believe what you wish.
I could care less about being right. In fact I often hope to be proven wrong. I spoke a fact and you get up set about it is pretty funny though.


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Dak has an accuracy problem mainly due to his feet. Leach has his opinion as do many other coaches and fans and so-called experts. Dak is averaging 10 wins a season over three seasons. Dak has proven even with his accuracy problem that in a crunch he can lead the team to a win.

Would fans rather see us go back to the times between 1995 and 2016 when we had what 8 winning seasons not 8-8 but actual winning seasons. Homers or Haters, it doesn't matter to me, I just want us to win every year and a winning record most of the time gives you a chance at the playoffs and ultimately maybe a Super Bowl shot. Many want to find that Tom Brady or Peyton Manning and I am sure every team does. Look at this year's draft, see any of those. Kyler Murray maybe although he is one big hit away from injury. Hits in the NFL will hurt far worse than college. Is there a guy coming out next year or the year after, sure maybe but are you willing to go 1-15 to get a shot at a maybe. Not me, no way.

Get Dak another good/great WR, a safety value at TE and slot WR, use Dak's gift at running more, shore up the OL and then you are 11-5 to 15-1 every year. Sign Earl Thomas, resign Lawrence, find a 1 tech that can stop the run and rush the passer and a defense that creates more turnovers. Then there is a team that has a shot each year to go to the Super Bowl. Everyone thinks a top 5 pick gets you to the Super Bowl at QB and I would remind everyone that Brady was a sixth round pick and has 6 rings and what 8/9 Super Bowl appearances. Think about that for a hot minute.

Dak is Dak, Kitna will help with the feet, hopefully Moore will be a far better play caller but McClay and the front office have to do there job in resigns, extensions, free agency and the listening to McClay in the draft. Then lets see what happens.


Regular Joe....
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I could care less about being right. In fact I often hope to be proven wrong. I spoke a fact and you get up set about it is pretty funny though.

This simply isn't true. I've already explained, in this thread that statistics from recent years do not equate to accuracy because of many factors, including the way the game has changed and the rules that so heavily favor the Offense now. You can't compare completion percentage stats to other great QBs from different eras and use that as justification for being better or more accurate. The truth is that completion percentages have been going up, year over year for some time now and it's directly due to the things I mention above. Yet you have posters who come in and use that as justification as to why Dak is better or accurate.

In every possible way, I am better off then my Grandfather. Yet, I know that I will never be half the man he was. He did things that I will never ever be able to match and yet, my life is better in every measurable way. Do you see where I'm going here?


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This simply isn't true. I've already explained, in this thread that statistics from recent years do not equate to accuracy because of many factors, including the way the game has changed and the rules that so heavily favor the Offense now. You can't compare completion percentage stats to other great QBs from different eras and use that as justification for being better or more accurate. The truth is that completion percentages have been going up, year over year for some time now and it's directly due to the things I mention above. Yet you have posters who come in and use that as justification as to why Dak is better or accurate.

In every possible way, I am better off then my Grandfather. Yet, I know that I will never be half the man he was. He did things that I will never ever be able to match and yet, my life is better in every measurable way. Do you see where I'm going here?
So I have to agree with you? And if I dont I just want to be right? Come on man.....


Regular Joe....
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So I have to agree with you? And if I dont I just want to be right? Come on man.....

No, you don't have to agree with me. That would be ******** but, you can't be disingenuous in your discussions. I mean, think about what we are discussing here. You are saying that Dak is the most accurate QB in his first three years ever. I'm saying, anybody who watches knows that's not true. You have to start honest discussion with a foundation that is solid. Dak is not the most accurate QB in the league. At this point, he is just a little above average in that area. That's not a knock, that's just the truth of the situation.

Listen, I like Dak. I am pulling for him to be our guy long term but he can't be our guy unless he has really good talent around him. He's not that QB and to be honest, I'm not sure that the greatest QB can be that guy in todays game. It certainly doesn't look as if that's possible, based on recent history. The point is that Dak can't get paid an AR deal and keep enough talent around him to be successful IMO. It's one or the other unfortunately.
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