Twitter: Mike McCarthy on Changes to the Offense


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I'm eager to see these changes implemented on the field.
Me too. More complex doesn't necessarily mean more success. If fact sometimes more complex means more penalties and confusion on the offensive side of the ball. Just build a top 5 defense and put Dak in a position to protect the ball and be successful. Don't overthink the offense.


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1) doesn't allow for the ego factor and every QB has that. 3), not one of them cares about that. There job is to not leave money on the table, not manage the cap for the owner.

I do accept it for what it is, just like all other pro sports, it's a mercenary business. The owners and players are all about the money because there's not better representation of capitalism than pro sports. A lot of people bemoan what these athletes make but that is merely the byproduct of the financial support generated by the fans and those TV deals relate directly to that as well.

In 1975, just 45 years ago, Namath signed the biggest contact in NFL history at 450K x 2. Adjusting for inflation, that contract today would be 2M and change x 2. Mahomes will sign one 20X that inflated rate at the minimum and by 2023, the QB's in the top 10 will be making 2M+ per game. Think about that. A top 16 NFL QB will make more in one game than the average person does in their lifetime.

3)Not one of them cares about that: that illustrates how stupid and selfish and greedy they are. Rich is rich. When you’re making 30 million a year to play ball, why hold out for more? How much does a person need?

If someone wanted to pay me a million dollars a year as a barista, but they needed another half million to buy equipment to help me be a success (which in turn helps them), I wouldn’t feel dissed and hold out for 1.5. I’d accept the one million and enjoy the state-of-the-art equipment that made my life easier. Ego is so stupid, because it destroys everything. Life is a series of compromises.


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He had been that at OSU to the point where the majority of the team didn't care that he lost his last season. He demanded an undue amount of attention.

However, he performed one of the acts that has defined a Booger owned team to me when he walked off before the gun and Booger called him "passionate". The other was calling Hardy a "leader" after slapping the clipboard out of the STC's hands when he's doing his job.

I do not think any HC would have tolerated that behavior but that is the "jocks to socks" effect of this owner. He gives into disruptive and distractive behavior and then wonders what's wrong with his team.

I also believe that when Barber pushed back on the dress code as Garrett's first official act, Booger intervened or Garrett would have made an example of him. While I do not think of Garrett as a great HC, he was no pushover. He learned from Johnson, Saban and Parcells and was just as no nonsense as they are as to who is in charge.

I agree that he was not a pushover, but MANY on this forum would begrudge Garrett ANY kind of positive feedback. C’mon man, everyone knows that ALL he did was clap and backstab. A drooling idiot that only paused once a year to throw another coach or player under the bus!


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I’d be very leary of overdoing screen passes if my qb has the talent of dikky doo. Sure we’d move the ball between the 20’s just fine (like we did this year) but eventually you get to the red zone, like we did this year.

I don’t think we need a $40m dollar qb to throw screen passes either

what a weird post. no one said anything about overdoing it, just using it more. and you don't want to do it because it will be effective but we'll get stopped in the red zone? weird.


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Other than QB and a few select players, McC did not have the talent the Cowboys have had on offense. He had to get creative with his calls to create the mismatches while Garrett has always been dependent on his guys beating their guys. That's how he learned it from Norv Turner and Nick Saban. Talent wins out.

I do believe McC is more creative than Garrett but that was the complaint we heard out of GB the last years he was there, lack of creativity. I am hoping part of his journey in 2019 was the realize that he lost a lot of that creative edge and a very accurate QB can do that to a lot of coaches.

I think that was a legitimate complaint but from everything I've seen and read McCarthy recognized he had to innovate or be unemployed and has made the necessary mindset changes. Question is will his changes work. I'm optimistic that they will.

Redball Express

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Will he be more Jason Garrett or McCarthy?
Or Linehan?

Can't say Moore as HC gives me any goose bumps.

He needs more than his experiences to be a good HC.

Especially here.

I do not want to see, ANOTHER adopted son as HC for the Jones.

It has lead to too much wasted time becuz of the favoritism and lead to too much being tied together becuz the owners want to be credited with developing their own HC talent inhouse.

Too many agendas to be successful. Hire the coach becuz he succeeds. Keep him becuz he does succeed.

Everybody stands on the things they do well.

In the past, we tended to much to blame our coaches success on our players, not the coaches.

And their failures on Jerrah meddling.

That really is not happening now.

As fans we need to learn to withhold the blame game until we really know.

It would save us alot of wear and tear.
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"McCarthy highlights two-back offenses as a trend in today’s NFL."

Where and how exactly did he do this? I so much wanted to see more of that last year, and with Pollard getting a full offseason of NFL training, we have even more reason to do it this year. We've got the players on offense to be a multi-runthreat team, including a QB for it.


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We will see a more complex offense under McCarthy. More diverse WR and TE tree. Less of the Y-option.

Hopefully this means no Witten. I'm sick of how we use the TE and want him to be block first. TEs down the field is a huge staple in offenses today. Both teams in the Super Bowl had them. Kelce and Kittle. Many teams are now adopting this. We have had the guys on the roster to do this in Marty B, Escobar and now Jarwin. The issue was always Witten and him never allowing the guy under him to develop. It stunts their growth as a player. Lucky for Marty B, he got out of here and showcased what he could do and was apart of a Super Bowl winning team a few years ago.

I want to see more motion, RBs involved in the pass game and more stuff down the middle of the field. That is where the openings are. Our offense was so basic and predictable.


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I hope you guys are right.

I hear all this optimism people keep expressing about Moore.

I only saw a few things that seemed different from other years under Linehan.

And the breakdowns just seemed to overwhelm any success.

So maybe all the praise being afforded Moore becomes obvious why.

I still wait and watch.

Then look again. Big differences at times. U could tell in both the run game and pass.


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I hope you guys are right.

I hear all this optimism people keep expressing about Moore.

I only saw a few things that seemed different from other years under Linehan.

And the breakdowns just seemed to overwhelm any success.

So maybe all the praise being afforded Moore becomes obvious why.

I still wait and watch.

The first game vs the Giants was definitely different. Lots of movement, pre snap motion, and players were getting open easily due to the scheme, I was so excited. After that game Garrett said "he'd prefer more of a 50/50 split of passing and rushing" because of course he did, and it seemed from them on it devolved back into Linehan/Garretts offense by the end of the season. A young Moore isn't going to rock the boat. There's more potential in him than last season, where even still, the team lead the league in yards.


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"McCarthy highlights two-back offenses as a trend in today’s NFL."

Where and how exactly did he do this? I so much wanted to see more of that last year, and with Pollard getting a full offseason of NFL training, we have even more reason to do it this year. We've got the players on offense to be a multi-runthreat team, including a QB for it.
Not sure if the question is where he realized this or where was this last year, but I think it’s something he saw in his year-long tape binge after he was let go in GB

As for the rest yes we 100% need to use all our playmakers and Tp is def one of our most explosive guys


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Not sure if the question is where he realized this or where was this last year, but I think it’s something he saw in his year-long tape binge after he was let go in GB

As for the rest yes we 100% need to use all our playmakers and Tp is def one of our most explosive guys

My question is 'What did he actually say?"

I don't trust media characterizations to accurately represent much of anything.