Mike Vick....

Oops..almomst let an opportunity slide by to say SCREW MIKE VICK!!!
Aikbach;2548072 said:
Might as well bring Quincy Carter back if you took that route, same person essentially.

That's a bit harsh on Quincy. All he did was smoke a little reefer. I don't recall Quincy being a dog killer.
The dog thing wasnt that bad to me, He got punished to hard for that IMHO.

Yes I would bring Vick in as a slash type of player!
JVita17;2549575 said:
The dog thing wasnt that bad to me, He got punished to hard for that IMHO.

Yes I would bring Vick in as a slash type of player!

The "dog thing" wasn't that bad to you, and he got punished too hard? Are you kidding? Mike Vick is a sick *******.
RoadRunner;2549581 said:
The "dog thing" wasn't that bad to you, and he got punished too hard? Are you kidding? Mike Vick is a sick *******.

Its funny child molesters get off easier than a dog killer and you care more about some animal than say a child. Vick should have served ONE DAY in jail for killing a meaningless dog IMO.
JVita17;2549587 said:
Its funny child molesters get off easier than a dog killer and you care more about some animal than say a child. Vick should have served ONE DAY in jail for killing a meaningless dog IMO.

Nice non-sequitur accusing me of not caring about victims of child molestations. You owe me an apology.
JVita17;2549587 said:
Its funny child molesters get off easier than a dog killer and you care more about some animal than say a child. Vick should have served ONE DAY in jail for killing a meaningless dog IMO.
a meaningless dog? I think you should go back to extremeskins.
juckie;2548975 said:
U didnt answer the question i asked u.Im talking about a mobile QB in general,ala vick style.
I didn't?

Hostile;2548246 said:
Time out time out, juckie is gonna pout.

You should start every post where you respond to someone's criticism with this image.


Judas Priest, I wasn't even talking to you. I was kidding Dave.

No, I don't think a QB who has trouble throwing the football is right for this system. Your "idea" stunk and I didn't worship yet another ill thought way to save this team. Too bad, so sad.
I could have sworn I did.
NO! The last thing we need on our team is a person of Vick's character who
"did not know" there was anything wrong with dog fighting.


RoadRunner;2549608 said:
Nice non-sequitur accusing me of not caring about victims of child molestations. You owe me an apology.

Wont happen. NEXT.

And as far as being banned because I dont see anything wrong with what he did is ignorant. Its just a dog. Its not a human, its an animal. Animals get treated like animals. Kill cows for food, where the uproar? Fight two humans, hey lets order that pay per view. Fight two dogs, aww:cry3: :cry2: :cry:


LETS GO GET MIKE VICK. Atleast he knows how to win a playoff game, and cares to win and doesnt have a who cares attitude about winning like some QB that lines up with us each week.
JVita17;2549746 said:
Wont happen. NEXT.

And as far as being banned because I dont see anything wrong with what he did is ignorant. Its just a dog. Its not a human, its an animal. Animals get treated like animals. Kill cows for food, where the uproar? Fight two humans, hey lets order that pay per view. Fight two dogs, aww:cry3: :cry2: :cry:


LETS GO GET MIKE VICK. Atleast he knows how to win a playoff game, and cares to win and doesnt have a who cares attitude about winning like some QB that lines up with us each week.

Not a pet lover I take it? No to Mike "no respect for life" Vick, and that means any life...human, animal etc
Hostile;2549645 said:
I didn't?

I could have sworn I did.

I didnt say a qb who cant throw.i said a mobile qb.please adjust ur spectacles old fella.
I've never been a Vick fan. Thought he was hugely overrated.
His conviction let me know this was a thug.
And his conviction was richly deserved.

Having said that, I would like to toss out there that the man is in the process of paying his debt to society as far as the courts go.

Now, if we believe in redemption stamps and salvaging humans, I would think that all would show a bit more charity to Vick. Let him redeem himself and if he does not, then, yes, throw the fish at his glass ceilings.

What ever happened to forgiveness, redemption and salvation?
All mens of good consciencnous would want this.

Just something to think about.

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