Mike Vick....

GimmeTheBall!;2549905 said:
I've never been a Vick fan. Though he was hugely overrated.
His conviction let me know this was a thug.
And his conviction was richly deserved.

Having said that, I would like to toss out there that the man is in the process of paying his debt to society as far as the courts go.

Now, if we believe in redemption stamps and salvaging humans, I would think that all would show a bit more charity to Vick. Let him redeem himself and if he does not, then, yes, throw the fish at his glass ceilings.

What ever happened to forgiveness, redemption and salvation?
All mens of good consciencnous would want this.

Just something to think about.

a dog told me that forgiveness for Vick is out of the question
GimmeTheBall!;2549905 said:
I've never been a Vick fan. Though he was hugely overrated.
His conviction let me know this was a thug.
And his conviction was richly deserved.

Having said that, I would like to toss out there that the man is in the process of paying his debt to society as far as the courts go.

Now, if we believe in redemption stamps and salvaging humans, I would think that all would show a bit more charity to Vick. Let him redeem himself and if he does not, then, yes, throw the fish at his glass ceilings.

What ever happened to forgiveness, redemption and salvation?
All mens of good consciencnous would want this.

Just something to think about.
Audio link
GimmeTheBall!;2549905 said:
I've never been a Vick fan. Though he was hugely overrated.
His conviction let me know this was a thug.
And his conviction was richly deserved.

Having said that, I would like to toss out there that the man is in the process of paying his debt to society as far as the courts go.

Now, if we believe in redemption stamps and salvaging humans, I would think that all would show a bit more charity to Vick. Let him redeem himself and if he does not, then, yes, throw the fish at his glass ceilings.

What ever happened to forgiveness, redemption and salvation?
All mens of good consciencnous would want this.

Just something to think about.

jeffm;2549754 said:
Not a pet lover I take it? No to Mike "no respect for life" Vick, and that means any life...human, animal etc

Insert hammer thingy here....
someone in pacmans crew shot up a club because other human beings pickup the $1 bills he was throwing around... I know some of you think human Life and a pets life are the same, i dont!

A man making money for his wife and kids cant walk because of Pacmans immaturity!
juckie;2547670 said:
Let me say I WOULD NOT.But,I am asking u guys would you take him as a backup?I am curious of your opinions.

Plus;defenses couldnt gameplan and he could be used in slash formations
Negative:Everything that comes with him,including all the negative publicity,and having another thug on the team

I said not to the Cancer known as TO but Jerry got him anyway. I said no to Packman but Jerry got him anyway. I said no to Tank but Jerry got him anyway. I am not going to say anything about Michael Vick.......
This whole thread could end up going to the dogs.
juckie;2549843 said:
I didnt say a qb who cant throw.i said a mobile qb.please adjust ur spectacles old fella.
I don't wear them. 20/20 vision sorry to tell you.

Maybe the better idea would be that you should learn to read. The word "no" alone should have told you that I think the idea sucks. The fact that it doesn't should trouble you greatly.
Um i think it woukld be awesome if we got Mike Vick. Do u guys remember how good he was for the falcons and VA Tech?

I think he's much better than Tony Romo cause tony gets too distracted by jessica simpson. Maybe we could trade tony romo for a real star reciever like Chad Johnson? i think T.O. is too old and roy williams (the reciever not the d-back) stinks.

THink about it: Chad Johnson and Mike Vick in the royal blue and silver. Jerry, I hope u read this board. MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Vintage;2549894 said:
That would be Bad Newz

Duh! It took a reply by Venger to help me remember the reference (actually, I Googled it! :) ) behind your sarcasm. That's a good one! :laugh2:
tyke1doe;2547689 said:

:signmast: we have enough 'characters' on this team - too many in fact. We're booked. No vacancy.
Hostile;2550353 said:
I don't wear them. 20/20 vision sorry to tell you.

Maybe the better idea would be that you should learn to read. The word "no" alone should have told you that I think the idea sucks. The fact that it doesn't should trouble you greatly.

The fact that u are a tool troubles me greatly.:)
juckie;2550497 said:
The fact that u are a tool troubles me greatly.:)
You forgot the


Any time I disagree with you that's all you do. Too much estrogen.

I think everything troubles you greatly.
EmmitMichaelTroy;2550377 said:
Um i think it woukld be awesome if we got Mike Vick. Do u guys remember how good he was for the falcons and VA Tech?

I think he's much better than Tony Romo cause tony gets too distracted by jessica simpson. Maybe we could trade tony romo for a real star reciever like Chad Johnson? i think T.O. is too old and roy williams (the reciever not the d-back) stinks.

THink about it: Chad Johnson and Mike Vick in the royal blue and silver. Jerry, I hope u read this board. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Why would anyone want Vick as a QB....he sucked as a QB....Atlanta is now a contender with a decent QB.....and besides we have too many troubled players on this team. In fact, we need to start cutting all whiny and/or troubled players today........

No more dumb useless trouble makers. Get some blue collar types who will work hard and get the tough job done. No more prima donna celebs who like press conferences and photo shoots.
Disturbed;2550543 said:
Why would anyone want Vick as a QB....he sucked as a QB....Atlanta is now a contender with a decent QB.....and besides we have too many troubled players on this team. In fact, we need to start cutting all whiny and/or troubled players today........

No more dumb useless trouble makers. Get some blue collar types who will work hard and get the tough job done. No more prima donna celebs who like press conferences and photo shoots.
Because he is a name that they recognize. There's no football like name football don't you know. Forget the fact that at this level he has not done a good enough job. Forget the fact that he is a huge distraction and people have been whining nonstop about Jerry acquiring distractions. It's a name they know so it's a good idea. See how this crap works?
Hostile;2550549 said:
Because he is a name that they recognize. There's no football like name football don't you know. Forget the fact that at this level he has not done a good enough job. Forget the fact that he is a huge distraction and people have been whining nonstop about Jerry acquiring distractions. It's a name they know so it's a good idea. See how this crap works?

Yes, but you would think after all the futility of the past 12 seasons fans would (1) understand past mistakes and expect corrections from management, (2) get tired of the same song and dance -- stop buying the hype, and (3) expect real change, not just words.

Fans should be wanting to build through the draft, no more expensive FA's. And if we have learned anything in the past 12 years it is that character does matter....
Disturbed;2550555 said:
Yes, but you would think after all the futility of the past 12 seasons fans would (1) understand past mistakes and expect corrections from management, (2) get tired of the same song and dance -- stop buying the hype, and (3) expect real change, not just words.
Or learn that just because they recognize a player's name it doesn't mean he could help us here.
Hostile;2550560 said:
Or learn that just because they recognize a player's name it doesn't mean he could help us here.

I agree.

Synergy and Chemistry can make the sum greater than the parts. Unfortunately for the Cowboys we have seen that the sum is less than the parts when the team is fractured, no chemistry, individualistic not team oriented, want to be celebs first - not players, etc...

I wonder if one of the Cowboy writers could look at the teams of the 70's and 90's and build a good contrast to today to help the current management team understand what change is needed.....

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