Mike Vick....

Disturbed;2550579 said:
I agree.

Synergy and Chemistry can make the sum greater than the parts. Unfortunately for the Cowboys we have seen that the sum is less than the parts when the team is fractured, no chemistry, individualistic not team oriented, want to be celebs first - not players, etc...

I wonder if one of the Cowboy writers could look at the teams of the 70's and 90's and build a good contrast to today to help the current management team understand what change is needed.....
That was just a damn fine post.
JVita17;2549587 said:
Its funny child molesters get off easier than a dog killer and you care more about some animal than say a child. Vick should have served ONE DAY in jail for killing a meaningless dog IMO.

Interesting. You made the leap that because he doesn't like a dog killer that he'd some how be easy on a child molester and you based that incredible leap on exactly what?

That has to be one of the most ignorant, and frankly flat out completely stupid, statments anyone has ever made.

I mean...wow. I just didn't think it was possible to be that stupid and still be able to breath air.

JVita17;2549746 said:
Wont happen. NEXT.

And as far as being banned because I dont see anything wrong with what he did is ignorant. Its just a dog. Its not a human, its an animal. Animals get treated like animals. Kill cows for food, where the uproar? Fight two humans, hey lets order that pay per view. Fight two dogs, aww:cry3: :cry2: :cry:


LETS GO GET MIKE VICK. Atleast he knows how to win a playoff game, and cares to win and doesnt have a who cares attitude about winning like some QB that lines up with us each week.

Hmmm...last time I checked those two guys fighting in a cage they did that of their own free will, no? I believe they chose to do that, they're not starved to death and then forced to do it and also, last I checked, they're not tortured to death after being defeated.

But, yeah, clearly the same thing. You should have been banned from these forums based soley on the fact that you're clearly stupid. There really isn't any other reason or explanation needed you're just too stupid to even be allowed here.

As for the food argument I'd give you that one if Vick and his buddies were raising the dogs cause they wanted to eat them. Now me personally that isn't my thing. I've never been interested in eating dogs but I know they do that in other countries and like it and such, and probably in plenty of places in the US as well, so to each their own.

But since him and his buddies weren't raising them for food, and instead were raising them so they could starve them, beat them, have them kill one another, and then torture them to death when they didn't perform well enough that's a different story.

And before you return with your oh so clever wit and try to say "Well you just care more about dogs than humans" I'll save you the trouble. I'd be even more outraged if this was going on with humans in place of the dogs.
Disturbed;2550543 said:
Why would anyone want Vick as a QB....he sucked as a QB....Atlanta is now a contender with a decent QB.....and besides we have too many troubled players on this team. In fact, we need to start cutting all whiny and/or troubled players today........

No more dumb useless trouble makers. Get some blue collar types who will work hard and get the tough job done. No more prima donna celebs who like press conferences and photo shoots.

because to many people use Madden as a guide when evaluating players

Hostile;2550560 said:
Or learn that just because they recognize a player's name it doesn't mean he could help us here.

They learn that from Jerry.
Fact time.

Michael Vick was convicted of knowingly running an illegal dogfighting operation. Additionally, in doing so, he committed a federal crime.

In the final analysis, Vick intentionally broke the law. He's paying for it. Because he willingly broke the law, he'll probably continue to pay for his eyes wide open stupidity should the NFL blacklist him because of his own fully realized actions.

In Vick's case, it doesn't matter whether people care or not care about the value of dogs or any other animal. He screwed himself and knew that he was screwing himself. Case closed.
:geezer: lol.ok old fella whatever u say.
Hostile;2550529 said:
You forgot the


Any time I disagree with you that's all you do. Too much estrogen.

I think everything troubles you greatly.
Hostile;2550560 said:
Or learn that just because they recognize a player's name it doesn't mean he could help us here.

Michael Vick sucks as a qb as far as throwing,i agree.Most mobile qbs do.I think Vick is a waste of human space.But i will say this that waste of human space has won 2 more playoff games then our choker qb.And thats sad.
They need to keep Vick far away from this football team. We have enough drama as it is. He sucks anyway as a QB.
Chevyman08;2551127 said:
They need to keep Vick far away from this football team. We have enough drama as it is. He sucks anyway as a QB.

Wins in playoffs..
juckie;2550961 said:
Michael Vick sucks as a qb as far as throwing,i agree.Most mobile qbs do.I think Vick is a waste of human space.But i will say this that waste of human space has won 2 more playoff games then our choker qb.And thats sad.
Great analysis. Full of flaws.

He's also won 2 more than Matt Ryan of Atlanta. So by your logic, Atlanta should bring him back and bench Ryan.
5Stars;2551463 said:
Behind bars...


And still has more wins than Romo in the playoffs, just imagine if he didnt get lockup!

Now I know I cant have an opionion here that differs from other peoples but Vick won. Vick had passion and Vick made plays. He does everything Romo CANT.
Hostile;2551464 said:
Great analysis. Full of flaws.

He's also won 2 more than Matt Ryan of Atlanta. So by your logic, Atlanta should bring him back and bench Ryan.

:confused: Now that's an idea?
JVita17;2551475 said:
And still has more wins than Romo in the playoffs, just imagine if he didnt get lockup!

But he did...

Done deal...
JVita17;2551456 said:
Wins in playoffs..
2-2 in the playoffs over 6 years. Missed the playoffs 4 times in his 6 years.

You really aren't touting that are you?
If I was a GM, I would sign him in a New York minute .......... as a WR. I wouldn't even consider him at QB. He's great in space and I'm sure still has some jets. If you want him to throw it, do it on a WR reverse or a double pass. NEVER let him under center. Not even to kneel on the ball when the game is over.
Hostile;2551481 said:
2-2 in the playoffs over 6 years. Missed the playoffs 4 times in his 6 years.

You really aren't touting that are you?

Look up Romos playoff record...

Look up Romos December record...

Look up Romos record when the game NEEDS to be won...

Look up how many times Romo has gotten then team to the championship game....oh wait he hasnt won a playoff game.

And yes Vick is in jail, for a reason he shouldnt be (please dont ban me for my opionions) but he still won in in the playoffs. Count them. Research them. Look at Romo's wins in the playoffs 0 COUNT EM 0
JVita17;2551489 said:
Look up Romos playoff record...

Look up Romos December record...

Look up Romos record when the game NEEDS to be won...

Look up how many times Romo has gotten then team to the championship game....oh wait he hasnt won a playoff game.

And yes Vick is in jail, for a reason he shouldnt be (please dont ban me for my opionions) but he still won in in the playoffs. Count them. Research them. Look at Romo's wins in the playoffs 0 COUNT EM 0

Let's do it...! As a backup only, to push Romo. Why not?

JVita17;2551475 said:
And still has more wins than Romo in the playoffs, just imagine if he didnt get lockup!

Now I know I cant have an opionion here that differs from other peoples but Vick won. Vick had passion and Vick made plays. He does everything Romo CANT.
You can't? It looks to me like you can. If you can't handle people not liking the opinion that's on you.

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