Minah Kimes reveals the Dallas Cowboys real problem during the playoffs in recent years

America's Cowboy

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Are you guys serious? Dak and the D have both blown chunks in the playoffs for several years now, and you're still arguing over which is worse? Meanwhile, propping up your side w/ some weird hero worship(on both sides).

Pro bowls, stats, whatever. They both sucked vs GB, and there's no question whatsoever that that is a 100% true statement. Both were terrible, just awful.
So is Minah Kimes correct or not?


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You raises an interesting and also timely question though. Is it better to have one great receiver, or 3 or 4 good receivers? Should the Cowboys pay CeeDee $35 million, or could they be just as successful with maybe 3 guys making between $15 million and $20 million. This is the question they need to answer because CeeDee is up for a huge contract.

I am inclined to believe they would have been better off trading CeeDee, drafting a WR in this last draft, and signing a couple of good WRs paying the whole lot of them in the $45 million range, than paying 1 receiver $35 million. I admit I could be very wrong, but paying 1 WR $35 million seems crazy to me.
CeeDee gets results while WRs getting paid between $15 million to $20 million get shut down. Pay CeeDee!


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Sorry this girl's way off base the number two receiver is way down on the priority list of our problems.
How about if we look at the number one receiver who got a case of the azz in the beginning of the game.
The. o line underachieves we got no running game our culture sucks and the team is soft.

Our defense needs The perfect Storm to be successful if we don't have a lead they flat out get exposed all these things are way more important than our number two receiver.
The defense is a stone bunch of punks they fold as soon as the going gets tough sure Dak had a bad game through some interceptions. But the defense didn't rise up and help out. Couldn't stop anyone.

Conversely Tom Brady the greatest quarterback to ever live throws three interceptions in a playoff game against Green Bay and his defense doesn't fold they rise to the occasion and play hard all the way to the end and they win the game we just don't have the kind of players with the will to win and not accept defeat this group just rolls over and gets stomped on.
They make me freaking sick they're a disgrace to the real America's team of the seventies.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Yeah, with only 1 legit weapon at WR and no running game at all. Too easy for the Packers D.
You should really stop with the excuses. They only had '1 legit weapon at WR and no running game at all' for the entire season, yet somehow managed to win 12 games and earn the #2 seed. Why was that only a problem when they faced GB in the playoffs?


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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No. Dak just needs a running game in the playoffs and a defense that's designed to stop the run and doesn't quit on him when things get tough.
Yet they still managed to win 12 games and a #2 seed. Why was this only a problem against GB?


Junior College Transfer
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Our quarterback doesn't show up in big games but he sure as hell wants to be paid like he does. That's our number one problem.
Right you are, govnor, right you are.

But, rather, Dak doesn't show up in big plays as well. An unfortunate situation.

Cowboys vs. 49ers 23-17 (Yeah, I'll run it downfield and I will reset the ball myself...ref is too slow. hurry!)
Cowboys vs. 49ers 19-12 (Oh, boy! 6 seconds on the clock, Zeke snaps the ball, I throw an 8-yard pass to the 32 and then ....
Cowboys vs. Pack 48-32 (Yeah stats don't lie I have great stats. I'll just thread the needle to my receivers in zone coverage, that'll work!)


Junior College Transfer
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I don’t think WR2 cracks the top ten reasons of playoff futility.
The sad sack Dak has Lamb and Fergie to throw to all day. He needs another star receiver?

Just another ploy to excuse Dak as an example of playoffs futility.

Look, you ruffians, Dak hasn't the mental toughness such as Purdy, Love, Jackson and Mahomes. And I feel as i have cheapened the names of those four winners by mentioning Dak.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
When the D is playing well, so has Dak except for the San Francisco game in 2022. In the playoff win against Tampa our defense didn’t play that well but Dak was sensational. Brady carved us up for 350 yards and two TDs. Our defense bent, but it didn’t break in that game. I put most of the blame for the Green Bay loss on the defense, but Dak certainly contributed. He played awful early, but came on when it was too little too late. Even had he played great we would have lost in a shootout because our defense couldn’t stop them.
You don't know that. You can't POSSIBLY say that.

If Dak just punts the ball away, it's 13-7 at halftime. That's a LOT different than 27-7.

So you see...almost anyone can make up fantasy scenarios in their heads.

It's a game where things can change in seconds. You saying the defense would have just caved all game long no matter what..is a fantasy.

I can't for the life of me figure out how people can put 2 ints and 14 easy points straight under the carpet as far as how crucial it was to burying this team in that game.

They weren't really good passes that just bounced their way...they were stupidly idiotic, and totally demoralized a struggling team...our leader, 3rd place MVP. When your LEADER does it...it's demoralizing. Not some heroic effort that went wrong...STUPID!

The TEAM surely played bad....14 easy points single-handedly? By your MVP LEADER. Crazy.

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yet they still managed to win 12 games and a #2 seed. Why was this only a problem against GB?
Because what he doesn't want to admit is that Dak's sole big MVP candidate/All Pro season, came against a cupcake pass defense schedule. Sadly, the Packer defense is terrible too, but the difference was the big lights were on and Dak once again looked completely anxiety ridden out there until they finally called off the hounds.


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Yet they still managed to win 12 games and a #2 seed. Why was this only a problem against GB?
I don't think it was just a Green Bay problem we beat up on bad teams.

We beat the commanders twice the Giants the eagles after they imploded Patriots Jets a lot of bad teams gave us those 12 wins

Conversely the good teams like the 49ers the bills even Miami they sacked our quarterback because our offensive line sucked we couldn't stop the run even the Cardinals ran all over us


Star Power
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Conversely the good teams like the 49ers the bills even Miami they sacked our quarterback because our offensive line sucked we couldn't stop the run even the Cardinals ran all over us
Maybe they just have good defenses, both on the line and in the secondary, so they played well against the offensive line and Dak held the ball too long because either the coverage was good or he was too afraid to throw the ball because the receivers weren’t open enough for him (but for other QBs they may have been).
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