Sweety, I'm not an Elvis fan. I would say I am probably more of a fan of Michael in fact.VietCowboy;2824905 said:I didn't say my dad didn't know elvis, I said he knew him vaguely, but loves MJ.
As much as you wish otherwise, Elvis's fans are slowly dwindling. Those that grew up listening to MJ are still in their prime. That is the difference, and why MJ will be bigger than Elvis.
Even though Mj's numbers have gone up in the past days, just looking at view counts on youtube, and you can see the difference when comparing MJ to Elvis.
Not to me Mike. You'll never sell me that bilge.Maikeru-sama;2824910 said:It's far more plausible than the "publicity stunt" theory.
You're proving my point. You don't even realize that do you?VietCowboy;2824912 said:why would he? We didn't come to the US until 1990, years after Elvis died. He may know of elvis, but it's not like he grew up listening to Elvis in Vietnam.
VietCowboy;2824912 said:why would he? We didn't come to the US until 1990, years after Elvis died. He may know of elvis, but it's not like he grew up listening to Elvis in Vietnam.
tecolote;2824914 said:I would vote for this MJ
Biggest Icon of my life is probably Muhammed Ali.tecolote;2824914 said:I would vote for this MJ
Maikeru-sama;2824919 said:I was thinking about that the other day.
It is going to be insane when Michael Jordan passes away.
Hostile;2824920 said:Biggest Icon of my life is probably Muhammed Ali.
Yes, still to this day.
It isn't just how amazing he was. It was the impact he had. I think he is the most recognizable man in the world. A few years ago at the Olympics when he came out with the torch he lit so much more than the Olympic flame.tecolote;2824928 said:You and a whole lot of people, I was too young to fully appreciate Ali, must have been amazing.
You sound very condescending Hos with all that sweety, talk...and it's not a good look.Hostile;2824915 said:Sweety, I'm not an Elvis fan. I would say I am probably more of a fan of Michael in fact.
The difference is you are speaking about what you know against someone who knows BOTH.
Past few days is some kind of evidence to you. Sweety, he just died. Of course there is traffic the past few days.
For an intelligent girl you say the dumbest things. Think before you post.
Hostile;2824917 said:You're proving my point. You don't even realize that do you?
Ali knocked out Foreman in his prime, one of the most impressive things I've ever seen in sports.tecolote;2824928 said:You and a whole lot of people, I was too young to fully appreciate Ali, must have been amazing.
I meant to be sarcastic, not condescending. I would like to point out I also called her very intelligent.WoodysGirl;2824933 said:You sound very condescending Hos with all that sweety, talk...and it's not a good look.
I'm not even suggesting who will be bigger. I haven't heard/seen anything of Elvis in years, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have his fans and isn't still bringing in millions.
Truthfully, him dying young actually helped his earning power considering his spiral into drugs. I give much props to Priscilla for pushing his memory decades after his death.
As for MJ, while many may talk about his debt, he still has assets that his children will earn plenty from over the years. I have a feeling Mike's death is going to revive the old Jackson clan...and money will be made hand over fist. It's just a matter of how his family pushes his memory.
Maikeru-sama;2824906 said:I'm not claiming that you are saying he isn't an icon.
Im just chiming in on the question on who was bigger, Elvis or Michael.
You say Elvis, I say Michael.
You just said your Dad hadn't heard of Elvis. Now, only because he is living in the United States after Elvis' death?VietCowboy;2824937 said:I have no idea what you mean. My dad knows of Elvis because he is now living in the US. Otherwise, I doubt it. If you go abroad, you will find many more people know MJ and his legacy than Elvis. Even one of the funniest and most popular Indian music video is a translated version of MJ's thriller.
Yes, you called her intelligent, but the sarcasm didn't translate.Hostile;2824941 said:I meant to be sarcastic, not condescending. I would like to point out I also called her very intelligent.
No one's denying either are icons. The question is who would be more of a legacy in 20 years. Elvis's estate has had 32 years to cultivate his legacy into a money-making machine.Elvis has been dead since 1977. Every August AMC or TCM has Elvis movies all month long. 32 years later.
Graceland is a national stop. Maybe Neverland will be too. Probably will.
You cannot possibly deny that it is entirely more easy to get Michael footage today than it ever was to get Elvis footage. Elvis was in a time of no MTV. No music videos. People were scared to death of Rock n Roll. No one is afraid of music like they were in Elvis day with the hip shaking and gyrations.
He was so big the Ed Sullivan Show had to book him. They had to or risk being thought of as defunct. So instead of showing Elvis as a whole, they showed him from the waste up. Trying to protect America from a man dancing on stage.
I don't have to be an Elvis fan to realize the impact he had.
He did this when there were 3 television networks. Not cable and satellite conglomerates. When he joined the Army it was the biggest news in the world. When he cut his hair and sideburns people lost their minds.
It's a real simple equation really. Less active and just as big. You cannot possibly be trying to tell me the coverage capabilities for Elvis' day are the same as today. I am sorry that I think the capabilities of today's media make icons smaller, but I do.
Michael is still an icon. I am not suggesting he is not. That would be ludicrous.
I don't think he would be as huge as he is without MTV. I do think Elvis would have been even bigger if he could have had MTV. it is really just that simple. Michael had more ways to get the exposure he did by miles and miles of avenues.
To deny this is foolish.
Hostile;2824943 said:You just said your Dad hadn't heard of Elvis. Now, only because he is living in the United States after Elvis' death?
Make up your mind. Had he heard of Elvis before coming to America or not? If you say he had not I am going to doubt that very much.
Of course MJ's family can generate more money in the same time as Elvis has been dead. It's called inflation.WoodysGirl;2824948 said:Yes, you called her intelligent, but the sarcasm didn't translate.
No one's denying either are icons. The question is who would be more of a legacy in 20 years. Elvis's estate has had 32 years to cultivate his legacy into a money-making machine.
Sadly MJ's estate now has the opportunity to cultivate his legacy, as well. And considering how much he's earned/lost over the years, I think MJ could probably could make more...due to all the available earning potential out there as well as his entire family's ability to make money off him.
As to whose memory could elevate their legacy in people's eyes, I think it'll be a matter of generational perception.