MNF- Bills vs Bengals

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If commish don’t cancel this travesty....he will catch hell like he’s never seen before

And he should. He has the power to say, we cannot have a game tonight. Play it on another day. Back the playoffs another week. So, they can finish the season. Just can't understand why a decision has not been made yet.
If they continued playing,...could you imagine Troy and Joe being on the mics, and going back to being an entertaining TV persona? That would actually be harder than playing football probably
I could care less about either one of them. Focus is on the player that just left the field.
Goodell will confer with the teams as to play or not. At this point, probably not a good idea to continue. It has been almost an hour. The players will not and can not give the same effort.

Delay it until tomorrow and pick up at the same point. Then the games they play on Sunday, delay until Monday possibly.

That seems/sounds doable.
The more this goes on, the more I feel that our worst fears are the reality.
This is what concerns me about it. I am a heart patient and I have a defibrillator implant plus a pacemaker and 2 LE leads with 4 stents
My defibrillator has gone off 4 times and it kicks my head back while knocking me down exactly like the kid tonight. Seeing that was very disturbing for me because the kid has no equipment implants. The head kicking back before dropping is straight up heart attack stuff
The young man is heavy in my evening prayers

I've seen this. When the heart converts to ventricular fibrillation, which is a non-pulsing rhythm, patients have what is called a "vfib seizure". It's short lasting, and we are able to shock the rhythm immediately.
I CANNOT stand him!!! this isnt a time for hot takes this is a mans life we dont know if hes alive or not and hes worried about standings

idc if its the superbowl call it

That was definitely done in poor taste. Who cares about football right now? The games will still be played eventually.
Just looked to see what the league did when Chuck Hughes died on the field in 1971. Only 1:02 lesft in the game when it happened. Believe they finished it. He had undiagnosed heart problem.
When I was in 5th grade, playing little league, I was standing just outside the dugout fence, not paying attention, and caught a hard line drive foul ball right in the middle of my chest. I came to with people gathered around me and my friends mom, who was an RN, giving me what she called a "Heart Massage". I don't think there was even such a thing as CPR in those days or they would have performed it on me. Friends said I wasn't breathing for a little bit but finally started gasping for air.

I guess my point is, sometimes things can be scary and look tragic, but turn out alright. So there's always hope.
They can delay the game one day. Give the players a chance to cope, talk to anyone they need for support. Ideally find out about Hamlin’s condition and try to get their heads back and emotionally ready to play again tomorrow night.
More disrespectful than having announcers sit around and just discuss the situation on repeat over and over again? Stop it.
I can understand having announcers give an update as people are hearing about it and are tuning in. But have two-minute segments, updating what happen and what's going on. Then move on to something else.
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